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Mr K 07-01-2017 10:21

Crisis in the NHS
'Humanitarian crisis' in NHS hospitals, warns Red Cross -

Sounds like a Third World country. We're now depending on volunteers from the Red Cross and seriously ill people are left waiting on trollies in corridors.

This has been coming, we all know it has. Can't totally blame politicians as we voted them in and know they all lie about the NHS at election time. When anyone suggests paying more tax for the NHS we all say it's a great idea, then vote another way.

There aren't quick solutions but we could:-
- Cancel tax cuts for the rich.
- All pay more
- recruit more Drs and nurses and somehow make it up with junior Drs. They aren't the enemy and many are now leaving for other countries once trained.The plans for a 7 day NHS are laughable at the moment.
- Accept there are some minor treatments we might have to pay something towards if we can afford it.
- fine/prosecute those that are wasting A&Es time. E.g. drunks.

Still, we can always look forward to the cash bonanza for the NHS promised by Brexiters. :rolleyes:

heero_yuy 07-01-2017 10:26

Re: Crisis in the NHS
Perhaps educating generation snowflake that a simple bruise or cut just needs a bit of self administered first aid rather than an ambulance to A&E.

Matthew 07-01-2017 11:41

Re: Crisis in the NHS
You've got it in one, its education people.

Alot of it comes down to GP's, the are busy, people don't want to wait to think its better to go to A&E or phone an ambulance. Alot of issues people can self medicate, they need to start been stricter and charging people for wasting time at GP and Ambulances. Ambulance calls need to be targeted more, some know the system and key words to get an ambulance now.

Mick 07-01-2017 11:50

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35879454)

Still, we can always look forward to the cash bonanza for the NHS promised by Brexiters. :rolleyes:

No you are not turning this topic in to one of your pathetic brexit bashing sessions.

If you want to blame the reason the NHS is in the state it is, blame the foreign freeloaders, which this government is now doing something about by introducing passport checks, to ensure people who are not entitled to free healthcare while visiting here, now pay for it.

Too little, too late IMO, we have let far too many people from other EU states, who don't work and scrounge on our benefit system, settle here, straining our NHS healthcare to breaking point.

Mr K 07-01-2017 12:05

Re: Crisis in the NHS
Although the focus is on A&E at the moment. That doesn't explain the failing in other areas of the NHS. e.g. we now have the poorest cancer survival rates in Western Europe.
We have chronically under invested.

---------- Post added at 12:05 ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 ----------


Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35879472)
No you are not turning this topic in to one of your pathetic brexit bashing sessions.

If you want to blame the reason the NHS is in the state it is, blame the foreign freeloaders, which this government is now doing something about by introducing passport checks, to ensure people who are not entitled to free healthcare while visiting here, now pay for it. Most of the 'scroungers' are home grown.

Too little, too late IMO, we have let far too many people from other EU states, who don't work and scrounge on our benefit system, settle here, straining our NHS healthcare to breaking point.

Most of those foreign ' freeloaders' are working and paying taxes. Many of them are working in the NHS, and we are dependent on them. Most of the scroungers are home grown.

denphone 07-01-2017 12:10

Re: Crisis in the NHS
There is also this which will come to us all in time sadly which is putting a huge strain on our NHS now and well into the future

Mick 07-01-2017 12:19

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35879474)

Most of those foreign ' freeloaders' are working and paying taxes. Many of them are working in the NHS, and we are dependent on them.

Most of those are not at all. I am on about the many freeloaders who do NOT work and no we definitely are not dependent on the immigrants, who come here to ride the benefit gravy train and then drain NHS resources to boot.

OhReally 07-01-2017 12:31

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35879481)
Most of those are not at all. I am on about the many freeloaders who do NOT work and no we definitely are not dependent on the immigrants, who come here to ride the benefit gravy train and then drain NHS resources to boot.


Taf 07-01-2017 12:32

Re: Crisis in the NHS
GPs get new contracts with more money. Then in no time GP services taper off and waiting times increase once more.

Lots of GP services around here are now payable or have been withdrawn. So people with medical problems do what they perceive as the next option.... they turn up at Accident and Emergency. When it's not an accident or emergency.

"At the door" triage is what is needed. Don't even let them in the door if their case does not warrant it.

Plus it's time that access to the NHS, except in real emergency cases, was restricted to those entitled to it unless full payment was arranged and actually collected.

Training more nurses and doctors, tying them to a minimum period of service to the NHS, would help too.

Osem 07-01-2017 12:41

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35879472)
No you are not turning this topic in to one of your pathetic brexit bashing sessions.

If you want to blame the reason the NHS is in the state it is, blame the foreign freeloaders, which this government is now doing something about by introducing passport checks, to ensure people who are not entitled to free healthcare while visiting here, now pay for it.

Too little, too late IMO, we have let far too many people from other EU states, who don't work and scrounge on our benefit system, settle here, straining our NHS healthcare to breaking point.

Some folks obviously need reminding that NHS spending is determined by the government of the time, not what a referendum campaign decided to put on the side of a bus one summer day.

There's no way any migrants who're earning anything like the minimum/living wage are paying sufficient tax to be net economic contributors to UK PLC. Any public services they receive, including the NHS, are subsidised by the rest of us it's just a question of by how much.

Mr K 07-01-2017 12:45

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35879481)
Most of those are not at all. I am on about the many freeloaders who do NOT work and no we definitely are not dependent on the immigrants, who come here to ride the benefit gravy train and then drain NHS resources to boot.

I'll think you find in the NHS we are dependent on immigrants.The main reason people come to the UK is work, many if them doing vital jobs in care and cleaning which we won't lower ourselves to do.

You want to have a read of this report Mick, page 5.
Non-UK born nationals are less likely to be claiming out of work benefits, than those that are UK born. Irritating aren't they, facts?

Mick 07-01-2017 13:39

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35879491)
I'll think you find in the NHS we are dependent on immigrants.The main reason people come to the UK is work, many if them doing vital jobs in care and cleaning which we won't lower ourselves to do.

You want to have a read of this report Mick, page 5.
Non-UK born nationals are less likely to be claiming out of work benefits, than those that are UK born. Irritating aren't they, facts?

They are not facts when language like 'less likely' is being used, in other words they don't have a bloody clue. Stop deluding us with bull crap as usual.

Osem 07-01-2017 14:00

Re: Crisis in the NHS
Why should immigrants be claiming out of work benefits at all? If they've come here to work and can't do so then they should go home.

Mr K 07-01-2017 14:11

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35879496)
They are not facts when language like 'less likely' is being used, in other words they don't have a bloody clue. Stop deluding us with bull crap as usual.

The figures are in the parliamentary report Mick, have a read.The problem is the figures on immigrants don't fit yours and others stereotyped tabloid sound bites.

The NHS would be finished tommorrow without immigrants. They aren't to blame for the problems in the NHS. We are - unrealistic funding given the ageing population, wasting NHS/Drs with minor issues and not giving healthcare workers the status and respect they deserve. Money isn't the only issue here, hospitals are losing staff faster than they can recruit.

RizzyKing 07-01-2017 14:18

Re: Crisis in the NHS
As I've said before over the christmas period a lot of people from india and pakistan come to visit families here and while here they go to the nhs and get health issues sorted this is not just the cost of treatment and medications many of them don't speak a word of english and need help there that costs money. I really think it's time for a national ID card which amongst other things would give access to nhs services and put an end to the healthcare tourism that's rampant these days and is no longer affordable.

We also need to stop the knee jerk calls of racism when anyone attempts to highlight the problems from non uk citizens. We can't afford it anymore and it isn't fair to the wider public.

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