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Old 30-12-2019, 21:41   #44
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Re: Official Star Wars Saga

Originally Posted by Stephen View Post
I think they had a lot of work to fix some of the story and plot issues that appeared because of The Last Jedi. Those parts of the film took a while to clear up. So sadly less time was left for actually finishing the movie.
There are absolutely no story or plot “issues” in The Last Jedi. It is an excellent film that even improves when re-watched (I just watched episodes 4-8 in preparation for my cinema trip today).

What Episode 8 does is to **** from a great height on a lot of nerdy fan theories. It is a very subversive film and all the better for it, much as the Empire Strikes Back was in its day. It’s hard to remember the shock Episode 5 aroused at the time, devoting as it did 2 hours to watching our heroes getting chased across the galaxy and having their arses handed to them multiple times. Yet it has come to be seen as a rare instance of a sequel that out-does the original.

Then, in The Last Jedi, setting up the idea that the Jedi might have been hoarding something that properly belonged to everyone, and suggesting that Rey might actually be a nobody, were master strokes that broadened and deepened the Star Wars universe and took the story in innovative, interesting new directions.

Whether or not Abrams really has retconned much of The Last Jedi in Rise of Skywalker quite as much as some suggest is questionable. There has been a lot of clever marketing around this new film, not all of it positive, pandering to the idiot fanboys who are still feeling the dark side of the butthurt just because their stupid, elaborate internet theories and their favourite obscure trivia about Grand Admiral Thrawn from some early 1990s spin off novel weren’t taken up and validated in The Last Jedi. They have certainly been allowed to believe that Abrams has “rescued” the franchise, but given the negative fanboy reaction to The Last Jedi they probably had little choice but to market The Rise of Skywalker along those lines. Yet we have to remember that Disney stands behind Star Wars now; it paid a king’s ransom for the franchise and it immediately announced the Skywalker saga was to be completed with another trilogy. It is frankly inconceivable that there was no grand plan for where the story was going from the outset. You just don’t pay $4 billion for something without knowing exactly what you plan to do to safeguard the investment.

What was said about Rey’s parents in The Last Jedi was true - from a certain point of view. And
considering that the prequel trilogy established that Palpatane was the one who resurrected the Sith and started decades of turmoil in the galaxy, there is a very pleasing symmetry in his final denouement coming at the end of the final film. There is absolutely zero chance that this had not been discussed prior to the first story meetings for The Rise of Skywalker, and it is likewise vastly unlikely that Rey’s connection to the grand narrative of the saga had never been considered in detail.
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