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Old 10-03-2023, 11:38   #7581
Just a Geek
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Jaymoss has a bronzed appealJaymoss has a bronzed appeal
Jaymoss has a bronzed appealJaymoss has a bronzed appealJaymoss has a bronzed appealJaymoss has a bronzed appealJaymoss has a bronzed appealJaymoss has a bronzed appealJaymoss has a bronzed appealJaymoss has a bronzed appealJaymoss has a bronzed appealJaymoss has a bronzed appealJaymoss has a bronzed appealJaymoss has a bronzed appealJaymoss has a bronzed appealJaymoss has a bronzed appealJaymoss has a bronzed appeal
Re: Moans and Pet Hates - Part 8

Originally Posted by peanut View Post
As long as you've got evidence to back up what you put on the forms then they can't dispute anything. Yes you put everything down as if it's your worse day, that's a given, even though you're still being honest.

You have to look and try to answer every question on the form because they are 'loaded questions' designed to make you fail if you answer them all as the form expects you to. This is one of the main reasons why people fail, that and not supplying enough evidence. The size of the boxes you write your response in are small because they want to you write yes/no or 1 sentence to fit the boxes. You will fail if you comply to that. 1 question should be half a page or more, more the better so ignore the space, just put continued on page xx. etc etc etc.
Evidence is an issue in as much as it is all on record but not in my hands. You can see my issues with your own eyes and I can provide far to many ESA assessments finding me unfit for work on the first visit plus my anti anxiety meds but there is nothing I can provide.

As someone who also suffers clinical depression I have also kept myself isolated. It is only now my health has declined I have no option but to seek 3rd party help. It will be months before anything comes of this so I am trying not to get anxious about it

My mental condition stems from having Encephalitis when I was 6 years old which basically left me susceptible to these conditions and I guess what they would call PTSD now from being physically abused by my mother. So it has been a life long battle. My earlier issues on this forum with how I interacted with a couple of members is also part of it
Is your muffin buttered? Would you like me to assign someone to butter your muffin?
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