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Charlie_Bubble 11-03-2009 14:33

Re: what game are you playing
BTW A warning to all. Last week I received Shellshock 2: Blood Trails on rental from Lovefilm. Avoid this PoS at all costs. It's like stepping back 5 years in gaming and it's truly an awful game. I'd give it 3/10 and that would be generous.

Callumpy 11-03-2009 15:53

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by cimt (Post 34749793)
Dude, you only buy games for the achievements? Stupid idea! :)

I'm starting to play Guitar Hero World Tour again.

Ive got a few good games with 1000G or more on them :p: i bought NBA to get my 20000th gamerscore

Also, i only have 400G from GH World Tour :(

demented 11-03-2009 17:56

Re: what game are you playing
Can I ask opinions on the Sega Mega Drive collection and the graphics (if altered at all) as two of you have mentioned it? Thinking of getting it :).

Callumpy 11-03-2009 18:06

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by demented (Post 34750378)
Can I ask opinions on the Sega Mega Drive collection and the graphics (if altered at all) as two of you have mentioned it? Thinking of getting it :).

lol, the graphics are like they were on megadrive, its quite a entertaining game though :).

icestar2 11-03-2009 18:21

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by demented (Post 34750378)
Can I ask opinions on the Sega Mega Drive collection and the graphics (if altered at all) as two of you have mentioned it? Thinking of getting it :).

The graphics are alot more crisp and clean than on the Mega drive as they are presented in HD (720P). Theres some excellent classics on the disc including the 3 streets of rage games and 4-5 sonic games. Think sonic 1,2,3, 3D and pinball oh and sonic and knuckles so I guess 5 then.

Would certainly recommend it if you liked the old mega drive games. Brings back some great memorys for me and well worth the £20-£25 you can pick it up for.

Some others I remember are on the disc is 2 echo the dolphin games, an alex the kidd, Alien storm, robocop VS terminator, golden axe 1,2,3 and many many more :)

you can see the full list Here

Callumpy 11-03-2009 18:38

Re: what game are you playing
Very easy 1000 gamerscore too :D

icestar2 11-03-2009 18:40

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Callumpy (Post 34750437)
Very easy 1000 gamerscore too :D

Lol, just . . . Lol

NEONKNIGHT 12-03-2009 20:54

Re: what game are you playing
Peggle :)

Tezcatlipoca 12-03-2009 21:22

Re: what game are you playing
What's Peggle?

cimt 12-03-2009 21:31

Re: what game are you playing
A new XBLA game, I think. I saw it on the dashboard earlier.

icestar2 12-03-2009 23:24

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by cimt (Post 34751374)
A new XBLA game, I think. I saw it on the dashboard earlier.

Yep, been around for a while though. Was a popcap game on PC if I remember rightly and its been around before that to am sure. Good fun at times :)

Currently playing Resident Evil 5 myself. After getting used to the controls am really enjoying it :)

Callumpy 12-03-2009 23:32

Re: what game are you playing
Played a bit of Fable 2, what a boring game!

So then played some Fifa Street 3 and got a couple hundred more gamerscore from it. I dont like foot ball either :p:

TheDaddy 13-03-2009 06:09

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Matt D (Post 34751362)
What's Peggle?

Some thing addictive IIRC

Callumpy 15-03-2009 23:26

Re: what game are you playing
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is playing itself at the moment, need more XP to get my elite rank and achievement

Stephen 15-03-2009 23:45

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Callumpy (Post 34754072)
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is playing itself at the moment, need more XP to get my elite rank and achievement

Young people these days!!! you are supposed to play games cause you enjoy them and want to get better not just cause it gets you easy gamerscore and can leave it to play itelf so you can rank up.

People like you disgust me!!!:mad::mad:

Playing Motorstorm 2, Fallout 3 and Sega Megadrive collection on PS3 and Fable 3 and Gears 2 on 360.

Callumpy 15-03-2009 23:46

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 34754088)
People like you disgust me!!!:mad::mad:


MadGamer 16-03-2009 00:01

Re: what game are you playing
Rock Band - Loving it, though the drums and guitar need more practice lol

Stephen 16-03-2009 00:05

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Callumpy (Post 34754089)

Erm of what:confused:

I am twice your age and been playing games since I was about 4 back on the Toshiba MSX but you probably don't know what that was.

I can play games and am good at them, I don't need to play just to get gamerscore. Mine is at 16,520.

frogstamper 16-03-2009 03:46

Re: what game are you playing
Am totally absorbed in Resi 5 at the moment, a truly superb game that has surprisingly lived up to all the hype.


Originally Posted by Stephan
I am twice your age and been playing games since I was about 4 back on the Toshiba MSX but you probably don't know what that was.

you young whippersnapper's don't know how lucky you are nowadays, my first console back in the day was "steam powered", and we were grateful only to be spanked four times daily.
Ahh those were the days...rickets, high child mortality, war, disease, pestilence and famine...but we were appy.:D:

Callumpy 16-03-2009 16:44

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 34754099)
Mine is at 16,520.

16,520 out of over 80,000

Mines 20,855 out of 43,000

icestar2 16-03-2009 17:08

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by frogstamper (Post 34754118)
Am totally absorbed in Resi 5 at the moment, a truly superb game that has surprisingly lived up to all the hype.

Agreed m8, I was hooked on it. After all the crap I seen getting thrown at it for its no run and fire I think it's my fav game this year. Always been a big resident evil fan and I think this one is brilliant to. Explains alot about the story of the whole RE series which I liked to. I'll say it again brilliant game :)

Just got my BF:Heroes beta key so will probably give that a try now.

---------- Post added at 17:08 ---------- Previous post was at 17:04 ----------


Originally Posted by Callumpy (Post 34754429)
16,520 out of over 80,000

Mines 20,855 out of 43,000

Lol Callumpy no offence intended here but I just dont get the point of all this "I've got more gamescore/trophies than you" I always have and always will play games for the fun of it and because I enjoy either the story or the online.

I never play looking to get gamescore. I just unlock what comes naturally as I go along. Tbh at the end of the days whats all them extra wasted hours trying to get massive gamescore going to get you ? Half the time its just making you do borning things that you wouldn't normally be arsed with.

Callumpy 16-03-2009 17:13

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by icestar2 (Post 34754460)
Lol Callumpy no offence intended here but I just dont get the point of all this "I've got more gamescore/trophies than you" I always have and always will play games for the fun of it and because I enjoy either the story or the online.

I never play looking to get gamescore. I just unlock what comes naturally as I go along. Tbh at the end of the days whats all them extra wasted hours trying to get massive gamescore going to get you ? Half the time its just making you do borning things that you wouldn't normally be arsed with.

Yes, sometimes i do annoying things to get some achievements, but sometimes it does actually make you play more into the game, at the moment ive been trying to get 1000 from Rainbow Six 2 and there is an achievement for 1000 kills, if that wasnt there i probably wouldnt play it as much.

And then there are some that i just cant be arsed to do like Seriously 2.0 on Gears of War 2. Kill 100,000 enemies, thats the only Gears 2 achievement i have left to get but im not going to sit there playing the brumak mission over and over like some people do.

Stephen 17-03-2009 09:15

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Callumpy (Post 34754429)
16,520 out of over 80,000

Mines 20,855 out of 43,000

That kind of proves my point. I play games as I enjoy them, not to collect every achievement. You are clearly playing certain games that have easy gamerscore and ones that let you cheat to get them, i.e. leaving the game to play by itself.

Yes it does make games more fun by having more reasons to play them, but I will not sit and try to claim every achievement.

Playing WWE Smackdown 2009(PS3) and Guitar Hero World Tour (360)

MadGamer 17-03-2009 11:05

Re: what game are you playing
Still playing Rock Band, I ordered 4200 MS Points from so I can download more songs to have a bash at

lauzjp 17-03-2009 14:27

Re: what game are you playing

somebody help me!!!! I am so rubbish at this game. PM me tips please! :dunce:

Callumpy 17-03-2009 15:38

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 34754873)
That kind of proves my point. I play games as I enjoy them, not to collect every achievement. You are clearly playing certain games that have easy gamerscore and ones that let you cheat to get them, i.e. leaving the game to play by itself.

Yes it does make games more fun by having more reasons to play them, but I will not sit and try to claim every achievement.

Playing WWE Smackdown 2009(PS3) and Guitar Hero World Tour (360)

Thats fair enough, but i do try to claim every achievement.

Playing: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

MadGamer 18-03-2009 15:54

Re: what game are you playing
Just downloaded Oasis - Don't Look Back In Anger, got 93% on the drums, but that was on easy :)

icestar2 18-03-2009 16:42

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by lauzjp (Post 34755101)

somebody help me!!!! I am so rubbish at this game. PM me tips please! :dunce:

I remember being addicted to that game a while back. As its curveball that what you have to try and do really (Well I did anyway) as the ball comes back to you and is about to hit your racket thing then move the racket thing lol to the left or right or any direction fast so the ball gets a curve on it as it hits your racket thing. This makes it spin in all crazy directions making it much harder for the CPU player to judge (but not really as its a program lol) Plus you get more points for curving the ball I think.

I do hope that makes sense. It did in my head Honest !

lauzjp 18-03-2009 18:30

Re: what game are you playing
thanks for the tips icestar2, I will keep trying! :tu:

Callumpy 18-03-2009 19:54

Re: what game are you playing
Playing BioShock

Tezcatlipoca 18-03-2009 22:15

Re: what game are you playing
GTA IV - The Lost and Damned

kingbuxton 23-03-2009 21:19

Re: what game are you playing

chrispuk2004 23-03-2009 21:26

Re: what game are you playing
Race Driver : GRiD

MadGamer 23-03-2009 23:03

Re: what game are you playing
Still on Rock Band, this game never gets boring

SB_07 24-03-2009 01:40

Re: what game are you playing
Ultimate team mode on FIFA09.

liamboyle06 24-03-2009 19:40

Re: what game are you playing
red alert 3: uprising

Kymmy 24-03-2009 19:46

Re: what game are you playing

Druchii 25-03-2009 13:32

Re: what game are you playing
Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction.

U.S. West realm.

Gareth 26-03-2009 15:29

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by NEONKNIGHT (Post 34751333)
Peggle :)


Originally Posted by Matt D (Post 34751362)
What's Peggle?


Originally Posted by icestar2 (Post 34751488)
Yep, been around for a while though. Was a popcap game on PC if I remember rightly and its been around before that to am sure. Good fun at times :)

Currently playing Resident Evil 5 myself. After getting used to the controls am really enjoying it :)

Been playing this myself - specifically the PC version. First game I've bothered playing in absolutely months and months.

It can be bought on Popcap's website for a few quid, but if you use the coupon 'Blitz1' then you can get it for about £1.50 :cool:

Very addictive game.

ps - Hi all, long time no see.

icestar2 26-03-2009 17:17

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Gareth (Post 34762759)
Been playing this myself - specifically the PC version. First game I've bothered playing in absolutely months and months.

It can be bought on Popcap's website for a few quid, but if you use the coupon 'Blitz1' then you can get it for about £1.50 :cool:

Very addictive game.

ps - Hi all, long time no see.

your right it is very addictive once you start playing. thanks for the tip about the code didnt know that. Also welcome back m8 :)

Callumpy 30-03-2009 00:12

Re: what game are you playing
Gears Of War 2. Got to get my bloody rank up now to get the new achievements.

icestar2 30-03-2009 00:18

Re: what game are you playing
GTA: Chinatown Wars (DS)

Midnight Club La (PS3)

CycoSymz 30-03-2009 06:04

Re: what game are you playing
Half Life 2 (again), I must try and finish Doom 3 next :D

icestar2 30-03-2009 15:34

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Flange (Post 34765236)
Half Life 2 (again), I must try and finish Doom 3 next :D

Am waiting on EP 3 :)

Will21st 30-03-2009 18:48

Re: what game are you playing
Sega Rally,Bioshock,RE 5 all XBOX 360

CHiLL 30-03-2009 20:25

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by icestar2 (Post 34765457)
Am waiting on EP 3 :)

EP 3 might not be seen until 2010 apparently. Sucks, eh?

Currently playing Fallout 3: The Pitt.

icestar2 30-03-2009 20:49

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by CHiLL (Post 34765626)
EP 3 might not be seen until 2010 apparently. Sucks, eh?

Suck's yes, Surprised ? Not at all after all this is valve lol. Takes them as long to create 1 episode on an engine they've been using for years as it does for other developers to create a full game on a new engine.

Hiroki 31-03-2009 19:05

Re: what game are you playing
Xbox 360 Fifa 2008

AmAtoL 01-04-2009 23:22

Re: what game are you playing
I've only played Call Of Duty:World at War since it came out, and have about 170 hours online for the PC version.

It's not bad at all if you overlook a few of the well documented flaws ;)

icestar2 03-04-2009 15:20

Re: what game are you playing
Got Hawx for PC yesterday so have been giving that a go.

DocDutch 03-04-2009 17:01

Re: what game are you playing
its a nice arcade sim :) just missing the landings and take offs on it...also assisted mode is quite funky.

zing_deleted 10-04-2009 16:32

Re: what game are you playing
I am playing Wanted Weapons of Fate on the pc and enjoying it . Ita a sequal and a prequal to the movie Wanted :)

icestar2 10-04-2009 18:56

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by zinglebarb (Post 34772989)
I am playing Wanted Weapons of Fate on the pc and enjoying it . Ita a sequal and a prequal to the movie Wanted :)

Was thinking of picking this up myself. Played the demo and thought it was good. Decided to get Godfarther 2 first which am playing now but will probably get Wanted after I've finished that.

Callumpy 10-04-2009 21:22

Re: what game are you playing
Resident Evil 5, pretty cool :p:

cimt 10-04-2009 21:38

Re: what game are you playing
Yeah, I'm playing RE5 too. I'm stuck on 2-2 where you get attacked by the giant skorpian.

frogstamper 11-04-2009 01:49

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by cimt (Post 34773203)
Yeah, I'm playing RE5 too. I'm stuck on 2-2 where you get attacked by the giant skorpian.

Like all these monsters they are hard to kill, then when you know their weak points they are dog-meat.
After the FMV of the "flying bat" escaping the lorry, run to your left to the two wooden barrels, inside are two landmines grab these and grab two more in the hut on the floor, when you come out of the hut the bat-thing will have landed and will be walking towards you and Sheva.
Get just ahead of him and then lay a mine in the center of the path, he'll walk over it causing it to explode and throwing him onto his side...nows your time to shine Luke:) fire continually into his reddish underbelly.
Depending how far you have ranked your handgun or shotgun up will decide how many times you must repeat this process, even with weak guns your not looking at more than four times, more likely three times.
Good luck.:)

ok0523 12-04-2009 14:23

Re: what game are you playing
Oh Yes Battlefield 2142, Test Drive and the awesome Gears of War

zing_deleted 12-04-2009 21:08

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by zinglebarb (Post 34772989)
I am playing Wanted Weapons of Fate on the pc and enjoying it . Ita a sequal and a prequal to the movie Wanted :)

Finished it enjoyed it worth a go but a bit short .

Waiting on Riddick Dark Athena :)

Tezcatlipoca 12-04-2009 21:10

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by zinglebarb (Post 34774386)
Waiting on Riddick Dark Athena :)

Oh yes :D

It looks awesome. I loved the original on the old Xbox, & this should be even better - tarted up Butcher Bay + new Dark Athena story + multiplayer.

zing_deleted 12-04-2009 21:13

Re: what game are you playing
Yeah I really enjoyed Butcher Bay :) As you say lets hope this is better :)

icestar2 12-04-2009 23:13

Re: what game are you playing
I played the demo for Dark Athena yesterday and I dont know what it was but the screen just seemed a bit washed when I was playing it. Dont know if that makes sense. Was also really looking forward to it but something just didnt look right at all.

Stephen 12-04-2009 23:49

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by icestar2 (Post 34774458)
I played the demo for Dark Athena yesterday and I dont know what it was but the screen just seemed a bit washed when I was playing it. Dont know if that makes sense. Was also really looking forward to it but something just didnt look right at all.

Played the demo my self and thought it looked great. Maybe your brightness and contrast are off, as that can sometimes make things look washed out.

Tezcatlipoca 13-04-2009 00:16

Re: what game are you playing
I downloaded the demo yesterday, haven't played it yet.

Callumpy 13-04-2009 01:31

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by cimt (Post 34773203)
Yeah, I'm playing RE5 too. I'm stuck on 2-2 where you get attacked by the giant skorpian.

I just put loads of mines on the floor and when they blew up, run up to it and shoot its belly.

Now ive completed it i just take out my rocket launcher with infinate ammo and blast it. :)

jajise93 13-04-2009 07:58

Re: what game are you playing
I was playing Smakdown vs Raw 2009 customly creating the new TNA superstar "Suicide" looks verry official aswell

icestar2 13-04-2009 13:39

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 34774477)
Played the demo my self and thought it looked great. Maybe your brightness and contrast are off, as that can sometimes make things look washed out.

I guess thats possible. Will give it a look but all my other games seem fine. Maybe its just the textures or something I dont like. I will give it another go because I was really looking forward to it to.

Hugh 13-04-2009 14:59

Re: what game are you playing
COD:WAW (just downloaded and installed latest patch, 1.4)

duongnt 16-04-2009 13:40

Re: what game are you playing
I am trying Civ 4 - Colonization now

Callumpy 16-04-2009 13:52

Re: what game are you playing
Gears Of War 2. Ive got oblivion but I cant be bothered to change the disc.

Help!!! 16-04-2009 15:45

Re: what game are you playing
The Godfather! Nearly completed it, tbf the game is decent maybe abit too easy but all in all its ok. saying that I haven't tried the online aspect of it yet.

icestar2 16-04-2009 20:34

Re: what game are you playing
Wanted: Weapons Of Fate.

Xan 17-04-2009 12:52

Re: what game are you playing
Just started playing Age Of Conan: Hyborian Adventures again

my main game is eve-online ;)

cimt 21-04-2009 01:29

Re: what game are you playing
GTA4 and Killzone 2 on PS3. :)

geejay1221 21-04-2009 16:30

Re: what game are you playing
i'm currently playing resistance : fall of man for the ps3..
it really is a great game.. haha! great story line and
great graphics as well.. but i'm looking forward to kingdom
hearts 3.. and for the fFxII as well.. :D

AntiSilence 21-04-2009 16:34

Re: what game are you playing
Still playing good old Battlefield 2. And Left 4 Dead.

Uncle Peter 21-04-2009 17:58

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by AntiSilence (Post 34780089)
Still playing good old Battlefield 2. And Left 4 Dead.

Left 4 dead is great fun, was having a go of the co-op campaign over the weekend :)

Earl of Bronze 22-04-2009 17:26

Re: what game are you playing
I'm still playing WoW, on a lvl 80 Shammie..... Atira of <Praetorian Guards> on Terenas EU.

When not online spanking Hordies and PvE content I'm usually playing Civ4 Beyond the Sword and currently Travian on

EvilD 24-04-2009 13:28

Re: what game are you playing
I am currently playing COD 4 and 5 / Lord of the Rings online / World of Warcraft / GRAW / most of the steam based games and a bit of Company of Heroes plus a few others.

dilli-theclaw 24-04-2009 13:32

Re: what game are you playing
Starship Command, Imogen and cylon attack.

icestar2 24-04-2009 13:57

Re: what game are you playing
Been playing a bit of PKR poker :)

mr_bo 26-04-2009 21:59

Re: what game are you playing
All this F1 excitement persuaded me to buy GP4 and trying to update it to 2009 season :)

Tezcatlipoca 26-04-2009 22:00

Re: what game are you playing
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (360)

Currently playing the "Escape from Butcher Bay" remake first.

Riddick rocks.

Will21st 27-04-2009 13:50

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Matt D (Post 34783538)
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (360)

Currently playing the "Escape from Butcher Bay" remake first.

Riddick rocks.

same here.... Butcher Bay first,then dark Athena.Totally forgot how hard thwe game is at times.Also like the strategy choices,you can either blast your way through or be stealthy,very cool. :):sniper:

kingbuxton 17-05-2009 01:29

Re: what game are you playing
I grabbed (along with a friend) Killing Floor - it would appear to be a bit buggy! Shame, cos it looks to be a good, late night, CooP laugh. Has anyone managed to get a friends game, via Steam, running, tell me how.

I just bought Defence Grid - I like Tower Defence games (desktop has been updated btw) and the Gfx are quite nice.

Got a new Gfx card so I may go back n play Warhead again.

cimt 17-05-2009 01:33

Re: what game are you playing
Killzone 2

I didn't like this at first, but once I sorted out the controls to suit me and played it a bit. I'm really into it now. It's just a shame it's not co-op, it'd be awesome if it was!

kingbuxton 17-05-2009 01:34

Re: what game are you playing

Left 4 dead is great fun
What do you think of the Survival mode? I think they messed it up. There is no tactic that works, you need to keep a tight group and fire in four directions, then a Tank appears and you have to scatter. Only found the Airport level remotely playable, you have one direction to defend, even then, once Molotovs run out the Tank becomes a bind.

Shame they didn't do it more like the Nazi thing at the end of World at War, allow you to make defences.

It deffo needs the option to turn specials off or at least the Tank off.

Uncle Peter 17-05-2009 12:36

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by kingbuxton (Post 34796836)
What do you think of the Survival mode? I think they messed it up. There is no tactic that works, you need to keep a tight group and fire in four directions, then a Tank appears and you have to scatter. Only found the Airport level remotely playable, you have one direction to defend, even then, once Molotovs run out the Tank becomes a bind.

Shame they didn't do it more like the Nazi thing at the end of World at War, allow you to make defences.

It deffo needs the option to turn specials off or at least the Tank off.

I haven't downloaded it yet but at least it doesn't cost anything. The Nazi zombies mode in COD5 is brilliant though yeah especially with the new map in the dlc pack.

icestar2 17-05-2009 17:13

Re: what game are you playing
Been playing Half-Life 2 single player with a friend through a co-op mod as he never really got round to finishing it and was having problems so am there to guide him through lol :)

kingbuxton 17-05-2009 17:25

Re: what game are you playing

a co-op mod
How playable is it? How does the car/boat work, can you both get into them?

CycoSymz 17-05-2009 17:36

Re: what game are you playing
I've just got to the "Entanglement" stage in Half-Life 2.

matt-h 17-05-2009 17:45

Re: what game are you playing
Just gone back to Burnout Paradise and COD4 on the 360

icestar2 17-05-2009 18:30

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by kingbuxton (Post 34797158)
How playable is it? How does the car/boat work, can you both get into them?

Works a treat. Its had certain edits so you can play it with others like certain doors will stay open etc etc. Just done the jetski part and it auto spawns two jetski's each time so you both have one. It seems very well done tbh.

Hom3r 17-05-2009 19:00

Re: what game are you playing
Lego Indy on the X-box

Druchii 17-05-2009 19:07

Re: what game are you playing
I'm having trouble sticking to playing any game for longer than about 10mins these days...

kingbuxton 17-05-2009 20:41

Re: what game are you playing

It seems very well done tbh.
Can I ask what you are using, I installed the Synergy thing in Steam (that seems to have Coop) be damned if I can get any friends into the game. I am in HL2.

How did you get it to work?

icestar2 17-05-2009 20:48

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by kingbuxton (Post 34797262)
Can I ask what you are using, I installed the Synergy thing in Steam (that seems to have Coop) be damned if I can get any friends into the game. I am in HL2.

How did you get it to work?

I played with a couple but am using the one you said which is Synergy. The problem is it does not give you the server address right so heres what to do.

1. Write down your IP address.
2. Create a server and remember which port you have said to use.
3. Once server is up tell your friend to type into the console "connect" followed by your ip and the port you choose so for example it would look like this - Connect
4. Enjoy playing together :)

Also your server should show in the list eventually so you could get your friend to look that way but I found it was a bit hit and miss. if you do do it this way make sure they unclick the box that says "show maps" or something like that as if its ticked it does not show any servers for some reason.

kingbuxton 17-05-2009 21:37

Re: what game are you playing
Can't get it to work, no idea why. Did the connect IP:Port in both directions, opened the port on both routers, just wont connect nor can either of us see it in the server list.

Funny thing is a complete stranger connected to my game. It all seems pretty straightforward, no idea what is going wrong.

icestar2 17-05-2009 23:23

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by kingbuxton (Post 34797303)
Can't get it to work, no idea why. Did the connect IP:Port in both directions, opened the port on both routers, just wont connect nor can either of us see it in the server list.

Funny thing is a complete stranger connected to my game. It all seems pretty straightforward, no idea what is going wrong.

Were are you getting your IP from ? you sure its defo the right IP. We were using the wrong IP for a while because we were using the one that the game said but that was wrong its your own IP address that you need.

Hope you can get it working because its great fun playing it co-op.

kingbuxton 18-05-2009 18:57

Re: what game are you playing

Were are you getting your IP from
IP Config.

icestar2 18-05-2009 20:10

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by kingbuxton (Post 34797793)
IP Config.

Strange. Thats how we got it working. Also your server must be showing in the browser list for someone to have connected to it. I found that sometimes mine showed up in the list and others it didnt. You wont see your own though but your friend should be able to. Sorry couldnt be more help.

There is a decent one for Garry's mod if you wana try it that way.

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