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Kymmy 04-09-2008 10:37

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by DocDutch (Post 34630357)
gotta be quick...


---------- Post added at 19:47 ---------- Previous post was at 19:44 ----------

am a bit shocked tho.... as what the game has been out for 6 months and still that price :O

I saw it for $39.99 on the american Direct2Drive site (down from $49.99 until monday) this was wednesday morning so I assumed it was next monday but adding it to the basket it came up as the higher price. They removed the special label/price that afternoon, had a right moan at thier customer services and have now got $5 credited to the account but they say I still can;t have it at $39.99 so I'll wait for a bit...

It's bound to drop soon as the UK stores are starting to offer it at £23.99 though steam in the US have it up for $64.99??? and they'll charge an extra $5 in tax for a UK purchase :(

DocDutch 04-09-2008 13:41

Re: what game are you playing
lol... just buy it from fleabay Kymmy or yeah just wait till its cheap on steam (2 years time probably)

Kymmy 04-09-2008 14:15

Re: what game are you playing
Never been a lover of buying games on ebay, there's still a lot of warez on therre professionally done but unplayable on-line :(

dilli-theclaw 04-09-2008 18:50

Re: what game are you playing
Quake - on my iPod touch :)

Kymmy 04-09-2008 22:16

Re: what game are you playing
OK, tonight playing COD4 proves that I shoudl stick to playing UT99, UT2K4 and UT3 sniper :)

Actually I wasn;t too bad for someone that's not played COD4MP before tonighyt ;) Just need to learn the maps and learn that the guys cheat on TS ;) :p:

As that over paid actor come politition says...


DocDutch 04-09-2008 22:29

Re: what game are you playing
Kymmy we can sort you out on the TS I think.... would have to check with Rob but he wont mind. come over to the nthw forum ;)

we promise to play nice :p:

---------- Post added at 22:29 ---------- Previous post was at 22:27 ----------

also I promise not to stab you that much anymore:angel:


dilli-theclaw 04-09-2008 22:30

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by DocDutch (Post 34632111)

we promise to play nice :p:


Do we crap lol ;)

DocDutch 04-09-2008 22:36

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Jefferson T (Post 34632115)
Do we crap lol ;)

oiiii Dilli dont ruin it otherwise she'll never come back again.:sniper:

Graham M 04-09-2008 22:52

Re: what game are you playing
I've been playing a lot of WoW again, thought I'd try it out again since they've made quite a few changes, I started a new character from scratch and found it really easy to get on the ladder, nice improvements IMO Blizzard :)

Kymmy 05-09-2008 09:05

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by DocDutch (Post 34632111)
also I promise not to stab you in the back that much anymore:angel:

Cowwected it for ya ;)

DocDutch 05-09-2008 09:51

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Kymmy (Post 34632246)
Cowwected it for ya ;)

I just couldnt help it... I just like knifing mods :D

at least on the server I can do it without getting into trouble.

Rob is expert at being a pin cushion.

dilli-theclaw 05-09-2008 10:01

Re: what game are you playing
I just like playing with me rocket :)

Kymmy 05-09-2008 10:10

Re: what game are you playing
Why do I get worried when JT starts talking about playing with his rocket????

dilli-theclaw 05-09-2008 10:12

Re: what game are you playing
I like my little rocket :) - although I have also been getting kils with my desert eagle recently too.

Incidentally - I just 'approved' you ;)

Kymmy 05-09-2008 11:22

Re: what game are you playing
I'm a sniper at heart, the problem though is that the COD4 maps we played last night aren't big enough to play the true sniper game...

Ravenheart 05-09-2008 11:34

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Graham M (Post 34632134)
I've been playing a lot of WoW again, thought I'd try it out again since they've made quite a few changes, I started a new character from scratch and found it really easy to get on the ladder, nice improvements IMO Blizzard :)

I started a new toon, an alliance Shammy, I've not enjoyed WoW this much in ages :)

mouqeet 05-09-2008 17:52

Re: what game are you playing
Fifa 08

rogerdraig 07-09-2008 01:19

Re: what game are you playing
Oblivion "The elder scolls IV"

smeagoly1 07-09-2008 13:41

Re: what game are you playing
Just got "Race Grid"........droooooools.

Pbryanw 07-09-2008 18:45

Re: what game are you playing
Mass Effect and it's bl**dy good apart from all the sub-quests. Plus I have a thing for sexy, blue aliens. ;)

Uncle Peter 16-09-2008 10:19

Re: what game are you playing
Been playing the GT-R Evolution expansion for Race07.. trying to manhandle the Koenigsegg CCX around the Nordschleife without dying ;)

NEONKNIGHT 16-09-2008 20:45

Re: what game are you playing
OVERLORD (xbox360) - missed this when first released and its a hoot!:D also started Eternal Sonata (Xbox360) again missed this when it was first released...interesting and a completely mad RPG :D


Will21st 16-09-2008 23:15

Re: what game are you playing
The Orange Box :nworthy:

GTA4 :sniper:

DocDutch 19-09-2008 15:47

Re: what game are you playing
Stalker Clear sky :) very nice looking game :D

icestar2 19-09-2008 16:04

Re: what game are you playing
Star Wars Force Unleashed

ZrByte 19-09-2008 22:36

Re: what game are you playing
Spore - Not as good as I was hoping but still very good and surprisingly addictive non the less.

Hom3r 20-09-2008 18:20

Re: what game are you playing
mercenaries 2 world in flames, 360

Great game just lost 4 hours of Saturday afternoon and have 4 achievements.

ginge51 21-09-2008 20:56

Re: what game are you playing
The games I've been playing of late are, team fortress 2, Stalker:clear sky's,spore, crysis warhead and pro evolution soccer 6.
I hope the new pro evo 09 will be a major improvement over 08.I've even pre-ordered fifa09;) , that's the 1st ever fifa game I've bought, looks good :)

Hom3r 23-09-2008 21:51

Re: what game are you playing
14 achievements in Merc 2 now.

Also playing Spore on the PC

LEGO Star Wars: TCS 360

DocDutch 24-09-2008 00:57

Re: what game are you playing
Colonization, stalker clear sky and if I have time left a bit of cod4.

smeagoly1 24-09-2008 14:01

Re: what game are you playing
Gone back to playing a bit of Rome Total War, then realised 3 hours later i was still playing it.

Uncle Peter 26-09-2008 22:49

Re: what game are you playing
Been playing Armed Assault with the latest patch. I can actually play it now without the PC BSOD-ing half way through every mission!

Roll on ArmA2 and Operation Flashpoint 2!

icestar2 26-09-2008 23:14

Re: what game are you playing
Crysis Warhead and Pure

kingbuxton 27-09-2008 15:57

Re: what game are you playing
Crysis Warhead - so far so good....but

...............just got to the Hovercraft bit, awful, hate stuff like that, ended up floating around in a circle with seemingly no way to go getting the crap shot out of me, utter garbage.

Will try again later, hopefully this is just a blip and not a return to the last 25% of Crysis?

---------- Post added at 15:57 ---------- Previous post was at 14:16 ----------

And another game destroyed by a completely shocking section that I would rather just skip than even bother with, the controls are terrible, it's bouncing all over the place, you can't see where you are going. The thing you are chasing is nothing short of comical. It vanishes off screen from time to time "We lost him" they say on the radio, a pathetic attempt at creating tension, then it reappears when you have lost some energy going in circles waiting for "We've found him".

And why have they made the games specs even higher? Most of us couldn't run the first one fully, this is even more demanding, like I am going to go spend £150 to drive a hovercraft that defies gravity :rolleyes:

zing_deleted 27-09-2008 16:27

Re: what game are you playing
Its only a short part of the game

I disagree I found Warhead a lot less stressful on my system than Crysis

I just finished both Crysis and Warhead. Just finished FEAR and replayed MoH Airborne. Need something new

Graham M 27-09-2008 16:41

Re: what game are you playing
Max Payne :D

dilli-theclaw 27-09-2008 16:42

Re: what game are you playing
I've just been playing pipemania :)

DocDutch 27-09-2008 16:59

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by David F (Post 34643685)
Its only a short part of the game

I disagree I found Warhead a lot less stressful on my system than Crysis

I just finished both Crysis and Warhead. Just finished FEAR and replayed MoH Airborne. Need something new

try Stalker Zing... it is worth it mate and you wont finish that game quickly either ;)

kingbuxton 27-09-2008 18:32

Re: what game are you playing

I just finished both Crysis and Warhead
HELP! Where am I going wrong, I chased that thing into the area with the frozen ships, it jumps over the top of it, vanishes! I can see the tracks on the ice where it has supposed to have gone, through some mines half in the ice. You go a bit further and there is a huge Alien ship fighting the bad guys, and some beach houses, some guys in Nano suits. The green dot indicating where this "Lee" bloke is I can't see any way of getting to. It appears to be up on top of the cliff at the back.


I disagree I found Warhead a lot less stressful on my system than Crysis
It runs like a dog for me (still on my 8800Gts). Got it set exactly as Crysis is set and it runs way worse, had to drop some detail to get it smooth, I can see where it has gone, HUGE open areas and the Gfx are amazing.

---------- Post added at 17:46 ---------- Previous post was at 17:20 ----------

It runs like a dog, does that work? Might be a Greyhound :dunce:

---------- Post added at 18:32 ---------- Previous post was at 17:46 ----------

Oh, I see. There is no finess, you just steam in, dive out and leg it up those stairs. The fact the bloke you are chasing just vanishes off the map is best forgotten I guess. I just struggled to the main base shooting those annoying Aliens only to have to kill a giant Alien, which I did, YES, I did, as the blokes meant to be helping are doing rock all but get in the way, it died, I killed off the last couple of little doods, something went bang, and I am dead.

They destroyed the last game once the Aliens/Ice appeared, and they got slated for it, so what do they do, the exact same thing :banghead:

Not impressed, good job it was only £15 or it would be going back.

icestar2 27-09-2008 18:52

Re: what game are you playing
I've just finished Crysis warhead and I have to say I really enjoyed it. Thought it was alot better than the first game. Cant complain really for £14.99 :) (Well maybe I can when it has SecuRom :( )

Kard 27-09-2008 19:10

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by kingbuxton (Post 34643710)
HELP! Where am I going wrong, I chased that thing into the area with the frozen ships, it jumps over the top of it, vanishes! I can see the tracks on the ice where it has supposed to have gone, through some mines half in the ice. You go a bit further and there is a huge Alien ship fighting the bad guys, and some beach houses, some guys in Nano suits. The green dot indicating where this "Lee" bloke is I can't see any way of getting to. It appears to be up on top of the cliff at the back.

There's a set of wooden stairs behind the huts, abandon the hovercraft and head up stairs ;)

Charlie_Bubble 27-09-2008 19:11

Re: what game are you playing
I am hopefully almost finished Mercenaries 2. It has to be one of the buggiest/achievement glitched games ever. Of course, it's not surprising when you know that EA are involved with it!

kingbuxton 27-09-2008 21:19

Re: what game are you playing

There's a set of wooden stairs behind the huts, abandon the hovercraft and head up stairs
Yeah, I saw it. You just pile in and leg it. I guess I was thinking about it way too much, I was trying to find the other bloke in the hovercraft, I came to the conclusion it had glitched when he just vanished into thin air.


I've just finished Crysis warhead and I have to say I really enjoyed it.
To the point you get on the Submarine, that was all great stuff. Once the Ice hits and the Aliens appear, again, it goes downhill, like Crysis did.

Sorry, but when the guy you are chasing just vanishes off the level, and that is a scripted event, shocking game design. Seems like they couldn't figure out how to end that section.

"How fortunate for "CRYTEK" that men do not think."
- Kingbuxton

icestar2 28-09-2008 00:39

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by kingbuxton (Post 34643824)
Sorry, but when the guy you are chasing just vanishes off the level, and that is a scripted event, shocking game design. Seems like they couldn't figure out how to end that section.

Dunno why that happened to you but I watched the hovercraft go off into a tunnel it didnt just vanish like you keep saying.

I also didnt take the root with the stairs I ran to the left and used the strength mode on the suit to jump up the rocks :)

zing_deleted 28-09-2008 05:05

Re: what game are you playing
I am looking forward to Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway and CoD 5 but I think I am gameless till then

kingbuxton 28-09-2008 13:33

Re: what game are you playing

Dunno why that happened to you but I watched the hovercraft go off into a tunnel it didnt just vanish like you keep saying.
Yeah, you kinda pick him up again in a bay with loads of ships on their sides, he jumps over one of them and that was the last I saw of him. Assumed it was a glitch and replayed the level and even went back to the shipyard and borded the Sub again, did it every time.

Really not enjoying it at all. Just cleared out the mine, and now it is another boring defend a position moment, the Aliens are just too hard (Not so much hard, more tedius) to kill, this is why I didn't like the original when they appeared. They take way too many hits to die and move about far to erratic for my liking.

I can't be doing with bits in games where you have to keep redoing it till you do it, lest you fluke it first go. Not a good game at all, not even for £15. I was close to grabbing a 4850 on Friday, so it could be worse.

alferret 28-09-2008 17:40

Re: what game are you playing
Just got my mits on GRID!!! OMG what an absolutely awesome game, especially as it plays maxed out on me PC an looks just as good as the 360 version.

WHISTLED 29-09-2008 19:15

Re: what game are you playing
Brothers in arms - rubbish!

Hom3r 29-09-2008 20:00

Re: what game are you playing
None Xbox Live is down :(

Callumpy 30-09-2008 00:04

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Hom3r (Post 34644669)
None Xbox Live is down :(

LOL! Same here :(

frogstamper 30-09-2008 01:06

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Hom3r (Post 34644669)
None Xbox Live is down :(

Its down for 24 hours of maintenance, also they are upgrading the servers for some undisclosed reason, which will become clear just before Christmas.

I just found this link concerning the upgrade, looks like we could be getting avatars like the PS3

KroNiiK 30-09-2008 01:09

Re: what game are you playing
Gear's Of War,
Lost Odyssey.

Callumpy 30-09-2008 16:32

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by frogstamper (Post 34644816)
Its down for 24 hours of maintenance, also they are upgrading the servers for some undisclosed reason, which will become clear just before Christmas.

I just found this link concerning the upgrade, looks like we could be getting avatars like the PS3

Yep... we are getting avatars and loads of other crap...

the new avatars look like Miis from Wii

smeagoly1 01-10-2008 13:54

Re: what game are you playing
Silent Hunter III, as i got it free when i bougth the missus her laptop.

She's rather worried that I want to buy a wolpack captains hat :) :)

Druchii 03-10-2008 13:58

Re: what game are you playing
Still World of Warcracft, going for my first Karazhan speedrun tonight :) 3hours and all bosses down is the target ;)

Nugget 03-10-2008 15:56

Re: what game are you playing
The Force Unleashed, which I'm really enjoying - particularly good for the expansion of Star Wars canon.

The only downside (although only a minor one in my opinion) is that it could have benefitted from being more of a 'sandbox'-type instead of the linear progession that it's got but, frankly, I think it's good anyway :)

dilli-theclaw 03-10-2008 15:58

Re: what game are you playing
I am sitting playing elite (bbc'b' version) on my laptop at my dad's :)

Right on commander!

Uncle Peter 03-10-2008 16:57

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Jefferson T (Post 34647145)
I am sitting playing elite (bbc'b' version) on my laptop at my dad's :)

Right on commander!

Found any space dredgers yet ? :D

dilli-theclaw 03-10-2008 17:00

Re: what game are you playing
Nah, lots of Hermits though ;)

And I don't know if it's down to the emulator I'm using but I seem to be getting a lot ofmi-jumps and ending up in a battle in which-space with thargoids.

Still once I take out the mothership I do get lots of alien items ;)

SB_07 05-10-2008 02:28

Re: what game are you playing
Fifa 09.

Tezcatlipoca 05-10-2008 19:41

Re: what game are you playing

LBP Beta, WipEout HD


Half-Life 2 (Orange Box) [really should get round to finishing it before LBP & Fable 2 come out later this month]

MadGamer 05-10-2008 22:14

Re: what game are you playing
Fifa 09

Callumpy 05-10-2008 23:52

Re: what game are you playing
Halo 3 :(

They have ruined it with the new ranking system

Tezcatlipoca 05-10-2008 23:53

Re: what game are you playing
I haven't played Halo 3 in ages.

btw, love your sig image, lol.

Callumpy 06-10-2008 00:00

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Matt D (Post 34648319)
btw, love your sig image, lol.

cheers, shame its so tacky and blurry

kryogenik 06-10-2008 20:23

Re: what game are you playing
Halo - the first one.

I was watching the VOD of Bravo's "Gamr" last night in the wee small hours. I was v e r y tired but there was some new Halo gameplay on it. Must have been Halo Wars?
Or I might have been dreaming. I should take another look.

icestar2 06-10-2008 20:32

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Matt D (Post 34648176)

LBP Beta

Made any levels yet matt ? if so let me know I'll have a go ;)

smeagoly1 07-10-2008 14:28

Re: what game are you playing
I was so bored with current titles i ended up raiding "abandonware" sites. Then rediscovered Elite and Frontier wooohooooo. My son thought i was so sad. So i hid his ps3 controler :) "so reeeeeeeeeeeespect to ELITE" hahaha when games where games and men still never grew up.

dilli-theclaw 07-10-2008 14:32

Re: what game are you playing
I didn't get on that well with elite II (I won't even discuss elite III)

But for a real retro version of elite you should get hold of elte:thenewkind which is a pretty faithfull reproduction of the BBC 'B' version.

The best version of Eliete in my opinion was on the archimides computer.

STONEISLAND 07-10-2008 14:34

Re: what game are you playing
WipEout HD quilety game!!!

Xan 07-10-2008 14:55

Re: what game are you playing
just gone back to playing this game Age Of Conan: Hyborian Adventures

Still my main game is eve-online

acemanuk 07-10-2008 16:09

Re: what game are you playing
painkiller, transformers and ratchet and clank 3

PeteTheMusicGuy 07-10-2008 16:20

Re: what game are you playing
Team Fortess 2 and I'm tempted to get Counterstrike :D. Try being a pyro after being out in the pub ;)

PC Virgin 07-10-2008 18:38

Re: what game are you playing
Fifa 09, Best out of Fifa games in my opinion :smokin:

Tezcatlipoca 07-10-2008 20:30

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by icestar2 (Post 34648711)
Made any levels yet matt ? if so let me know I'll have a go ;)

Hah, no, not yet. Only done a few of the tutorials.

I'll give it a go at some point, but I'm not very creative, unfortunately, so I think for me LBP will be all about playing the story levels & other people's levels.

NEONKNIGHT 07-10-2008 21:27

Re: what game are you playing
PURE and Eternal Sonata both on Xbox 360 format.


SB_07 07-10-2008 21:27

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by PC Virgin (Post 34649548)
Fifa 09, Best out of Fifa games in my opinion :smokin:

I agree. I was also a pro evo man until this year.

Hom3r 07-10-2008 21:47

Re: what game are you playing
Me and they guys from work are playing Battlefield 2 on our own private server.

zing_deleted 08-10-2008 22:36

Re: what game are you playing
Been playing Brothers in arms Hells Highway dont really like it

Callumpy 08-10-2008 22:42

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by David F (Post 34650527)
Been playing Brothers in arms Hells Highway dont really like it

it looks a bit crappy on the adverts, whats it like?

zing_deleted 08-10-2008 22:51

Re: what game are you playing
crappy lol seeing as its the Unreal engine the GFX are nice but they have not done a very good job if you ask me. The way you hold a sub machine gun just looks wrong . Changing direction when you run is poor. Plus I am not a great fan of squad games. Rainbow 6 vegas was simple I liked that but this its just nah

Callumpy 08-10-2008 23:02

Re: what game are you playing

Uncle Peter 12-10-2008 19:44

Re: what game are you playing
Pure on 360 keeping us off FIFA09 at the moment. Awesome game but will probably lack long term playability. Been waiting for something like this to fill the gap left by Motocross Madness :)

Tezcatlipoca 12-10-2008 20:11

Re: what game are you playing
Finally had another blast on the Orange Box today (HL2).

Ah, good old Gravity Gun saw blades vs zombies :D

mrmistoffelees 12-10-2008 20:18

Re: what game are you playing
Battlefield Bad Company and COD4 nothing better than taking down and acne ridden american youth with a perfectly placed headshot

peanut 16-10-2008 13:25

Re: what game are you playing
World of Goo.

What an excellent little game.

cimt 16-10-2008 14:07

Re: what game are you playing
Saints Row 2

icestar2 16-10-2008 14:09

Re: what game are you playing
Saints Row 2

PES 09

Avatis 22-10-2008 09:24

Re: what game are you playing
Warhammer online

Nanook 22-10-2008 16:25

Re: what game are you playing
Shawns Racing School mod in rFactor.

Hom3r 24-10-2008 20:30

Re: what game are you playing
About to play BF2 with some guys from work, later and tomorrow Far Cry 2.

icestar2 24-10-2008 21:00

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Hom3r (Post 34660850)
About to play BF2 with some guys from work, later and tomorrow Far Cry 2.

Far cry was out of stock were I buy from :( on the other hand I did get dead space today, Great game so thats what am playing at the moment.

Callumpy 26-10-2008 13:20

Re: what game are you playing
Unreal Tournament 3

need more achievements from it...

peanut 26-10-2008 13:30

Re: what game are you playing
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 - 360. (only £9.99 from :)

icestar2 26-10-2008 16:39

Re: what game are you playing
Picked up far cry 2 for PC yesterday so giving that a go. The graphics are stunning when running everything on Very High. Looks better that most the the trailers I've watched on it.

cimt 26-10-2008 17:47

Re: what game are you playing
Midnight Club: LA

Quite an hard game imo, atm if you crash then you're basically screwed. I'm at the beginning of the game though, so I don't have a top notch car - and I started off with an 80s Golf GTi. :erm:

Help!!! 26-10-2008 19:11

Re: what game are you playing
playing Saints row two at the moment, sweet game!!

antistar 26-10-2008 19:41

Re: what game are you playing
FIFA09 on PS3. Can't get used to all those new tricks.

Callumpy 26-10-2008 21:55

Re: what game are you playing
ewww, why am i playing halo 3

its awful!

pabscars 27-10-2008 12:17

Re: what game are you playing
COD 5 beta version, not bad, good graohics, crappy weapons sounds, poor respawn on free for all, but looks promising,

no COD 4 though,

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