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Old 10-07-2023, 16:30   #49
The Invisible Woman
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Re: Multiculturalism is dangerous

Originally Posted by Russ View Post
I’ve done my best to STFU in this thread but reading through it I just can’t hold it in anymore.

Multiculturalism is not a bad thing. Neither is it a good thing.

It is simply a “thing”. It happens. It goes on and pretty much always has done in this country to varying degrees but of course it only becomes a ‘problem’ when those pesky brown people ‘come over here and cause problems’.

Firstly multiculturalism has been part of the UK for centuries. For example if you’re a big-city dweller and you went and lived in the mountains and valleys of deepest darkest mid-Wales you’d experience some real cultural shifts. Someone going the opposite direct would too.

This knife culture by certain urban chavs is virtually unheard of where I live (near Swansea).

Imagine someone who had lived in the Shetland isles all their life moving to Peckham. Or Soho. Or Knightsbridge. Or vice versa.

Multiculturalism has happens in this country probably ever since the Romans turned up. Maybe even before.

It really grinds my gears when someone from a culturally-different country to the UK gets arrested/prosecuted and people comment on his/her heritage. What’s the problem, do you demand ALL criminals in the UK be white and third-generation British only?? You get crime gangs in just about every city in the work, here included.

And if you’re one of the types who has particular vitriol saved especially for those who come from “brown” countries then you and I have a BIG problem.

Do I expect you to care? Course not, block me on here, job done.

And no, I’m no virtue signalling hand-wringing lefty. As some of you know my son is half Indian so is clearly not white. I don’t get along with his British Indian mother anymore (other than cordial discussions about our son) but I would defend her to the death if she was getting crap off people due to her perceived ‘culture’ (for the record she doesn’t even consider herself Indian. Sure she has the skin tone and features but feels about as Indian as I do).

Her parents however were immigrants, worked hard all their lives and paid their taxes, my son’s maternal grandfather only recently having to need to call on the NHS. In their home they maintain Indian culture just as they should be allowed to.

But have they, or any of their children/grandchildren caused any ‘multicultural’ problem? A big ‘eff no’. And during the 4/5 years I lived in Leicester with her did I ever encounter any problems caused by multiculturalism? NO.

Am I suggesting that all those coming to this country are angels? Of course not. But would stopping them coming seriously reduce crime? Saying yes to that is about as believable as anything that comes from Boris’ gob.

Rant over.
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