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Old 10-03-2023, 12:41   #7583
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Re: Moans and Pet Hates - Part 8

Originally Posted by peanut View Post
With my GP practice, I order my prescriptions online using 'SystemOnline' also with this I can look at all my notes from my GP and consultants. Using this I can print out all I need and use as evidence, this really helped my case.

From what I can gather is whatever you put on the forms, if it isn't backed up with evidence it gets ignored. So if you put you have anxiety, if you GP doesn't know this or if it's not 'diagnosed' then you don't have it in their eyes.

If you don't have access, then you can pay to get all your medical notes printed out and use that if it will help.

As with depression, you should be diagnosed and given a proper diagnosis, with a code number. For I have F33.2 and diagnosed. Too many people state they have depression and anxiety but never seen a GP about it let alone a mental health professional, then wonder why what they've said doesn't get taken into account.
I was first diagnosed with both conditions way back in the early 90s but this was just a Doctors diagnosis. I have had counselling and CBT but tbh my Doctors over the years have been pretty useless in getting me any real diagnosis ie through a Psychiatrist. The last time they tried to "help" I had to call a number then get triaged over the phone which I find unbelievable and ended up in CBT which helped a little but then the pandemic hit and all the good it did quickly vanished. I guess from what you say there then I am pretty much stuffed as far as points for mental health so I guess I will have to hope my physical health will be enough
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