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RichardCoulter 14-08-2016 16:39

Police to get tough on internet trolls.

Excellent news.

martyh 14-08-2016 18:25

Re: Police to get tough on internet trolls.

Originally Posted by RichardCoulter (Post 35854017)

That's you screwed then

techguyone 14-08-2016 18:40

Re: Police to get tough on internet trolls.
Easy pickings, no effort required, crime rates boosted, any noddy could do it.

Not exactly the best use of the Police force service :rolleyes:

Gary L 14-08-2016 18:44

Re: Police to get tough on internet trolls.
They should be out there catching pedos and rapists.

not "troll-hunting”

RichardCoulter 14-08-2016 18:54

Re: Police to get tough on internet trolls.

Originally Posted by martyh (Post 35854026)
That's you screwed then


Paul 14-08-2016 19:01

Re: Police to get tough on internet trolls.
I'm sure you can figure it out :rolleyes:

RichardCoulter 14-08-2016 19:08

Re: Police to get tough on internet trolls.

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35854036)
I'm sure you can figure it out :rolleyes:

I want him/her to explain for themselves.

dilli-theclaw 14-08-2016 19:10

Re: Police to get tough on internet trolls.

Originally Posted by RichardCoulter (Post 35854041)
I want him/her to explain for themselves.

Got your legal team ready then :)

Sirius 14-08-2016 19:38

Re: Police to get tough on internet trolls.

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35854036)
I'm sure you can figure it out :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by RichardCoulter (Post 35854041)
I want him/her to explain for themselves.


Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35854042)
Got your legal team ready then :)

Now where is my popcorn :LOL:

martyh 14-08-2016 19:53

Re: Police to get tough on internet trolls.

Originally Posted by RichardCoulter (Post 35854034)

I can't my sources have forbidden me

v0id 14-08-2016 20:24

Re: Police to get tough on internet trolls.
Most sites have their own tools and procedures for "trolls", notably a 'block' or 'ignore' button. (the clues in the name what they do)

It seems some people just want to waste police time instead of using them

....while we're at it, a troll ≠ a cyber bully

Gary L 14-08-2016 20:24

Re: Police to get tough on internet trolls.
The police can start here :)

RizzyKing 14-08-2016 21:10

Re: Police to get tough on internet trolls.
So at a time when there's less police we're going to have them sorting internet bullying and having far more of their time wasted then managing to do any good.

martyh 14-08-2016 21:20

Re: Police to get tough on internet trolls.

Originally Posted by RizzyKing (Post 35854063)
So at a time when there's less police we're going to have them sorting internet bullying and having far more of their time wasted then managing to do any good.

who decides when bullying has happened ? do we leave it to the courts to decide every case and thus swamp the system with people who think every negative word is bullying or is there a list of acceptable words and phrases ?

Damien 14-08-2016 22:04

Re: Police to get tough on internet trolls.
It really depends on what they mean by 'troll'. Those of us who've been on the internet for a long time define troll as someone who says something relatively harmless but designed to provoke a reaction, i.e. someone on a forum who intentionally spouts nonsense to get a rise out of people.

However the media has taken troll to mean someone who tweets, most often it's a tweet otherwise a Facebook comment/message, rape or death threats to someone. Whilst discussion on the internet used to be confined to random and anonymous people who largely knew what they were getting into it's now a part of life for 'normal' people who don't expect the abuse that comes with the internet because of the aforementioned anonymous people. They've quite rightly come to the conclusion that the way they're addressed is simply not on.

Go to a prominent woman's twitter account and see their replies, especially if they've posted an opinion on politics or feminism, it's awful. These people aren't trolls as we would know them but nasty, disturbed, people.

We should work on the assumption that if you wouldn't write it in a letter to someone or say it to their face then neither is it acceptable online.

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