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Mick 21-01-2021 11:46

US President Joe Biden
Moving on from the U.S Election and the Trump era. This thread is to discuss a brand new Administration and its policies good or bad. U.S President Joe Biden’s 100 days in office.

Already, he’s reversed several of Trump’s Executive Orders. Rejoined Paris Accord and W.H.O.

He has also controversially revoked the Keystone pipeline permit, which has somewhat angered Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. This reverse of policy could lead to 11,000 job losses. It is reported Biden’s first foreign leader call is with Trudeau on Friday.

Chris 21-01-2021 12:27

Re: President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office
The pipeline thing is unfortunate, but ultimately due to a failing way back in the earliest planning stages to acknowledge the US federal government’s long running, poor record when it comes to respecting the reservations they themselves set up for indigenous peoples. It’s understandable that his first phone call is with Trudeau because there’s a pressing mess to sort out with him and granting him the symbolically important first call hopefully signals a willingness to find a different solution.

Mick 21-01-2021 12:49

Re: President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office
The bust of Winston Churchill is gone from Oval Office that Trump put back in 2017, but it goes during a revamp yesterday.

Hugh 21-01-2021 13:05

Re: President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 36067400)
The bust of Winston Churchill is gone from Oval Office that Trump put back in 2017, but it goes during a revamp yesterday.

Here's an article about what is in the re-decorated Oval Office - one thing I didn't know was that the Churchill bust (by the sculptor Epstein) was first lent to George W Bush in 2001 by the British Government for the duration of his term(s).


The bust in question, by British sculptor Jacob Epstein, was given to President George W Bush by the British government and was placed in the Oval Office. But the statue was not donated, it was simply on loan for Bush’s term in office (a loan which the British government decided to extend when Bush was re-elected in 2004). Churchill disappeared from the White House in 2009, when the loan ended at the same time that Obama moved in.

So how was the White House able to claim in 2012 that the bust was still there? When writing the blogpost, the then communications director Dan Pfeiffer simply neglected to mention the fact that there are two Churchill busts – the one on loan to Bush from 2001 to 2009, and a second bust which the White House has had since the 1960s and still has to this day – a fact which Pfeiffer later had to clarify in an at the end of the post.

heero_yuy 21-01-2021 14:26

Re: President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office

Quote from The Sun: ANTIFA mobs clashed with cops as rioters vandalized the HQ of the Oregon Democrats, burned American flags outside state capitols and chanted anti Joe Biden slurs during a series of protests held on Inauguration Day.

Hundreds of members of the militant left-wing-group gathered in cities across the US yesterday as cops were forced to fire tear gas as protests erupted into violence and vandalism.

A chilling message on a protest banner carried by Antifa activists in Portland, Oregon, read "We don't want Biden, we want revenge".

The anarchists marched on the Democratic Party HQ in the city, smashing windows and vandalizing the building as they left destruction in their wake.
Going to be interesting how Biden deals with this. Trump sent in the Natonal Guard.

Hugh 21-01-2021 14:33

Re: President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 36067404)
Going to be interesting how Biden deals with this. Trump sent in the Natonal Guard.

The President (whoever they are) can't send in the National Guard (except in DC) - only the State Governor has that authority.

Chris 21-01-2021 14:39

Re: President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 36067404)
Going to be interesting how Biden deals with this. Trump sent in the Natonal Guard.

The Capitol is Federal property and the authorities had lost control of it. However, even then it was the Virginia national guard that was the first to be activated, and that was at the request of Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat Speaker of the House of Representatives, precisely because Trump delayed authorising the deployment of the DC National Guard (the only Guard directly under presidential control). Virginia is presently controlled by a Democrat governor.

The unrest in Portland isn't comparable in this respect with what happened in DC, and any attempt to use it to contrast Trump and Biden, or tactics dealing with left versus right wing protests, is entirely spurious. This will be dealt with by civilian police, as you would expect in any democracy with a civilian government, unless and until it gets beyond their ability to control.

Mad Max 21-01-2021 15:21

Re: President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 36067400)
The bust of Winston Churchill is gone from Oval Office that Trump put back in 2017, but it goes during a revamp yesterday.

Not to worry, he'll replace it with one of Gerry Adams.

Damien 21-01-2021 15:40

Re: President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office
Replace it with a bust of Noel Edmonds or he is no friend of Britain.

Mad Max 21-01-2021 15:43

Re: President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 36067412)
Replace it with a bust of Noel Edmonds or he is no friend of Britain.


Mick 21-01-2021 16:16

Re: President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36067409)
The Capitol is Federal property and the authorities had lost control of it. However, even then it was the Virginia national guard that was the first to be activated, and that was at the request of Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat Speaker of the House of Representatives, precisely because Trump delayed authorising the deployment of the DC National Guard (the only Guard directly under presidential control). Virginia is presently controlled by a Democrat governor.

The unrest in Portland isn't comparable in this respect with what happened in DC, and any attempt to use it to contrast Trump and Biden, or tactics dealing with left versus right wing protests, is entirely spurious. This will be dealt with by civilian police, as you would expect in any democracy with a civilian government, unless and until it gets beyond their ability to control.

I do not know what you been reading but that is factually incorrect Chris.

Read here as to why there was National Guard delays on 6th Jan.

I also do not know how you can say that it cannot be compared, in Portland last year, and many other Democrat controlled cities, many many businesses were destroyed by the left and BLM activists, in DC none were.

The destruction and violence from the left is far far worse than what happened in DC. Yeah they got in to the Capitol building, yeah windows got smashed and offices ransacked but the building still stands because the perpetrators were eventually stopped, this cannot be said for the many businesses burned to the ground by lefty activists and when Trump wanted to send the National Guard in to stop the looting and burning, these Democrat **** governors would not seek his offer of help.

It is totally hypocritical for them now to claim Trump delayed the NG when they dithered and delayed allowing them in to their burning cities.

Chris 21-01-2021 16:34

Re: President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 36067416)
I do not know what you been reading but that is factually incorrect Chris.

Read here as to why there was National Guard delays on 6th Jan.

Helpfully, the link you provided shows I am factually correct, there were delays, and also why the delays occurred. It helpfully references a previous story on the same website that details repeated refusals from the Department of Defense (I.e. the Pentagon, at that time under Trump administration control) to allow National Guard troops from neighbouring states to enter DC. That particular complaint came from the Republican governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan.


I also do not know how you can say that it cannot be compared, in Portland last year, and many other Democrat controlled cities, many many businesses were destroyed by the left and BLM activists, in DC none were.

The destruction and violence from the left is far far worse than what happened in DC. Yeah they got in to the Capitol building, yeah windows got smashed and offices ransacked but the building still stands because the perpetrators were eventually stopped, this cannot be said for the many businesses burned to the ground by lefty activists and when Trump wanted to send the National Guard in to stop the looting and burning, these Democrat **** governors would not seek his offer of help.

It is totally hypocritical for them now to claim Trump delayed the NG when they dithered and delayed allowing them in to their burning cities.
It’s certainly in order to compare levels of violence between different activist groups, but in a country like the USA where political control is so decentralised and there is so little central control even within political parties it is very difficult to claim different treatment of one group or another represents hypocrisy.

In any case my point was quite a narrow one: Trump had the opportunity to directly influence events in DC because it was in his gift to rapidly authorise National Guard units to intervene. Biden does not have any power that would allow him to influence riot control in Oregon. The US system just doesn’t work like that.

nomadking 21-01-2021 16:38

Re: President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office
It is quite obscene that the BLM violence and the murders that ensued(including an 8 year old girl) are not only perfectly ok, but people who criticise them tend to be sacked or forced to resign.
Talking about "democracy" having spent more than 4 years desperately by every nasty way to overturn it.
TV presenters can talk about "non-melanated people" and "annihilation" of them, and can keep their jobs as long as they apologise to Jews.

The woke re-education "camps" are going to proliferate even more.

In order to be considered “accomplices,” White employees must give up “comfort,” “guaranteed physical safety,” “expectations or presumptions of emotional safety,” “control over other people and over the land,” and “relationships with some other white people.”
White employees were also urged to give up “niceties from neighbors and colleagues,” “the certainty of your job,” and “accepting jobs and promotions when we are not qualified, including racial equity jobs.”
That is what is at stake.
And it is also going on here in the UK. Not quite the same level, yet.

Hugh 21-01-2021 16:43

Re: President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office

Originally Posted by nomadking (Post 36067419)
It is quite obscene that the BLM violence and the murders that ensued(including an 8 year old girl) are not only perfectly ok, but people who criticise them tend to be sacked or forced to resign.
Talking about "democracy" having spent more than 4 years desperately by every nasty way to overturn it.
TV presenters can talk about "non-melanated people" and "annihilation" of them, and can keep their jobs as long as they apologise to Jews.

The woke re-education "camps" are going to proliferate even more.
That is what is at stake.
And it is also going on here in the UK. Not quite the same level, yet.

Yes, because it's just like Cambodia in the 70s.

Get a grip...

Mick 21-01-2021 16:48

Re: President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36067418)
Helpfully, the link you provided shows I am factually correct, there were delays, and also why the delays occurred. It helpfully references a previous story on the same website that details repeated refusals from the Department of Defense (I.e. the Pentagon, at that time under Trump administration control) to allow National Guard troops from neighbouring states to enter DC. That particular complaint came from the Republican governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan.

It’s certainly in order to compare levels of violence between different activist groups, but in a country like the USA where political control is so decentralised and there is so little central control even within political parties it is very difficult to claim different treatment of one group or another represents hypocrisy.

In any case my point was quite a narrow one: Trump had the opportunity to directly influence events in DC because it was in his gift to rapidly authorise National Guard units to intervene. Biden does not have any power that would allow him to influence riot control in Oregon. The US system just doesn’t work like that.

Guard deployment is up to the Pentagon and Defence Secretary in DC, so no it was not delayed by Trump. That article does show you to be wrong because it says the delays were down to logistics and planning. Did not mention Trump at all in that article or him being the person to directly cause the delay.

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