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Osem 16-09-2016 13:46

UKIP has (had) a new leader
Diane James has been elected UKIP's leader, succeeding Nigel Farage:


Diane James has been elected as the new leader of the UK Independence Party.
Ms James had been regarded as the favourite to succeed Nigel Farage, who quit as leader following the UK's vote to leave the EU. The MEP for South East England is a former businesswoman and healthcare professional and has been the party's home affairs spokeswoman. She saw off four other contenders: Bill Etheridge, Lisa Duffy, Liz Jones and Phillip Broughton.

Mr K 16-09-2016 13:57

Re: UKIP has a new leader
Her eye swivels much better than the rest of the loons so fair enough. They were some very scary candidates.

TheDaddy 16-09-2016 16:47

Re: UKIP has a new leader
Who? Seriously James who? Isn't it time they just follow nigels example and went away, their whole reason for being no longer exists

Ignitionnet 16-09-2016 18:42

Re: UKIP has a new leader
UKIP's polling is on the decline anyway given it's mission accomplished so it's a bit of a poisoned chalice.

She's about as good as sane people could hope for, however as she's not 'Nige' I doubt she'll be able to maintain UKIP's position.

Hugh 16-09-2016 19:48

Re: UKIP has a new leader
He'll be back....

Osem 16-09-2016 20:40

Re: UKIP has a new leader

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35859479)
He'll be back....

I predict a media career. He's already doing a regular spot on LBC which is highly entertaining.

RizzyKing 16-09-2016 21:23

Re: UKIP has a new leader
I don't know much about her but doubt she has what it takes to make me consider voting for UKIP not so much a reflection on her as my personal dislike for what many in UKIP stand for. If they are to continue as a political force in the UK she faces many challenges as people will view UKIP as a non issue party now she will need to redirect them and develop a detail of policy that hasn't existed before or has been very badly represented. I can see the name disappearing within a couple of years assuming brexit actualky happens with what's happening with labour a reposition in the political balance may be a chance for them to sway some current labour MP's.

Now that our main opposition party has chosen to implode we desperately need an alternative that may appeal to many more that do not view the lib dems as an option.

martyh 17-09-2016 09:06

Re: UKIP has a new leader

Originally Posted by Ignitionnet (Post 35859470)
UKIP's polling is on the decline anyway given it's mission accomplished so it's a bit of a poisoned chalice.

She's about as good as sane people could hope for, however as she's not 'Nige' I doubt she'll be able to maintain UKIP's position.

I think the question on everyone's lips is what does she drink ,pints or sherry ?

Damien 17-09-2016 12:02

Re: UKIP has a new leader

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35859485)
I predict a media career. He's already doing a regular spot on LBC which is highly entertaining.

Yup. He also looks like he is courting the American alt-right circuit. Hence his appearance with Trump, I think anyone who eyed a return to British politics wouldn't do that.

---------- Post added at 12:02 ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 ----------

Diane James is presumably going to push for the old Labour vote as opposed to the Tory vote.

Osem 04-10-2016 21:31

Re: UKIP has a new leader
Some people are on the pitch... they think it's all over... it is now!


Ukip leader Diane James has quit the role after just 18 days, sources have said.

According to senior Ukip members Ms James, who took over from Nigel Farage last month, has resigned her position for personal and family reasons.

Yes, she's hasn't even lasted as long as Sam Alardyce. :spin:

Damien 04-10-2016 21:58

Re: UKIP has a new leader
A story will published by The Times tonight is the rumour. God knows what it could be.

In the meantime a front runner named Figel Narage has emerged:

Osem 04-10-2016 22:02

Re: UKIP has a new leader
He's in disguise hoping nobody will recognise him... :D

TheDaddy 05-10-2016 01:45

Re: UKIP has a new leader

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35861822)
He's in disguise hoping nobody will recognise him... :D

I preferred him with the hitler task even if it was a microphone. Why is this even news, irrelevant party loses leader no one has heard of to be replaced by another nobody. The referendum is over, you won now get over it and go away, you're no longer needed.

denphone 05-10-2016 05:48

Re: UKIP has a new leader

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35861810)
Some people are on the pitch... they think it's all over... it is now!

Yes, she's hasn't even lasted as long as Sam Alardyce. :spin:

A family illness was given as one of the reasons so that is understandable.

Osem 05-10-2016 09:58

Re: UKIP has a new leader

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35861845)
A family illness was given as one of the reasons so that is understandable.

The truth will no doubt come out no doubt but I heard one UKIP figure on the radio this morning claiming there'd been serious doubts about her suitability to take on the role from day one. Of course there's often infighting in politics but I'm wondering if there'll turn out to be more to this than it seems.

Whatever the real reason is (and it may be a combination of things) UKIP do seem to be lurching from one self imposed 'crisis' to another but I hear Farage has once again ruled out a return...


.... which inevitably means, he's back! :)

... albeit temporarily...

... he reckons... :D

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