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Old 02-05-2018, 20:20   #81
Posts: n/a
Re: Bakers who refused to make 'gay cake' say they felt 'victimised'

The baker's are christians and parts of christianity still oppose gay lifestyles and anything to do with gays so they were expressing their religious belief something that people are supposed to be able to do in this country or is it only islam that gets that freedom these days. There was absolutely no practical reason they couldn't have gone to another bakery without causing all this and as for the "why should they" part well in short no right is greater then another some might be more trendy but they are not more valuable.

It seems these days that people protest for rights they agree with whilst being happy to ignore the rights of others they don't agree with and just demonstrates how hypocritical society is becoming. This was a couple of faith asked to do something their faith opposed so they exercised their religious freedom only it's not a freedom now because christianity isn't one of those trendy things these days.
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