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Osem 16-09-2016 13:46

UKIP has (had) a new leader
Diane James has been elected UKIP's leader, succeeding Nigel Farage:


Diane James has been elected as the new leader of the UK Independence Party.
Ms James had been regarded as the favourite to succeed Nigel Farage, who quit as leader following the UK's vote to leave the EU. The MEP for South East England is a former businesswoman and healthcare professional and has been the party's home affairs spokeswoman. She saw off four other contenders: Bill Etheridge, Lisa Duffy, Liz Jones and Phillip Broughton.

Mr K 16-09-2016 13:57

Re: UKIP has a new leader
Her eye swivels much better than the rest of the loons so fair enough. They were some very scary candidates.

TheDaddy 16-09-2016 16:47

Re: UKIP has a new leader
Who? Seriously James who? Isn't it time they just follow nigels example and went away, their whole reason for being no longer exists

Ignitionnet 16-09-2016 18:42

Re: UKIP has a new leader
UKIP's polling is on the decline anyway given it's mission accomplished so it's a bit of a poisoned chalice.

She's about as good as sane people could hope for, however as she's not 'Nige' I doubt she'll be able to maintain UKIP's position.

Hugh 16-09-2016 19:48

Re: UKIP has a new leader
He'll be back....

Osem 16-09-2016 20:40

Re: UKIP has a new leader

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35859479)
He'll be back....

I predict a media career. He's already doing a regular spot on LBC which is highly entertaining.

RizzyKing 16-09-2016 21:23

Re: UKIP has a new leader
I don't know much about her but doubt she has what it takes to make me consider voting for UKIP not so much a reflection on her as my personal dislike for what many in UKIP stand for. If they are to continue as a political force in the UK she faces many challenges as people will view UKIP as a non issue party now she will need to redirect them and develop a detail of policy that hasn't existed before or has been very badly represented. I can see the name disappearing within a couple of years assuming brexit actualky happens with what's happening with labour a reposition in the political balance may be a chance for them to sway some current labour MP's.

Now that our main opposition party has chosen to implode we desperately need an alternative that may appeal to many more that do not view the lib dems as an option.

martyh 17-09-2016 09:06

Re: UKIP has a new leader

Originally Posted by Ignitionnet (Post 35859470)
UKIP's polling is on the decline anyway given it's mission accomplished so it's a bit of a poisoned chalice.

She's about as good as sane people could hope for, however as she's not 'Nige' I doubt she'll be able to maintain UKIP's position.

I think the question on everyone's lips is what does she drink ,pints or sherry ?

Damien 17-09-2016 12:02

Re: UKIP has a new leader

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35859485)
I predict a media career. He's already doing a regular spot on LBC which is highly entertaining.

Yup. He also looks like he is courting the American alt-right circuit. Hence his appearance with Trump, I think anyone who eyed a return to British politics wouldn't do that.

---------- Post added at 12:02 ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 ----------

Diane James is presumably going to push for the old Labour vote as opposed to the Tory vote.

Osem 04-10-2016 21:31

Re: UKIP has a new leader
Some people are on the pitch... they think it's all over... it is now!


Ukip leader Diane James has quit the role after just 18 days, sources have said.

According to senior Ukip members Ms James, who took over from Nigel Farage last month, has resigned her position for personal and family reasons.

Yes, she's hasn't even lasted as long as Sam Alardyce. :spin:

Damien 04-10-2016 21:58

Re: UKIP has a new leader
A story will published by The Times tonight is the rumour. God knows what it could be.

In the meantime a front runner named Figel Narage has emerged:

Osem 04-10-2016 22:02

Re: UKIP has a new leader
He's in disguise hoping nobody will recognise him... :D

TheDaddy 05-10-2016 01:45

Re: UKIP has a new leader

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35861822)
He's in disguise hoping nobody will recognise him... :D

I preferred him with the hitler task even if it was a microphone. Why is this even news, irrelevant party loses leader no one has heard of to be replaced by another nobody. The referendum is over, you won now get over it and go away, you're no longer needed.

denphone 05-10-2016 05:48

Re: UKIP has a new leader

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35861810)
Some people are on the pitch... they think it's all over... it is now!

Yes, she's hasn't even lasted as long as Sam Alardyce. :spin:

A family illness was given as one of the reasons so that is understandable.

Osem 05-10-2016 09:58

Re: UKIP has a new leader

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35861845)
A family illness was given as one of the reasons so that is understandable.

The truth will no doubt come out no doubt but I heard one UKIP figure on the radio this morning claiming there'd been serious doubts about her suitability to take on the role from day one. Of course there's often infighting in politics but I'm wondering if there'll turn out to be more to this than it seems.

Whatever the real reason is (and it may be a combination of things) UKIP do seem to be lurching from one self imposed 'crisis' to another but I hear Farage has once again ruled out a return...


.... which inevitably means, he's back! :)

... albeit temporarily...

... he reckons... :D

Hugh 05-10-2016 12:30

Re: UKIP has a new leader

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35859479)
He'll be back....

Mr K 05-10-2016 12:39

Re: UKIP has a new leader

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35861886)

They call him 'Mystic Hugh'. BTW what are the lotto numbers going to be this week ? ;)

Arthurgray50@blu 05-10-2016 21:10

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
I think the UKIP party will be back with a bang. The story was that 'she' didn't have the support of the whole party.

But we need a party that will tackle everything for the working class of this Country. As the Labour Party will never win an election. As it is the public vote and NOT a party vote that will sort out Corbyn

Maggy 06-10-2016 08:33

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
I hate to burst you bubble Arthur but UKIP have only one MP and their MEPs will soon be out of a job.They barely have a presence in Parliament. They are basically a one cause party and now they have achieved their aim I don't see any consolidation especially now that most of their aims have now been adopted by the Conservatives..

heero_yuy 06-10-2016 09:07

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
In your best Lionel Richie voice: You're once, twice, three times a leader. :D

Osem 06-10-2016 09:32

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Legally, I don't think he ever actually stopped being leader.


Party sources told the Huffington Post earlier Wednesday that the forms submitted by James after she was elected UKIP leader were not valid. She is believed to have signed the forms but written “under duress” on them, rendering them void.

The electoral commission said in a statement published Wednesday that “UKIP submitted paperwork … notifying us of a change in their leadership.” But the form “had not been processed as we had questions for the party regarding the completion of the form,” it added.

Hugh 31-10-2016 12:50

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
One less in the running - three down, four left..

UK Independence Party leadership candidate Raheem Kassam has pulled out of the race just three days after the official launch of his campaign.

The former aide to leader Nigel Farage said he was not "satisfied about the integrity of the process".

He added: "It is a decision I have not taken lightly, but following meetings this weekend I realised the path to victory is too narrow."

Mr K 31-10-2016 12:56

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
Keith Chegwin is definitely is going to run I hear. Should be a formality for Cheggers, he's vastly more talented than then other candidates.

denphone 31-10-2016 12:58

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35866751)
Keith Chegwin is definitely is going to run I hear. Should be a formality for Cheggers, he's vastly more talented than then other candidates.

Good grief Mr K you are easily pleased...;)

Damien 31-10-2016 13:05

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35866748)
One less in the running - three down, four left..

He got caught out early on with the history of his Twitter feed. The abusive Trumpian style comments are less successful in the UK.

Damien 16-02-2017 20:03

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
How long before Farage needs to come back? This guy seems a bit off the rails:

His site claimed he had lost close friends as Hillsborough but then denied it:

He has previously claimed to be a professional footballer when he wasn't:

So now he has deleted this website:

and didn't turn up to hustlings:

It's bizarre....

Osem 16-02-2017 20:22

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
Some say it's just the inevitable result of not being as accomplished at lying, spinning and cheating as those political parties which have had hundreds of years practice... ;)

papa smurf 16-02-2017 20:27

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35886152)
Some say it's just the inevitable result of not being as accomplished at lying, spinning and cheating as those political parties which have had hundreds of years practice...

oh yes with famous whoppers like student fee's and i will invoke article 50 .......

Damien 16-02-2017 20:33

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35886152)
Some say it's just the inevitable result of not being as accomplished at lying, spinning and cheating as those political parties which have had hundreds of years practice...

Doesn't take a political genius to work out you don't lie about something so easily verifiable. What's the point? Someone will look it up and it's just wrong. It's not like fudging a statistic or spinning a story to make yourself look better. Besides UKIP are hardly new at this point.

It's still not clear if he was at Hillsborough either. Don't really want to call someone a liar on that charge without definitive proof though.

papa smurf 16-02-2017 20:36

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35886155)
Doesn't take a political genius to work out you don't lie about something so easily verifiable. What's the point? Someone will look it up and it's just wrong. It's not like fudging a statistic or spinning a story to make yourself look better. Besides UKIP are hardly new at this point.

It's still not clear if he was at Hillsborough either. Don't really want to call someone a liar on that charge without definitive proof though.

like student fee's

Don't really want to call cleggy a liar on that charge without definitive proof though ;)

Damien 16-02-2017 20:41

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35886157)
like student fee's

Don't really want to call cleggy a liar on that charge without definitive proof though ;)

The story is that there is a question over the claims of being at Hillsborough, as there is no police statement or knowledge from the support group. However that doesn't amount to the proof it's a lie. Maybe he just never went to the police or the support group and the club don't have a record. So that's why it should be treated with caution.

As for Clegg the student fees are a perfect example of why you don't lie on something so easily proven wrong or at least make promises you're unable to meet.

Anyway the lying isn't so much of a big deal, it's very weird. It's the bizarreness of doing it when it's hard to see the advantage.

I mean he might still win, Labour are awful, the Tories have pulled out and being dishonest didn't hurt Trump.

papa smurf 16-02-2017 20:50

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35886159)
The story is that there is a question over the claims of being at Hillsborough, as there is no police statement or knowledge from the support group. However that doesn't amount to the proof it's a lie. Maybe he just never went to the police or the support group and the club don't have a record. So that's why it should be treated with caution.

As for Clegg the student fees are a perfect example of why you don't lie on something so easily proven wrong or at least make promises you're unable to meet.

Anyway the lying isn't so much of a big deal, it's very weird. It's the bizarreness of doing it when it's hard to see the advantage.

I mean he might still win, Labour are awful, the Tories have pulled out and being dishonest didn't hurt Trump.

i can't find the link now but from what i read earlier the labour candidate seems to be trying hard to not get any votes .

trump dishonest ?

Hugh 16-02-2017 20:54

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35886150)
How long before Farage needs to come back? This guy seems a bit off the rails:

His site claimed he had lost close friends as Hillsborough but then denied it:

He has previously claimed to be a professional footballer when he wasn't:

So now he has deleted this website:

and didn't turn up to hustlings:

It's bizarre....


Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35886152)
Some say it's just the inevitable result of not being as accomplished at lying, spinning and cheating as those political parties which have had hundreds of years practice... ;)

He seems fairly accomplished at it... ;)

papa smurf 16-02-2017 20:59

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
just found this

Stoke byelection: Lib Dems alert police over text urging Muslims to vote Labour

The Lib Dems have alerted the police after messages sent to some Muslim voters in Stoke-on-Trent suggested they could go to hell if they failed to vote Labour to keep out Ukip’s Paul Nuttall.

The text of the message sent to Muslim voters in Stoke
Aslamalaykam my Brothers and Sisters.

In this country, we Must vote due to Necessity / Majboori.

This does not mean that we can vote for any Tom, Dick or Harry.

This means that in order to stop the Far Right, Anti Muslim, Anti Islamic UKIP Party, we must vote for

the Strongest candidate.

If Dr Ali takes 500 Votes and Yaqub Mirza takes a 100 votes and UKIP defeat the Labour Party

Candidate Gareth Snell by 550 votes, then You will have succeeded in helping to Elect an Anti

Muslim and Anti Islam MP.

Ok, you will have made Dr Ali and Mohammed Yaqub Akram (Mirza) happy Losers.


You will have given a slap to our local councillors.


Will you be able to answer for this in the Grave and on the Final Day???

“I helped the Enemies of Islam because.....”

May ALLAH TALLAH Grant Us All Hidayat, Ameen.

Damien 16-02-2017 21:09

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
Yup. He also has some questionable Tweets.

I bet the Tories are regretting pulling out of Stoke given the poor qualify of the candidates.

Osem 16-02-2017 21:20

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35886161)
He seems fairly accomplished at it... ;)

The really accomplished liars don't get caught out so easily. ;)

People like Blair were really very good at it. ably assisted by real experts like Campbell. Only time and a massively costly and equally protracted inquiry scratched the surface of his duplicity...

Compared to them, UKIP are relative amateurs and it's showing as it did during Farage's reign.

Hugh 16-02-2017 21:22

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
Excellent - they lie badly, which is a good thing..

Perhaps they could just not lie?

Damien 16-02-2017 21:23

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
You think they would have had time to recruit better and train better then. This isn't an apprentice job.

Osem 16-02-2017 21:31

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35886169)
Excellent - they lie badly, which is a good thing..

Perhaps they could just not lie?

I didn't say lying's a good thing. Lying badly is better for us than lying well. At least a bad liar can be outed quickly unlike a consumate expert like Blair who strung us along for over 10 years.

Damien 16-02-2017 21:32

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35886172)
Who's saying lying's a good thing? I didn't.

At least a bad liar can be outed quickly unlike a consumate expert like Blair who strung us along for over 10 years.

We're not electing Blair now though, this is a specifically about Nuttall.

Osem 16-02-2017 21:38

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35886170)
You think they would have had time to recruit better and train better then. This isn't an apprentice job.

What you mean like the Labour party who elected Corbyn, Miliband, Foot and Kinnock as leader?..

:rofl: ;)

Damien 16-02-2017 21:40

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35886177)
What you mean like the Labour party who elected Corbyn, Miliband, Foot, and Kinnock as leader?..

:rofl: ;)

Well yes. I've been pretty clear Corbyn is not up to the job from before he was elected. Nuttell it would appear is also not up to it if he doesn't get a good result in this by-election. UKIP especially should be making serious inroads into the Labour heartlands.

Osem 16-02-2017 21:46

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35886178)
Well yes. I've been pretty clear Corbyn is not up to the job from before he was elected. Nuttell it would appear is also not up to it if he doesn't get a good result in this by-election. UKIP especially should be making serious inroads into the Labour heartlands.

If it takes Labour 120 years to come up with a leader like Corbyn propped up by people like Momentum* I don't think we should expect too much from UKIP. :D

* How anyone could link Corbyn with the word 'momentum' is beyond me. Now 'inertia' on the other hand... :D

1andrew1 16-02-2017 22:27

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35886159)
Anyway the lying isn't so much of a big deal, it's very weird. It's the bizarreness of doing it when it's hard to see the advantage.

I don't get this either. I understand why he denied saying that he wanted to privatise the NHS as this is not a vote-winner. But the other mistakes on his LinkedIn page or personal website do not win votes. They include:
* He has a PhD.
* He played professional football for Tranmere Rovers.

papa smurf 17-02-2017 07:24

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35886187)
I don't get this either. I understand why he denied saying that he wanted to privatise the NHS as this is not a vote-winner. But the other mistakes on his LinkedIn page or personal website do not win votes. They include:
* He has a PhD.
* He played professional football for Tranmere Rovers.

mine says i have

a Bsc

to the uneducated thats
a bronze swimming cert
a silver swimming cert
and Higher than Normal Depression ;)

Damien 17-02-2017 08:41

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35886187)
I don't get this either. I understand why he denied saying that he wanted to privatise the NHS as this is not a vote-winner. But the other mistakes on his LinkedIn page or personal website do not win votes. They include:
* He has a PhD.
* He played professional football for Tranmere Rovers.

Not sure it will hurt him but if he loses badly it might call his leadership into question. I think Hillsborough is the most likely of the issues to cost him votes in Stoke.

1andrew1 17-02-2017 09:35

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35886205)
Not sure it will hurt him but if he loses badly it might call his leadership into question. I think Hillsborough is the most likely of the issues to cost him votes in Stoke.

I think so as well. His lack of condemnation of UKIP-funding, multi-millionaire Arron Banks's comments on Hillsborough are big mistake. But does UKIP have anyone lined up to replace him apart from Farage (again) who is now busy with LBC and Fox as well as being an MEP as well as keeping a watching brief on Brexit?


UKIP leader Paul Nuttall has failed to respond to calls from the ECHO to condemn comments by a multi-millionaire party donor who called the Hillsborough disaster “an accident.”
We have repeatedly asked the Bootle-born politician to comment on tweets by UKIP backer Arron Banks, which said he was “sick of hearing” about the tragedy and accused people of “milking it.”
The ECHO has had no response from Mr Nuttall’s representatives despite calling repeatedly and contacting them on Twitter today.

TheDaddy 18-02-2017 22:16

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
Oh look, another kipper out of their depth telling lies...

denphone 19-02-2017 05:23

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35886502)
Oh look, another kipper out of their depth telling lies...

The sad thing is TD is people still seem to vote for these lying obfuscating politicians..:rolleyes:

TheDaddy 19-02-2017 06:54

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35886513)
The sad thing is TD is people still seem to vote for these lying obfuscating politicians..:rolleyes:

It's better than not voting at all, if the majority become to disenfranchised the only ones left will be the hardcore of extremists and you really don't want those types deciding elections, you could go from communist to fascist in the space of weeks left to them. What has become apparent is that this shower of game amateurs that is UKIP are no better than the professional shower that have been lying to us for years, if they're not careful we'll elect someone to drain the swamp :Yikes:

denphone 19-02-2017 08:23

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35886515)
It's better than not voting at all, if the majority become to disenfranchised the only ones left will be the hardcore of extremists and you really don't want those types deciding elections, you could go from communist to fascist in the space of weeks left to them. What has become apparent is that this shower of game amateurs that is UKIP are no better than the professional shower that have been lying to us for years, if they're not careful we'll elect someone to drain the swamp :Yikes:

l agree its far better voting for someone rather then not voting at all but sadly the choices put in front of us all are lamentable to say the least.

Damien 19-02-2017 08:50

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
I still see UKIP having a good chance. Apparently the Liberals are eating into Labour's vote in Stoke.

papa smurf 19-02-2017 09:09

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35886518)
I still see UKIP having a good chance. Apparently the Liberals are eating into Labour's vote in Stoke.

you can thank tony bliar and the labour candidate for damaging their own campaign .

1andrew1 19-02-2017 10:17

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35886517)
l agree its far better voting for someone rather then not voting at all but sadly the choices put in front of us all are lamentable to say the least.

Sounds like you might be thinking of picking up the baton yourself, Den. :)

denphone 19-02-2017 10:22

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35886524)
Sounds like you might be thinking of picking up the baton yourself, Den. :)

Well given my inability to come out with a clear and concise answer to questions l might get the odd one or two votes if one is nominated.;)

papa smurf 19-02-2017 10:24

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35886526)
Well given my inability to come out with a clear and concise answer to questions l might get the odd one or two votes if one is nominated.;)

get a bad wig it'll do wonders for your street cred ;)

Kursk 19-02-2017 16:30

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35886527)
get a bad wig it'll do wonders for your street cred ;)

Den is a bad whig :)

denphone 19-02-2017 16:48

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35886527)
get a bad wig it'll do wonders for your street cred ;)

No thanks old boy as l would rather people take me as l am..;)

Damien 19-02-2017 16:53

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35886520)
you can thank tony bliar and the labour candidate for damaging their own campaign .

I think it's their current leader that's the problem.

heero_yuy 19-02-2017 16:58

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35886578)
I think it's their current leader that's the problem.

Well any of the alternatives are no salvation. They're doomed. :)

Damien 19-02-2017 17:02

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 35886579)
Well any of the alternatives are no salvation. They're doomed. :)

FPTP means they probably aren't. 2020 looks a lot cause though barring any major crisis.

I think the future for Labour will be a fresh face that takes over once Brexit no longer divides the party. I am not sure what their platform would be but that would be the job of a new leader to work out. You would have to say under such circumstances, Brexit out of the way, they might do well after 2020.

Either that or a realignment of politics in general which the existing parties splitting, reforming etc. That seems less likely though.

pip08456 19-02-2017 17:05

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35886581)
FPTP means they probably aren't. 2020 looks a lot cause though barring any major crisis.

I think the future for Labour will be a fresh face that takes over once Brexit no longer divides the party. I am not sure what their platform would be but that would be the job of a new leader to work out. You would have to say under such circumstances, Brexit out of the way, they might do well after 2020.

Either that or a realignment of politics in general which the existing parties splitting, reforming etc. That seems less likely though.

No matter which way you go it will still be "same old, same old". The only difference is it would be given a different wrapper.

I do wish some of us surfs learned their place in the higherachy of the country.:D

denphone 19-02-2017 17:06

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 35886579)
Well any of the alternatives are no salvation. They're doomed. :)

Corbyn is probably worse then Foot although the leaders of the other party leaders ain't much to write home about either so we are not exactly enamoured with much good choice at the moment in British politics currently.:td:

pip08456 19-02-2017 17:08

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35886585)
Corbyn is probably worse then Foot although the leaders of the other party leaders ain't much to write home about either so we are not exactly enamoured with much good choice at the moment in British politics currently.:td:

Ah, you noticed. Even the leaders have leaders.

1andrew1 20-02-2017 10:43

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
Things are not getting any better for Paul Nuttall. It would have been expedient for him to distance himself from Arron Banks's Hillsborough comments and a natural thing to do as a Liverpool supporter. He just isn't demonstrating common sense. And a photo of his supporters taken in Bolton stated as being in Stoke adds to his reputation for inaccuracy.

Two UKIP Merseyside officials QUIT over Paul Nuttall Hillsborough saga

Liverpool Echo Stuart Monkcom, UKIP’s Liverpool branch chair, and Adam Heatherington, the party’s Merseyside spokesman, have both quit their positions and resigned their party memberships.
In a statement on behalf of both men, Mr Monkcom wrote: “Although the timing of our resignations is unfortunate in light of upcoming elections, both Adam and I wish to make it clear, where the painful subject of Hillsborough is concerned, with closure not yet in sight, this unprofessional approach and crass insensitivity from high profile people closely within and without Ukip is upsetting and intolerable.”..

But his [Paul Nuttall's] party seemed unsure of exactly where Stoke is is over the weekend, tweeting a picture of Ukip’s “people’s army” allegedly campaigning in the Potteries only for it to be pointed out by twitter users that the photograph was taken more than 50 miles away in Bolton.

Damien 20-02-2017 12:47

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
Personally I think we're being too harsh. Parliament needs more of this kind of creative thinking. Imagine Nuttall regaling parliament of his many adventures around the world! The time he and Nikola Tesla broke into Edison's house and stole his equipment, his brief but intense affair with Audrey Hepburn, his time advising President Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis, his infamous touchdown in the last play of Superbowl XXXVIII or the shrimp company he started with Lieutenant Dan. The man just has so much to contribute to politics.

1andrew1 24-02-2017 11:51

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
Well, despite having labelled it the Brexit capital, Paul Nuttall failed to win Stoke.

Hugh 24-02-2017 11:54

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Paul Nuttall: “I’m going nowhere.”

Finally, Ukip leader gets something right

papa smurf 24-02-2017 16:51

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35887310)
Well, despite having labelled it the Brexit capital, Paul Nuttall failed to win Stoke.

ah well that's democracy at work we must accept the democratic will of those who voted

well done to the winner :clap:

Kursk 25-02-2017 11:24

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35887331)
ah well that's democracy at work we must accept the democratic will of those who voted

well done to the winner :clap:

I second that papa. A lot of people will be disappointed with the result but that's how it goes. Perhaps Gareth Snell will invite Mr Nuttall to share the role of MP as this system of winners and losers is unfair. Meh. Boo fricketty hoo :rolleyes:

papa smurf 25-02-2017 11:31

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Kursk (Post 35887403)
I second that papa. A lot of people will be disappointed with the result but that's how it goes. Perhaps Gareth Snell will invite Mr Nuttall to share the role of MP as this system of winners and losers is unfair. Meh. Boo fricketty hoo :rolleyes:

what :shocked::shocked::shocked: i thought because mr nuttall came second they had to implement his wishes because people didn't understand what they voted for and that's how it works in libtardia land .

you seem to imply that the winner is top in the pecking order :shocked::shocked:

Kursk 25-02-2017 11:36

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35887406)
what :shocked::shocked::shocked: i thought because mr nuttall came second they had to implement his wishes because people didn't understand what they voted for and that's how it works in libtardia land .

you seem to imply that the winner is top in the pecking order :shocked::shocked:

I'm sure Mr Nuttall is perfectly entitled to take this to court. Gina will be on the case right now. If Mr Snell thinks he can be top dog on the basis of just ONE majority vote, he has another think coming. The cheeky barsteward.

papa smurf 25-02-2017 11:39

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Kursk (Post 35887407)
I'm sure Mr Nuttall is perfectly entitled to take this to court. Gina will be on the case right now. If Mr Snell thinks he can be top dog on the basis of just ONE majority vote, he has another think coming. The cheeky barsteward.

unfortunately mr nuttall is bald so no hairdressers coming to the rescue ;)

Kursk 25-02-2017 12:08

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35887408)
unfortunately mr nuttall is bald so no hairdressers coming to the rescue ;)

:D Shouldn't 1someone1 be posting link after emboldened link about this electoral swiz?

A remoaning tumbleweed just blew across the forum.

Hugh 25-02-2017 13:28

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
Nice to see the children enjoying themselves in their echo chamber... ;)

Kursk 25-02-2017 16:43

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35887423)
Nice to see the children enjoying themselves in their echo chamber... ;)

Oh come on, you can do better than that. Can't you?

Where are all the remoaning minnies? Sucking their thumbs in a darkened room I suspect pmsl :p:

Damien 25-02-2017 18:36

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
People do realise the people in Stoke will be able to change their mind in no more than 3 years time? UKIP are entitled to continue to campaign in Stoke, stand again in Stoke and criticise the now sitting Labour MP. Democracy is ongoing, no one wins forever.

denphone 25-02-2017 18:56

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35887462)
People do realise the people in Stoke will be able to change their mind in no more than 3 years time? UKIP are entitled to continue to campaign in Stoke, stand again in Stoke and criticise the now sitting Labour MP. Democracy is ongoing, no one wins forever.

Indeed l remember when Blair was in power and won 3 elections many were saying the Conservatives were facing a existential crisis and thus Labour before that and now but it did not happen then and it won't happen now.

Kursk 26-02-2017 00:10

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35887462)
People do realise the people in Stoke will be able to change their mind in no more than 3 years time? UKIP are entitled to continue to campaign in Stoke, stand again in Stoke and criticise the now sitting Labour MP. Democracy is ongoing, no one wins forever.

People also realise that the agenda will be driven by the elected MP. A circuitous exchange is redundant I would suggest.

We need to be very careful about how democracy works and as importantly, how it is perceived to be working. The change that's in the air might run away with us; cool heads are required.

Damien 27-02-2017 22:01

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
Handbags at UKIP:

Farage seems to want Carswell kicked out over claims he didn't try hard enough, even maybe mocked, attempts to get Farage appointed to the House of Lords or a Knighthood.

denphone 28-02-2017 05:33

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
A party like Labour who are in a steepening freefall crisis but that does not mean that the present government is much cop either sadly as all they are is just the best of a awfully bad bunch and that's not saying much.

Ramrod 28-02-2017 07:17

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35887406)
what :shocked::shocked::shocked: i thought because mr nuttall came second they had to implement his wishes because people didn't understand what they voted for and that's how it works in libtardia land .

Only if it suits them :D

1andrew1 24-03-2017 00:33

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Arron Banks, who used to be one of the UK Independence Party’s biggest donors, is demanding that Ukip pays him £200,000 for call centre and other services he provided for free.

Mr Banks, who donated £1 million to Ukip before the last general election, has submitted the invoice after he fell out with senior figures in the party and his membership lapsed.

denphone 24-03-2017 06:36

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35887746)
Handbags at UKIP:

Farage seems to want Carswell kicked out over claims he didn't try hard enough, even maybe mocked, attempts to get Farage appointed to the House of Lords or a Knighthood.

The end is nigh for UKIP IMO.

1andrew1 25-03-2017 12:37

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
Ukip’s only MP, Douglas Carswell, has dramatically quit the party, declaring that – after Brexit – it is a case of “job done”.

The Clacton MP will sit as an independent, scotching – for now at least – rumours that he would rejoin the Conservatives.

Chris 25-03-2017 13:08

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35891675)
Ukip’s only MP, Douglas Carswell, has dramatically quit the party, declaring that – after Brexit – it is a case of “job done”.

The Clacton MP will sit as an independent, scotching – for now at least – rumours that he would rejoin the Conservatives.

He won't rejoin the Conservatives, because he has set a personal precedent of resigning and forcing a by election under such circumstances. He doesn't need to do so anyway, he is a Tory in all but name and the Tory whips will be able to count on his vote on all the important issues.

1andrew1 25-03-2017 20:01

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
This has been mentioned before and I think it's quite credible.


Douglas Carswell 'was a Tory plant all along', Leave.EU campaign suggests

Mick 25-03-2017 21:48

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35891708)
This has been mentioned before and I think it's quite credible.

He is a weasel, always has been in my eyes... I hope has a back up plan for 2020, because he won't keep that Seat IMO.

Staying on as an MP I would suggest, to purely to ride the expenses gravy train.....


Since the couple moved in, Mr Carswell has claimed a total of £32,000 in expenses related to the house.

He also owns a property in Hertfordshire, which he rents out. Mrs Carswell sold her flat in south-west London for £500,000 last year.

The MP bills taxpayers for the entire rent of £1,250 per month and £2,280 annual council tax bills for the Essex house.

Since moving in, he has also claimed £1,605 for two sofas and £1,483 for a bed, mattress and chairs from ILVA.

He spent a further £700 for bedding and household extras at Peter Jones and The White Company. Mr Carswell also claimed £453 for a fridge freezer, £400 for a washing machine, £99 for a garden strimmer and bin, and £377 for a radio, telephone, vacuum cleaner, iron and television.

In November 2007, he claimed £429 for four days' worth of gardening.
He also claimed for a range of items bought at Tesco, including a 74p washing line.

1andrew1 25-03-2017 22:02

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35891726)
He is a weasel, always has been in my eyes... I hope has a back up plan for 2020, because he won't keep that Seat IMO.

Staying on as an MP I would suggest, to purely to ride the expenses gravy train.....

Certainly one to watch. Maybe he will rejoin the Conservative Party in 2020?

denphone 26-03-2017 04:47

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35891728)
Certainly one to watch. Maybe he will rejoin the Conservative Party in 2020?

l doubt it Andrew.

TheDaddy 26-03-2017 06:10

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35891737)
l doubt it Andrew.

I don't, just before the next election to, there won't be any opposition to him rejoining either as long as he doesn't create any controversy between now and then.

It's all going well for the kippers, a deluded liar for a leader, the money man has headed for the hills and even Nigel can't really be bothered with them anymore.

papa smurf 26-03-2017 10:56

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35891739)
I don't, just before the next election to, there won't be any opposition to him rejoining either as long as he doesn't create any controversy between now and then.

It's all going well for the kippers, a deluded liar for a leader, the money man has headed for the hills and even Nigel can't really be bothered with them anymore.

but they got the job done UK Independence is happening .

Osem 26-03-2017 11:06

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
I think he should call a by-election. I don't recall him saying to the electorate that he'd quit the party if the referendum went UKIP's way yet all these months after the vote, he's claiming it's job done. If he thinks UKIP's suddenly a basket case he should at least say so and let the electorate decide whether he remains their MP.

Hugh 26-03-2017 16:38

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

TheDaddy 26-03-2017 18:16

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35891751)
but they got the job done UK Independence is happening .

Why are they still here then?

papa smurf 26-03-2017 18:22

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35891803)
Why are they still here then?

maybe the process needs policing until its completion

heero_yuy 26-03-2017 18:27

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35891804)
maybe the process needs policing until its completion

To stop any backsliding by closet remoaners.

papa smurf 26-03-2017 18:31

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 35891805)
To stop any backsliding by closet remoaners.

yes the anti democratic back stabbing libtard brigade need watching 24/7 ;)

passingbat 26-03-2017 18:50

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35891803)
Why are they still here then?

Ably answered below.


Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35891804)
maybe the process needs policing until its completion


Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 35891805)
To stop any backsliding by closet remoaners.


Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35891806)
yes the anti democratic back stabbing libtard brigade need watching 24/7 ;)

There is still a battle going on. We need to stop any attempted watering down of a hard Brexit.

Osem 26-03-2017 19:00

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by passingbat (Post 35891808)
Ably answered below.

There is still a battle going on. We need to stop any attempted watering down of a hard Brexit.

It's not over until the fat Eurocrats sign. :)

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