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Old 28-10-2021, 12:45   #62
Just a Geek
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Re: Catholic Church admits Bible is BS

Originally Posted by tweetiepooh View Post
A major difference between a humanistic/naturalist/atheistic world view and a "religious" one is that of consequences.

In the former following or not following doesn't really matter but the latter will usually have an eternal perspective. If you believe that following your world view will lead to an eternity of punishment or better that following it will lead to an eternity of blessing then you are going to do the best you can to bring up your children in a way that will encourage the choice of eternal blessing. But children as they grow will make their own minds up. My son is growing in his faith but my daughter has moved away (sad).
The whole idea of hell and eternal punishment is one of the things that led me away from an orthodox religion. I always believed there was more to life and that there was something out there more than this. Never accepted science as I always questioned beyond their constructs.

I believe that Yahweh/Jehovah is a righteous God and he would not damn man to eternal suffering and I also believe that Satan will not be rewarded with an eternity. I believe that Satan and those who follow him will simply end their existence leaving those who follow Christ will be rewarded with everlasting life on Earth. And all of us who pray using the format of the model prayer pray for that
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