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MadGamer 09-06-2007 14:36

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by SnoopZ (Post 34324739)
Test drive unlimited on the 360 which i bought for £17.99

How far have you got. I have only unlocked 25% of the game so far (Xbox 360)

Chapo 09-06-2007 15:40

Re: what game are you playing
EvE online. Nasty learning curve sometimes, but it's particularly spectacular.

SnoopZ 09-06-2007 16:17

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by MadGamer (Post 34324778)
How far have you got. I have only unlocked 25% of the game so far (Xbox 360)

Not very far, i've only played it a few times.

NEONKNIGHT 10-06-2007 10:32

Re: what game are you playing
Forza2 - excellent value, tons of options in game, if you get it go for the limited edition. :tu:

Uncle Peter 10-06-2007 12:08

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by NEONKNIGHT (Post 34325169)
Forza2 - excellent value, tons of options in game, if you get it go for the limited edition. :tu:

Me too... when I can get near the 360 that is! as are most of the people on my friends list.

The LCE is well worth it yeah and the book you get with it is actually pretty decent.

pooper 11-06-2007 09:02

Re: what game are you playing
Tomb Raider Anniversary.

Quite enjoying it so far! Up to the Colosseum bit - it's seems pretty easy so far - i hope the puzzles get harder :P

Uncle Peter 04-07-2007 18:54

Re: what game are you playing
Been playing "Race" (the WTCC game). Another excellent driving game and cheaper than wrecking a real £120,000 touring car.

AntiSilence 04-07-2007 23:06

Re: what game are you playing
Just started playing Dark Messiah, single player. Damn good game.

bopdude 04-07-2007 23:30

Re: what game are you playing
Erm, 'just' and I mean, only just started playing the new Tomb Raider Aniversary.

Sirpingalot 05-07-2007 00:16

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by bopdude (Post 34344306)
Erm, 'just' and I mean, only just started playing the new Tomb Raider Aniversary.

Do you know if that'll work on xp 64bit? I was a big fan of Tomb Raider way back, but I haven't played it much recently.

peanut 05-07-2007 00:40

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Sirpingalot (Post 34344348)
Do you know if that'll work on xp 64bit? I was a big fan of Tomb Raider way back, but I haven't played it much recently.

I'm 3/4 the way through it now and I'm using XP64, no probs for me. Hope that's of any use to you. Very good game, I rate it a lot higher than Legends.

Sirpingalot 05-07-2007 00:43

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by peanutkp (Post 34344361)
I'm 3/4 the way through it now and I'm using XP64, no probs for me. Hope that's of any use to you. Very good game, I rate it a lot higher than Legends.

Certainly helps! :)

Bluffdemon 06-07-2007 13:44

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by NEONKNIGHT (Post 34325169)
Forza2 - excellent value, tons of options in game, if you get it go for the limited edition. :tu:

i'm with ya on that !!! and the racing on and offline is superb !!

Uncle Peter 31-08-2007 19:00

Re: what game are you playing
Currently playing: Colin Mcrae DIRT (360) - top stuff

rogerdraig 31-08-2007 23:44

Re: what game are you playing
Runescape yet again

Slyder 01-09-2007 23:33

Re: what game are you playing
Just completed Bioshock on 360.

Without giving anything away, I will say I was impressed at the game on a whole except the ending. What a disapointment.

Yet again NO coop... so automatically I give this game less then a perfect 10.


Sirpingalot 02-09-2007 23:55

Re: what game are you playing
Playing BioShock on the PC..excellent game, very well optimised for the pc too.

Saaf_laandon_mo 03-09-2007 16:03

Re: what game are you playing
anyone recommend any decent psp games? Stuff like Rainbow 6, medal of honour? has anyone actually played these on psp?

Raistlin 03-09-2007 16:15

Re: what game are you playing
What games am I playing?

Well..... I've been playing GuildWars pretty much since it came out, I bought the new expansion (Guild Wars: Eye of the North) and really hated it. I mean, the game's great and it's nice to have new content, the new areas are stunning, and I like the new races, but I spent four hours yesterday being continually pounded upon by massive groups of monsters which seemed to do four/five times the damage output that my little group was doing. You can only restart an area to get rid of your -60% DP so many times before you start to feel like crying. It took me 2 of those hours to grind my way through the Shards of Orr as you can see, I'm not even very far into the game :(

Today though I decided to give World of Warcraft a try..... I got the game home at about 1 O'clock, and I've been sat here installing and downloading ever since. It took just over an hour for the game to install, 10 minutes to register, and the rest of the time to download the patches/updates (and I'm not even 50% of the way through yet).....

I'm sure it will be sweet when (if?) I finally get to play it though :)

rogerdraig 08-09-2007 21:26

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Raistlin (Post 34389233)

Today though I decided to give World of Warcraft a try..... I got the game home at about 1 O'clock, and I've been sat here installing and downloading ever since. It took just over an hour for the game to install, 10 minutes to register, and the rest of the time to download the patches/updates (and I'm not even 50% of the way through yet).....

I'm sure it will be sweet when (if?) I finally get to play it though :)

lol thats why i play runescape may not be quite as stunning but at least it loads quick ;)

peanut 08-09-2007 22:51

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Raistlin (Post 34389233)
Today though I decided to give World of Warcraft a try..... I got the game home at about 1 O'clock, and I've been sat here installing and downloading ever since. It took just over an hour for the game to install, 10 minutes to register, and the rest of the time to download the patches/updates (and I'm not even 50% of the way through yet).....

I'm sure it will be sweet when (if?) I finally get to play it though :)

How long did it take in the end? Did you install and update the Burning Crusade addon as well?

Was it worth it in the end?

I quite wow ages ago, the thought of installing and updating it all just puts me off totally now (& that's a good thing imo).

pooper 10-09-2007 08:36

Re: what game are you playing
Completed Bioshock on Saturday, was pretty enjoyable... although some ******* posted spoilers all over another forum i was reading... which completely ruined the plot for me :(

Dunno what to play now.. MoA Airborne possibly... meh...

Down the Pub 10-09-2007 11:18

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by pooper (Post 34393327)
MoA Airborne possibly

started playing over the weekend, lives upto the demo, but is it just me or does the AI in the game seem to step up a bit over the demo?

Nugget 10-09-2007 11:20

Re: what game are you playing
Bioshock for me - only played it for about 3 hours, but it's absolutely stunning. Visually, it's probably the best game I've played, and the 'plot' is brilliantly carried out.

10 out of 10 for me :tu:

Downloads 10-09-2007 13:31

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Nugget (Post 34393404)
Bioshock for me - only played it for about 3 hours, but it's absolutely stunning. Visually, it's probably the best game I've played, and the 'plot' is brilliantly carried out.

10 out of 10 for me :tu:

Finished Bioshock on the weekend too, i was mad cos i was gypped out of my 40pts for completing the game on Hard, oh well. I think this one is done to death on another thread but i gave it 10/10 too.

I'm clearing the decks for Halo 3 which means finishing off Lost Planet and Godfather, i bought Gauntlet for £1 on XBLA when it was on a deal the other day and i may get Streets of Rage 2 also (love it). Basically just odds and sods for the next 2 weeks. Got a whole bunch of people clearing the decks ready and taking time off work for Halo 3! Sad i know.

I also want to know when Speedball 2 is coming out, i've got it for the Amiga on 512 and for the CD32 but i want it tarted up on the 360 XBLA!

NEONKNIGHT 10-09-2007 20:03

Re: what game are you playing
Actually bought a Wii and currently playing Big Brain Academy with a spot of Mario64 and Zelda for old time sake. :D

NEONKNIGHT 13-09-2007 21:41

Re: what game are you playing
Thought it worth posting back after playing Big Brain Academy on the Wii, it gets very boring, very quickly...

icestar2 13-09-2007 22:17

Re: what game are you playing
Currently playing COD4 Beta on Xbox360. Looking forward to picking up heavenly sword tomorrow and playing that.

Skatoony 13-09-2007 22:43

Re: what game are you playing
Been playing Garry's Mod 10 quite a lot recently. Very fun when playing Zombie Survival :)

The Hitman 20-09-2007 23:41

Re: what game are you playing
cradle of rome deluxe:disturbd:

Uncle Peter 21-09-2007 11:40

Re: what game are you playing
Been playing Rainbow 6 Vegas online eliminating those pesky terrorists.

Xan 21-09-2007 12:06

Re: what game are you playing
Been playing for over 3 years,Great Game :-)

bopdude 21-09-2007 17:22

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by NEONKNIGHT (Post 34393702)
Actually bought a Wii and currently playing Big Brain Academy with a spot of Mario64 and Zelda for old time sake. :D


Originally Posted by NEONKNIGHT (Post 34395699)
Thought it worth posting back after playing Big Brain Academy on the Wii, it gets very boring, very quickly...

After only 3 days, OMFGG, that was quick mate. Did ya sail through it or was it just sooooo bad ?

smicer07 21-09-2007 17:24

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Raistlin (Post 34389233)
What games am I playing?

Well..... I've been playing GuildWars pretty much since it came out, I bought the new expansion (Guild Wars: Eye of the North) and really hated it. I mean, the game's great and it's nice to have new content, the new areas are stunning, and I like the new races, but I spent four hours yesterday being continually pounded upon by massive groups of monsters which seemed to do four/five times the damage output that my little group was doing. You can only restart an area to get rid of your -60% DP so many times before you start to feel like crying. It took me 2 of those hours to grind my way through the Shards of Orr as you can see, I'm not even very far into the game :(

Today though I decided to give World of Warcraft a try..... I got the game home at about 1 O'clock, and I've been sat here installing and downloading ever since. It took just over an hour for the game to install, 10 minutes to register, and the rest of the time to download the patches/updates (and I'm not even 50% of the way through yet).....

I'm sure it will be sweet when (if?) I finally get to play it though :)

Shards of Orr is pretty hard to be fair. Add me to your list when you play next, I'm a bit of a GW geek, my name is smiceruk on it!

icestar2 21-09-2007 17:35

Re: what game are you playing
Currently playing Frontlines fuel of war closed beta. TF2 beta and crysis MP beta.

NEONKNIGHT 21-09-2007 19:05

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by bopdude (Post 34400726)
After only 3 days, OMFGG, that was quick mate. Did ya sail through it or was it just sooooo bad ?

It’s just a very repetitive 'game' to be honest. I won't be keeping it that's for sure. Even playing against others it looses its fun element quite quickly. I've got to expert on just a few categories but even that doesn't inspire you to pick up and play it anymore...

Sirpingalot 21-09-2007 19:44

Re: what game are you playing
CRYSIS DEMO out soon guys! Prepare yourselves. ;)

zing_deleted 21-09-2007 23:21

Re: what game are you playing
Im now playing Stranglehold on the PC full version very nice game

Hom3r 22-09-2007 20:21

Re: what game are you playing
Medal of Honour Airbourne

NEONKNIGHT 24-09-2007 10:07

Re: what game are you playing
My Sims on the Wii. Great Fun! :tu: A nice relaxing game before the carnage of Halo3 begins! ;)

Skatoony 11-10-2007 07:49

Re: what game are you playing
Bought Quake Wars yesterday and so far have been enjoying it - unlike BF2, the sniper rifle actually hits and kills ;)

AndrewJ 11-10-2007 07:53

Re: what game are you playing
Naw I could not play that, I've given it many goes and I just could not settle into it.

Battlefield 2142 Titan Mode, Timeless Titan Suez 1 FTW.

pooper 11-10-2007 08:59

Re: what game are you playing
Portal! :D

Got to level 17 last night before i went to bed.... hasn't really been much of a brain-strain right now... but hmmm kinda fun nonetheless.

Will be playing Episode 2 this weekend :D

icestar2 11-10-2007 16:43

Re: what game are you playing
HL2 ep2 and Portal. Both Great Games.

peanut 11-10-2007 18:34

Re: what game are you playing
Stuck on Portal, the level where you knock off about 5 of those gunners with the rotating ball of light throwing thingy, but not I can't see how to complete it (can't get that platform to move). Good game though.

icestar2 11-10-2007 20:40

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by peanutkp (Post 34412763)
Stuck on Portal, the level where you knock off about 5 of those gunners with the rotating ball of light throwing thingy, but not I can't see how to complete it (can't get that platform to move). Good game though.

Yep you have to be very fast to get that platform moving. It involved the switch to the left. You need to line up the portal with the door above to the left then another were every the ball is about to hit the wall then as soon as the ball comes through the portal make another to your left on the little bit of sticking out wall and one next to you quickly go through hit the switch and if timed right the ball should go in just in time. kepp in mind that the door only stays open for about 3 seconds.

Now reading that back it probably makes no sense lol so good luck with it :)

Chaser 21-10-2007 01:13

Re: what game are you playing
just got through the Stranglehold demo version, nice one
other than that I'm busy with HL2

Skatoony 21-10-2007 12:43

Re: what game are you playing
Damn, Portal is fun :D

Uncle Peter 21-10-2007 12:48

Re: what game are you playing
PGR4 at the mo, good stuff

Web-Junkie 21-10-2007 13:14

Re: what game are you playing
Gone back to, and finished, HL2 as I thought HL2 EP2 was boring! No new weapons (The Magnusson Device is an exception as it's a 'plot' device), 2 new enemies I could see 'Hunter' and 'Worker Antlion' (Advisors don't count as you can't fight them), same old gameplay, too short and no where near as challenging as HL2! The Striders in EP2 are pussys compared to those in HL2!!

So why is everyone raving about it?

Hom3r 21-10-2007 15:36

Re: what game are you playing
I'm playing Live for speed, it free.

Bubbles 22-10-2007 03:34

Re: what game are you playing
Bioshock mostly but interrupted by a streak of Stranglehold since Friday;).

dilli-theclaw 22-10-2007 09:36

Re: what game are you playing
Zelda the phantom hourglass.

v0id 22-10-2007 11:46

Re: what game are you playing
Killing zombies in Dead Rising :)

Uncle Peter 23-10-2007 09:25

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by v0id (Post 34419299)
Killing zombies in Dead Rising :)

:tu: excellent stuff, that's one of those games you can keep going back to time and time again and still have a blast :)

Uncle Peter 27-10-2007 18:24

Re: what game are you playing
Playing Orange Box. Got it for the 360 in the end so I can play it in HD. TF2 is absolutely brilliant :D

icestar2 27-10-2007 20:20

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Uncle Peter (Post 34423142)
TF2 is absolutely brilliant :D

Agreed :)

Playing PES2008 but since the online is screwed then not so much for now. Matbe back for some fun on TF2 :) and looking forward to Timeshift on friday.

Uncle Peter 28-10-2007 01:37

Re: what game are you playing
Noticed that there was another Orange Box patch released today and it seems to have sorted some of the matchmaking and lag problems which were spoiling things a bit over the past few days. Kudos to Valve for getting it sorted out so quickly.

Richy99 31-10-2007 12:52

Re: what game are you playing
f.e.a.r again
serious sam 2 again

Uncle Peter 31-10-2007 23:48

Re: what game are you playing
Civ IV with the Warlords and Beyond the Sword expansion packs. BTS definitely adds a great deal of additional value to the game... well worth getting if you enjoy playing Civ.

SB_07 01-11-2007 03:19

Re: what game are you playing
PES2008 on 360.

Spunky 01-11-2007 12:25

Re: what game are you playing
SB 07

Is that ur tag on Xbox live???

If it is i think ur on my friends list

SB_07 01-11-2007 16:00

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Spunky (Post 34425714)
SB 07

Is that ur tag on Xbox live???

If it is i think ur on my friends list

My gamertag is Muerte2K6

icestar2 02-11-2007 16:49

Re: what game are you playing
Just got timeshift for PC 2day. Not to bad a game. For only 17.99 I aint gonna complain.

zing_deleted 03-11-2007 14:54

Re: what game are you playing
Yeah I just started playing Timshift quite like it :) Needs updating to version 1.1 to run properly on Vista x64 though as 1.0 was crash city

Uncle Peter 11-11-2007 13:27

Re: what game are you playing
COD4 of course which is top banana but I can't help feeling being a bit let down a bit by the brevity of the campaign mode.

SVR2008 - well what can I say other than the game is completely broken beyond comprehension. The graphics are nice but the controls are dumbed down to kindergarten level, there are less grapple moves, the "24/7" mode in lieu of a plot is rubbish and you can't manually change focus on another opponent which is really annoying. Massive letdown, THQ should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

Graham M 11-11-2007 15:32

Re: what game are you playing
Just reinstalling BioShock for another play through

Help!!! 11-11-2007 15:32

Re: what game are you playing
Been playing Assassins Creed all morning, sweet!!!

AndyIggs83 11-11-2007 16:24

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Help!!! (Post 34431336)
Been playing Assassins Creed all morning, sweet!!!

Its not out until Friday though, how did you get your hands on that?

Help!!! 11-11-2007 16:28

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by AndyIggs83 (Post 34431364)
Its not out until Friday though, how did you get your hands on that?

Its out if you know where to look, :p:

jubbi 11-11-2007 20:33

Re: what game are you playing
I'm saving my self this week for galaxy on Friday. I will be leaving work early on Friday to get it.

SB_07 12-11-2007 06:24

Re: what game are you playing
COD4 and soon to be Assassins creed!

Skatoony 12-11-2007 08:37

Re: what game are you playing
Gone retro this week and trying to complete Supaplex, but some of the puzzles are just rediculous :D

Acathla 12-11-2007 13:26

Re: what game are you playing
COD4 PC 5-star Fantastic!

Love the little bits like escaping from the drowning boat and the execution being driven through the street. Obviously not much gameplay to it but little things like that make the game stand out.

Help!!! 12-11-2007 13:58

Re: what game are you playing
Been playing San Andreas today, getting ready for GTA IV can't wait for that!!!!

Danaldinho 12-11-2007 20:49

Re: what game are you playing
Age of Empires 3

Berealwith 12-11-2007 22:47

Re: what game are you playing
COD 4 mega game been waiting for a good game for a while, and it can be played on most PC's which is a good thing

Help!!! 13-11-2007 10:28

Re: what game are you playing
Mass Effect, what a game!

Acathla 13-11-2007 11:01

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Help!!! (Post 34432467)
Mass Effect, what a game!

Dude, you really need to stop posting about piracy here.
You already had a thread closed because of it...

Help!!! 13-11-2007 11:40

Re: what game are you playing

MovedGoalPosts 13-11-2007 11:58

Re: what game are you playing
Spider solitaire :disturbd:

Actually I'm supposed to be working :angel:

NEONKNIGHT 13-11-2007 13:33

Re: what game are you playing
Cradle of Rome :dunce:

Help!!! 13-11-2007 13:35

Re: what game are you playing
Back to playing San Andreas, love that game

Skatoony 13-11-2007 14:02

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Rob (Post 34432498)
Spider solitaire :disturbd:

Good to play when you're bored and can't be bothered to start another game, load your save position then figure out where you're supposed to go :p:

dilli-theclaw 13-11-2007 14:06

Re: what game are you playing
Well I was playing animal crossing this morning, 'till I forgot to save it, turned it back on and then one of the characters had a got at me for like 5mins for not saving first :)

I can't believe my DS is abusing me too now lol.

AndyIggs83 13-11-2007 14:36

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Acathla (Post 34432476)
Dude, you really need to stop posting about piracy here.
You already had a thread closed because of it...

Yeah, I've already had PM's off the guy bragging about how many backup games he has for his 360! What a scrote

Help!!! 13-11-2007 14:42

Re: what game are you playing
^^ You asked me if I had call of duty 4 and if they ok online I kindly told you.

Uncle Peter 13-11-2007 14:48

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Jefferson T (Post 34432567)
Well I was playing animal crossing this morning, 'till I forgot to save it, turned it back on and then one of the characters had a got at me for like 5mins for not saving first :)

I can't believe my DS is abusing me too now lol.

Ahh you've had a visit from Resetti. He gets more and more annoying the more it happens ;)

AndyIggs83 13-11-2007 15:00

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Help!!! (Post 34432586)
^^ You asked me if I had call of duty 4 and if they ok online I kindly told you.

you also thanked me for buying games as it helps the scene and people like you that download and play them for free!

Help!!! 13-11-2007 15:05

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by AndyIggs83 (Post 34432610)
you also thanked me for buying games as it helps the scene and people like you that download and play them for free!

Sue me ;)

AndyIggs83 13-11-2007 18:53

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Help!!! (Post 34432616)
Sue me ;)

or report you Live user ID to MS ;)

Help!!! 13-11-2007 20:47

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by AndyIggs83 (Post 34432785)
or report you Live user ID to MS ;)

Ok then, whats my Live ID sherlock?

Tezcatlipoca 13-11-2007 23:29

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Help!!! (Post 34432494)

Funny, there's no demo available on the Marketplace...

Help!!! 15-11-2007 20:53

Re: what game are you playing
Playing CSI-hard evidence, pretty good game too easy tho, I like the concept of the game as its different and unique.

Tezcatlipoca 16-11-2007 00:25

Re: what game are you playing
Bioshock (360).

Next up after that will be Super Mario Galaxy & Assassin's Creed.

alferret 16-11-2007 22:47

Re: what game are you playing
Tiger Woods 08 for the PC

peanut 17-11-2007 01:01

Re: what game are you playing
After completing COD4, I'm back on Snood again. Will redo GRAW2 for the PC again though.

MadGamer 17-11-2007 17:07

Re: what game are you playing
ok don't shout at me, but im still trying to complete Gears of War and COD3 for the Xbox 360. :)

icestar2 17-11-2007 17:44

Re: what game are you playing
Finished crysis - Mostly playin COD4 online on pc and Assassin creed on PS3.

Help!!! 17-11-2007 20:19

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by peanutkp (Post 34435029)
After completing COD4, I'm back on Snood again. Will redo GRAW2 for the PC again though.

How long did COD4 take?

Ive just started it now, damm good game, love it soo far! on about the 4th mission, love the voices, one guy sounds like Billy Murray, wonder if it is him.

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