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Old 04-07-2022, 12:24   #4202
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Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by TheDaddy View Post
The result was due to lies, the fact we're here talking about it proves it, where are the sunlit uplands, where is the German car industry not standing for it, what's happened to the fishermen and farmers who were promised the earth and now don't have jobs or businesses, I'm no remaniac as I don't want us going back in after all this but at the same time I want the people responsible to be held account, Where's the 40 million Turks that were on their way here, they get lost or something and the government was given such a democratic mandate to get this sorted, Where's the oven ready deal, instead all we're getting is it's the EUs fault because we never expected then to sign the deal, wtf what sort of reckless incompetent cretin would take a chance like that, we're only going to break international law in a limited way, wtf it's still breaking it cretin, that victorian hat stand has spent months looking for a brexit dividend and got so desperate he resorted to asking The Sun readers for their's but he made sure he got his dividend by opening up an office in the EU.

You might have been prepared for economic pain but how many of the 52% were, they were promised no pain, they were only promised better and this is not better
It proves nothing of the sort. Brexit isn’t a result on lies, remember there was LIES on both sides of the fence, both weighted to gain extra votes, so each other’s lies cancelling each other’s out. If here had been just the one Democratic exercise, the Brexit vote itself, you could have a valid point. However, several Democratic exercises later, the last, 3 years ago, giving the party that said it would get Brexit done, largest majority in a long time. None of the Anti-Brexit MPs who left Tory/Labour party prior to GE in 2019, kept their seats. Liberal Democrats who said they’d reverse Brexit, lost their leader, if the country really really wanted to stop Brexit, why didn’t every Liberal Democrat candidate, in most seats win?

We need to stop repeating the “lies” tropes. Brexit vote was legitimate.
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