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Old 31-08-2011, 13:38   #846
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TheDon has reached the bronze age
TheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze age

Originally Posted by Russ View Post
Actually I've only just seen this week's Raw, there was only one 'moment' that I could see and that was the headscissors - which I wouldn't call a botch, it was more sloppy than anything else. Not as bad as Mistico's level of botch anyway.

In any case it seems like they're turning him heel now, his seemingly botch-free match with Daniel Bryan was pretty good if too short.
There were a couple more less obvious ones, mostly positioning problems. How can you not call that headscissors a botch? It was so much of a botch it's cut from the WWE videos of the match. If it was a normal smackdown it'd have been reshot.

The Daniel Bryan match didn't have any obvious botches, but it was pretty lack luster as well. None of the high tempo stuff Sin Cara v1 was bought in for.

The heel turn also seems to be setting it up for Sin Cara v Sin Cara, despite the rumours he still hasn't been released.

I just don't get WWE booking though, Sin Cara v Bryan is a match that just shouldn't of happened. Neither can afford to take a loss, Bryan is buried so deep in the roster now I can't remember the last time he won a match, yet he's meant to be a future heavyweight champion? and Sin Cara is losing what little pop he had due to his matches not being anywhere near as high paced as they were with Sin Cara v1.

They should be building Bryan up yet they keep feeding him to people.
Same problem with Barret, what's the point of throwing him into a squash match with Cena? It wasn't even anywhere close to being evenly fought, just a straight forward squash.

Then there's the sheamus booking, ok he wins again Khali via DQ, I don't think Khali should be anywhere near the ring to start with but that doesn't matter here... and then destroys not just Khali who's meant to be a giant, but Jinder as well?

The whole of super smackdown was one huge let down IMO. The main event had an obvious conclusion, they couldn't extend the feud any longer after already lining up Mark Henry for night of champions, AND advertising Orton as the champ on the posters. The entire booking of the Orton Christian feud had been dreadful. So one sided in the results, and now they've firmly buried Christian in the mid card despite him being one of the best workers in the company, far far better than Orton.

Getting bored of CM Punk now as well, what heat he had has disappeared as we've got to see the same promo constantly since his return with no movement on anything, other than him being squeezed out the title race to instead fight retired superstars. WWE need to learn how to show not tell because repeating the same things over and over again isn't convincing anyone that stuff is changing.
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