Thread: Pronouns
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Old 18-08-2022, 12:52   #46
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Re: Pronouns

Originally Posted by mrmistoffelees View Post
If at the time of presentation you're asked to use a specific set of pronouns then what is the harm in using them as requested?

Why is the number of gender states so important to you that the quantity becomes preposterous ?
Sorry … nice try but no cigar.

I speak English; I refer to individuals as ‘he’ or ‘she’. This is based on a prima facie determination of an individual’s biological sex. That is normal and has been so for millennia. I understand the strategy of attempting to make the revolution appear to be the reasonable proposition, but it isn’t - most especially if it presents itself as individuals making choices about themselves but seeks ultimately to compel others to change their behaviour (in this case, their speech).

The absurdity of critical gender theory doesn’t lie in a specific number of supposed gender states but in its elevation of these psychological states above the fundamentals of human biology and the linguistic contortions required by a vast number of unaffected individuals, to accommodate it.

Ultimately critical gender theory is just another theory of self. Freud had a stab at producing one and his was wildly influential in its time, but it’s almost entirely discredited today. This too shall pass - either that or our grandchildren will be so hung up on what they are that they forget that it takes a man to fertilise a woman and a woman to birth a baby, the birth rate will fall off a cliff and the world will carry on with only those cultures that didn’t allow themselves to be so distracted.
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