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General Maximus 20-01-2019 17:01

Movie news, trivia and other snippets
I have been wanting to start this thread for a while because everyone now and come I come across little snippets of information I want to share with people and it can be hard to find an appropriate thread to squeeze it into and it isn't worth starting a new one.

Last week Aquaman hit $1bn at the cinema which is an achievement in itself let alone for the DC movie universe. I am pleased it has done well because I thought it was good but I didn't think it was a $1bn movie. To put things into context my favourite film last year was Ready Player One and it only made $579m and very annoyingly Venom which I thought was cack did $850m. I wish I could switch them around and give Ready Player One $1bn, Aquaman $850m and knock Venom right down to something like $300m. We know at $850m they are going to bang out another two and make a trilogy. At least I'll know not to watch them next time.

Hugh 20-01-2019 18:03

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
People’s tastes differ- that’s what makes life (and films) interesting.

General Maximus 20-01-2019 18:27

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
I know but sometimes I think things would be better if we were all borg, I was the Borg King and everyone had to like what I liked.

If anyone is interested here are the top 20 for last year. I am glad to see Antman, Deadpool 2 and Mission Impossible doing well. The only other film I really enjoyed and isn't up there is The Darkest Hour but I suppose that is more of a Brit thing. It only did $150m of which $32m was in the UK which is impressive.

denphone 20-01-2019 20:54

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35980130)
I know but sometimes I think things would be better if we were all borg, I was the Borg King and everyone had to like what I liked.

If anyone is interested here are the top 20 for last year. I am glad to see Antman, Deadpool 2 and Mission Impossible doing well. The only other film I really enjoyed and isn't up there is The Darkest Hour but I suppose that is more of a Brit thing. It only did $150m of which $32m was in the UK which is impressive.

Some very good films there general but there are some excellent films which don't achieve much at the box office yet that does not make them a poor film as with films its all in the eye of the beholder as tastes can differ considerably.

Paul 21-01-2019 03:01

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
I saw all of the top 5 last year.

Hugh 21-01-2019 10:34

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
I’ve seen the top 12, just not got round to Aquaman yet, as I’ve had conflicting reports from family about it.

General Maximus 23-01-2019 09:36

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
me too apart from Fantastic Beasts, I am not interested.

Aquaman is defo worth a watch if you watch any of the DC stuff. I think it is just as good as Wonder Woman minus the babe.

General Maximus 25-01-2019 18:40

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

A Soprano's prequel movie is in the works and James Gandolfino's real life will be playing the younger version of him in the film.

denphone 25-01-2019 21:04

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35980820)

A Soprano's prequel movie is in the works and James Gandolfino's real life will be playing the younger version of him in the film.

Lets hope it turns out as good as the series.

General Maximus 25-01-2019 21:15

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Never seen it

denphone 25-01-2019 21:22

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35980843)
Never seen it

A superb series which you must see in time.

General Maximus 26-01-2019 14:10

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
it is weird, I can remember it being in its prime when I was at uni and I didn't have the time to watch it at the time because I was already in to Alias, SG1, Smallville and whatever else. Over the years when I have thought about it and wanted to give it a go something else has always come along which has put it on the back burner. Atm for example I am up to date with my tv viewing but watching season 2 of The Punisher last week has put me back a week and I am conscious of the fact that there are only 78 days till season 8 of GoT airs and Endgame is out soon too. I want to watch all the Marvel movies again in the run up to Endgame and I have booked the week off work in the run up to 14th April so I can have a GoT marathon and hopefully watch one season a day in time for the season 8 premiere. Ideally I would like to hold on till season 8 finishes so I can watch the whole lot in one go but I get way too excited and I know my patience wouldn't hold out.

General Maximus 01-02-2019 18:53

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
This is very good if you have seen Aquaman and the other DC movies (and keep up with the HISHE narrative)

General Maximus 06-02-2019 13:27

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
A new Marvel MCU movie is in the works and introduces a new Asian superhero called Shang-chi. I got the info from SFX here is another article if you are interested. It will be good to have another kick ass hero on screen (similar to the Punisher) while we wait for the Black Widow film to come out.

denphone 22-02-2019 21:27

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Next James Bond film's working title revealed?


It says shooting on the latest instalment of the spy saga will start at Pinewood Studios on 6 April.

General Maximus 15-03-2019 19:02

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
James Gunn is back for Guardians of the Galaxy 3, I am well chuffed. It is the right thing to do and the film wouldn't have been the same without him.

General Maximus 25-04-2019 15:35

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Rami Malek is going to play the next Bond villain in the as of yet untitled Bond 25 film.

Stephen 26-04-2019 17:13

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Also story is being written with help from Pheobe Waller-Bridge of Fleabag fame. Which is really awesome.

General Maximus 26-04-2019 17:20

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35992345)
Which is really awesome.

never heard of her or it :)

Stephen 26-04-2019 17:21

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
She was also the voice of the really annoying female droid in Solo.

General Maximus 26-04-2019 17:41

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
In that case i am not enthused

Stephen 26-04-2019 17:52

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
She is a really good writer.

denphone 28-04-2019 11:37

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35992348)
She was also the voice of the really annoying female droid in Solo.

Not as annoying as Jar Jar Binks though..

denphone 08-05-2019 21:14

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Disney confirms future schedule for some of its its big film franchises.


Four Star Wars films, eight Marvel instalments, four Avatar sequels and a new Indiana Jones will be coming to cinemas over the coming years.

The releases of the four Avatar and three Star Wars films will alternate, with one released every Christmas between 2021 and 2027.

The Disney schedule also includes eight unnamed Marvel films, which will reach cinemas between 2020-22.

And an untitled Indiana Jones sequel will be released in September 2021, by which time Harrison Ford will be 79.

denphone 09-05-2019 06:11

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
A more complete list of Every Disney, Marvel, And Pixar Movie (And More) Scheduled Until 2027.

nashville 09-05-2019 15:38

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
James Bond films I just do not like, I loved them with Sean Connery but they are to far fetched now,

General Maximus 09-05-2019 18:09

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
I am the other way round, I hate the old ones. They are way too camp and cheesy and the dubbed sound for the punches and gun shouts and stuff is painful. The only good ones imho are the Daniel Craig ones. If you want to propose a scenario in which you have got a top secret government agent who has a license to kill and save the world from annihilation then it is realistic that there is going to be some grit and gore and barbarity.

General Maximus 25-06-2019 23:03

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
I know there are some Bond enthusiasts on the forum so here is a tease for you

denphone 27-06-2019 07:35

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35994305)
I am the other way round, I hate the old ones. They are way too camp and cheesy and the dubbed sound for the punches and gun shouts and stuff is painful. The only good ones imho are the Daniel Craig ones. If you want to propose a scenario in which you have got a top secret government agent who has a license to kill and save the world from annihilation then it is realistic that there is going to be some grit and gore and barbarity.

l have to disagree with you there General as a lot of the older fims are absolute classics that have stood the test of time.

Stephen 27-06-2019 07:51

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35994305)
I am the other way round, I hate the old ones. They are way too camp and cheesy and the dubbed sound for the punches and gun shouts and stuff is painful. The only good ones imho are the Daniel Craig ones. If you want to propose a scenario in which you have got a top secret government agent who has a license to kill and save the world from annihilation then it is realistic that there is going to be some grit and gore and barbarity.

The cheese makes the old ones great. I think it was the Roger Moore and Timothy Dalton films that ruined Bond.

They were ridiculous. Although I think that's why the film's are still so popular, the cheese and Britishness are what most people love Sean Connery's first few film are so good, in terms of the story mainly. My personal favs are From Russia with Love, and On Her Majesty's Secret Service.

The plot and story of that one are brilliant and it's also pretty sad as Bond gets married and his new wife killed. The only Bond with George Lazenby. It's a very underrated film. Not all the ADR is poorly dubbed though, then again most movies have effects added in post production.

However I would say of you think some of the later movies are too cheesy then read the original novels as they allow you a better way to experience the great characters and stories.

General Maximus 14-07-2019 20:32

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Getting initial reports through that the next James Bond will be a female (not sure how the whole name thing is going to work) and will be played by Lashana Lynch who you will recognise as the black female pilot from Captain Marvel who was her best bud.

Stephen 14-07-2019 20:44

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
I think this is a false report. The 'insider' would not revel all that info surely.

However as I read it she would be the new 007 and not James Bond. As 007 is just a title, so anyone could bee the next 007.

General Maximus 14-07-2019 20:59

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 36002618)

However as I read it she would be the new 007 and not James Bond. As 007 is just a title, so anyone could bee the next 007.

My bad and misinterpretation. For me James Bond and 007 are synonymous with one another.

A link to the article if anyone is interested

Stephen 14-07-2019 21:31

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
I agree with you there, but being a 00 agent status can always be passed to other agents, whether it's 006 or any other.

denphone 15-07-2019 07:40

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36002612)
Getting initial reports through that the next James Bond will be a female (not sure how the whole name thing is going to work) and will be played by Lashana Lynch who you will recognise as the black female pilot from Captain Marvel who was her best bud.

Yeah l read that as l have my doubts as to whether there is any truth to it personally although saying that l am certainly not against having a female 007.

General Maximus 15-07-2019 07:45

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
although I can think of people better suited to the role it would be good to have a relative unknown rather than a "oh look it's Beatrice from bla bla film".

pip08456 15-07-2019 23:45

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
The first teaser for the Kingsman prequel King's Man has just dropped.

Release date 14th Feb 2020.

Damien 16-07-2019 08:01

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36002627)
My bad and misinterpretation. For me James Bond and 007 are synonymous with one another.

A link to the article if anyone is interested


Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 36002637)
I agree with you there, but being a 00 agent status can always be passed to other agents, whether it's 006 or any other.

Yeah, it's not a big deal. She is '007' - probably not for long - but Bond is still Bond. If anything it makes it less likely they'll recast the next Bond as a woman since it establishes a precedent where Bond still exists outside of the 007 number. (One of the theories into how you get a female Bond is that 'James Bond' is itself a codename applied to whoever is 007).

People are making too big a deal of it. Either to manufacture outrage at 'PC culture' or to say it heralds a dramatic change in having a black woman as 007. In reality, she'll probably be 'fridged' early on to provide Bond with a plot point and thus continuing the Bond franchise's dodgy history with female characters.

General Maximus 16-07-2019 18:21

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 36002835)
The first teaser for the Kingsman prequel King's Man has just dropped.

Release date 14th Feb 2020

my bad, I had already posted it in the thread for this years movies. I have got it on my list for release in November this year, they must have pushed it back.

pip08456 16-07-2019 22:57

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36002905)
my bad, I had already posted it in the thread for this years movies. I have got it on my list for release in November this year, they must have pushed it back.

I didn't check this years thread and the teaser only dropped yesterday. Didn't realise they first had it slated for a November release.

General Maximus 17-07-2019 08:14

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
yeah, it was when I did the list before xmas. I'll remove it and put it on next year's.

General Maximus 25-07-2019 11:20

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Good news, Growing up I loved V and watched it over and over again. Apparently plans have been in the works for a movie for quite some time and it looks like they are gaining traction because the project has been assigned a producer. I hope they honour the original and just use updated weapons (i.e. not M16s) and new special effects.

Damien 20-08-2019 21:44

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Spider-Man leaves MCU:


Marvel Studios will not produce any future Spider-Man films due to a standoff between The Walt Disney Company and Sony Pictures.
This means the next Spiderman will not be made by Marvel which also means:
  • No Spiderman in Avengers
  • No Avengers in Spiderman or any other Marvel character

Stephen 20-08-2019 22:07

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Well that totally sucks.

We probably won't get the sequel to Far from Home for a start. Just when Marvel got Spidey spot on. .

General Maximus 20-08-2019 23:43

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
yeah it sucks ass, they need to work something out and get things sorted. You can't not have Spidey in anymore Avengers films; he is an established character and they haven't even had chance to write him out. I can understand Marvel wanting more $$$ because the Spiderman films are clearly all Marvel and if they move to Sony-produced they are going to lose the touch and feel of the MCU and will be carp.

A few other titbits of info:

Matrix 4 has been confirmed with Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Ann Moss

Title for the next James Bond has been revealed............. No Time To Die

Stephen 21-08-2019 08:45

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
No more aunt May and happy lol.

Really,I honestly don't think there is any need for a new Matrix movie.

General Maximus 21-08-2019 08:54

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Yeah, like LOTR, they finished it off very nicely

Damien 21-08-2019 09:50

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36006833)
yeah it sucks ass, they need to work something out and get things sorted. You can't not have Spidey in anymore Avengers films; he is an established character and they haven't even had chance to write him out. I can understand Marvel wanting more $$$ because the Spiderman films are clearly all Marvel and if they move to Sony-produced they are going to lose the touch and feel of the MCU and will be carp.

Sony finances it and pays for the marketing budget. I can see why they don't want to then give 50% of the box office to Disney in addition to the fact they already give them all the Merchasding rights. In the end, Sony own the property too.

General Maximus 21-08-2019 10:26

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
sounds like a fair deal and it is a shame Disney are screwing Marvel over because of it. They must make billions back from merchandising so it is only fair that Sony make something from such a successful and lucrative film as well.

Damien 21-08-2019 11:45

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Not to mention Sony don't see anything from Spiderman being in things like Infinity War, Disney get to use him in those films as part of the deal too.

General Maximus 21-08-2019 11:57

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
exactly, this just stinks of Disney being too greedy and now that they have lost the deal they are now going to lose out and be worse off than they were before.

Stephen 21-08-2019 11:58

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
I think Marvel/Disney only getting 5% of the box office for Spidey is a poor show though. I don't think 50% is a fair amount either. Maybe 25-30%

General Maximus 21-08-2019 12:02

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
They will make hundreds of millions in merchandising though which is equivalent to what Sony makes in boxoffice revenue so it is a balanced and fair deal.

Jimmy-J 21-08-2019 21:14

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 36002835)
The first teaser for the Kingsman prequel King's Man has just dropped.

Release date 14th Feb 2020.

Ralph Fiennes is looking more like Leonard Rossiter every day.

denphone 22-08-2019 08:06

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by Jimmy-J (Post 36006974)
Ralph Fiennes is looking more like Leonard Rossiter every day.

Oh you can't can't beat of bit of Rigsby.:D

pip08456 24-08-2019 20:05

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Disney announced at the D23 Expo on Saturday that it has set May 6, 2022, as the release date for Black Panther 2. Director Ryan Coolger, who returns to helm and write the sequel to the No. 4-grossing film of all time in North America, revealed the news onstage at the Anaheim Convention Center alongside Marvel’s Kevin Feige.
A bit far ahead I know but...

General Maximus 24-08-2019 20:12

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
A date i'll put on my cinema list nonetheless :)

denphone 26-08-2019 17:35

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 36007351)
A bit far ahead I know but...

Its nice to look ahead l always find.

pip08456 26-08-2019 18:02

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 36006860)
Sony finances it and pays for the marketing budget. I can see why they don't want to then give 50% of the box office to Disney in addition to the fact they already give them all the Merchasding rights. In the end, Sony own the property too.

Except Disney would have been funding 50% of the finance and marketing costs as well.

General Maximus 26-08-2019 18:47

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 36007608)
Except Disney would have been funding 50% of the finance and marketing costs as well.

they didn't. You can read all the info here. I would have copied and pasted but every time you scroll to the bottom of the page a ****ing video loads and there isn't anything you can do about it. It even does it on my phone and it really pisses me off.


Producer Amy Pascal, who at the time was the head of Sony Pictures, was able to strike an unprecedented deal with Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige to share the character of Spider-Man. After lengthy discussions, they agreed to move ahead with a new reboot, although this time things would be different. Spider-Man: Homecoming is still financed and distributed by Sony Pictures (i.e. they pay for 100% of it), and Sony gets the box office, but Marvel Studios produced the film and served as the “creative lead.” That means Feige and the Marvel Studios braintrust helped pick the director and cast, helped craft the film’s tone and style, and made sure to bring something fresh and new to character that audiences are already very familiar with. In short, they made a Marvel Studios Spider-Man movie.

So what does Marvel Studios get in return out of this deal? Besides getting to play with a toy they’ve been eyeing for a very long time now, they get to use Tom Holland’s Peter Parker in a set number of MCU movies (five in total, per this initial agreement, including Homecoming and its sequel). That means that Spider-Man: Homecoming takes place within the same Marvel Cinematic Universe as Doctor Strange and Iron Man, and Holland’s Peter Parker—after making his debut in Captain America: Civil War—is appearing alongside folks like Tony Stark and Black Widow in Avengers: Infinity War and the untitled Avengers 4.

While Marvel Studios only gets 5% of the first dollar box office gross from Spider-Man: Homecoming and its sequel, they do still own the merchandising rights to Spider-Man. Moreover, ensuring Spider-Man: Homecoming is a good movie helps the MCU brand—if folks like this Peter Parker, they’re going to want to see him in Infinity War and whatever other MCU movies he's in.

pip08456 26-08-2019 20:14

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
I know that General it is not what I was referring to though. I was referring to the false allegation that Disney wanted 50% of the revenue from Sony when it was actually a 50% co-finance deal.
Even that claim seems a bit eroneous now.


If you look at the discussions online about the Spider-Man situation, one thing that still dominates the online outrage is the narrative that “Greedy Disney” ruined it by demanding 50% of the profits from Spider-Man, which in itself is not even what the original report said.

The original report claimed they wanted a 50/50 co-financing deal where they would put up half of the money for the movies (as opposed to nothing right now), but that report also looks to be incorrect based on new information that came out yesterday.

General Maximus 26-08-2019 20:43

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
oh I thought you meant they were putting in half the money to make the first two films and were pretty much not getting anything back from it apart from the merchandising rights. Agreeing a 50/50 co-financing deal is nothing because $125m to Disney is pocket change in exchange for a guaranteed $500m return. It is like me spending £10 on lottery tickets knowing I am going to win and get £6m back.

I hope the public pressure makes them sort this out and come to a compromise. I know they have now got the x-men to play with and loads of new characters coming in as well but everyone loves Tom Holland's Spiderman and a Sony made film just won't be the same.

General Maximus 05-09-2019 18:43

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

I have whacked it in hear because it isn't out till 24th January next year

pip08456 06-09-2019 21:00

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 36006825)
Spider-Man leaves MCU:

This means the next Spiderman will not be made by Marvel which also means:
  • No Spiderman in Avengers
  • No Avengers in Spiderman or any other Marvel character


Fans holding out hope that Spider-Man might be returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be disappointed to hear that “for the moment the door is closed,” according to Sony Pictures chairman and CEO Tony Vinciquerra...
...Vinciquerra insisted that there is “no ill will” between Sony and Marvel, after the two failed to reach on agreement on financing terms for upcoming Spider-Man movies, effectively removing Tom Holland’s Spider-Man from the Marvel fold in terms of both future standalone and team-up features. However, he also did acknowledge the fan backlash to the news, saying that it has been “an interesting couple of weeks” for the studio.
You can read more here.

General Maximus 17-09-2019 19:29

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

pip08456 27-09-2019 19:22

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Disney & Sony come to a deal over Spiderman.

General Maximus 27-09-2019 19:32

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 36012011)
Disney & Sony come to a deal over Spiderman.

fantastic news, I knew they would sort something out

General Maximus 01-10-2019 18:45

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
next year which is why I am plonking it in here for now:

Paul 01-10-2019 18:52

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
They both look good. :D

Hugh 02-10-2019 18:49

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
4 Attachment(s)
Some pictures from Empire magazine, and some posters, for Rise of Skywalker.

Hugh 02-10-2019 18:51

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
3 Attachment(s)
Some more.

General Maximus 02-10-2019 19:11

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Nice, hopefully SFX will have a good feature on it either next issue or the one after.

denphone 03-10-2019 05:43

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
l personally cannot wait.:hyper::hyper:

General Maximus 03-10-2019 07:58

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
I can. After the last film i have zero excitement or expectation for this one. I'll be watching it for the sake of it just to see how it ends.

denphone 03-10-2019 09:33

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36012630)
I can. After the last film i have zero excitement or expectation for this one. I'll be watching it for the sake of it just to see how it ends.

But there was nothing wrong with the last film as l felt you were being overly critical but each to their own opinion.:)

pip08456 10-10-2019 16:56

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Disney/Pixar Onward.

General Maximus 16-10-2019 18:50

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Jada Pinkett Smith is in talks to return for Matrix 4. I would love it if they could get as much of the old cast back as poss. I would love it if they could also do some flashbacks with Morpheus.

Damien 23-10-2019 21:36

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Because of it's relatively low budget and commercial success Joker is set it become one of the most profitable comic book movies ever; (obviously behind Infinity War)

General Maximus 20-11-2019 14:16

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Good news, Star Trek 4 looks to be back in the works:

denphone 21-11-2019 15:07

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36017767)
Good news, Star Trek 4 looks to be back in the works:

l enjoyed the first three films so lets hope it is as good as them.

Paul 25-11-2019 04:15

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 36017852)
l enjoyed the first three films so lets hope it is as good as them.

Ditto. :D

General Maximus 30-11-2019 09:47

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up. This month's issue of SFX has got lots of free huge (A1) posters included with it. There is Star Wars, Dr Who, Expanse, Star Trek, Batwoman and The Flash. Just wanted to let you know in case you like collecting these things (I do :) )

General Maximus 14-12-2019 09:22

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
I know it is nice and early but here is something to put on your calendar

General Maximus 11-01-2020 20:39

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Disney has release some preliminary artwork for Avatar 2. It looks amazing and I really wish I could watch it now. It is still pretty much a whole 2 years away :(

denphone 15-01-2020 05:59

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36022590)
Disney has release some preliminary artwork for Avatar 2. It looks amazing and I really wish I could watch it now. It is still pretty much a whole 2 years away :(

This film seems to have been delayed a eternity already.

General Maximus 21-01-2020 21:55

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
yeah and I fear it is going to be to its detriment. I appreciate from a logistics point of view that it was easier for them to film three films at the same time but from an audience point of view we really needed them doing one at a time so we could have a film every three years and keep us invested in the story. If Avatar 2 flops after such a long break then releasing 3 and 4 in consecutive years is going to be pointless. I hope I am wrong though, I absolutely loved the first one and I am sure the second one is going to be awesome as well. I can't wait to go back to Pandora in 3D.

General Maximus 04-03-2020 18:04

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
I'll update the movie schedule thread when I have got a confirmed date but James Bond: No Time To Die which was due to be released in April has been delayed until November due to Coronavirus.

Hugh 02-04-2020 18:32

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Some revised release dates.

Paramount Pictures has set new release dates for the films they had postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Top Gun: Maverick was to have opened June 24 but will now hit theaters December 23 instead.

A Quiet Place: Part II, which was postponed just a week before it was to have opened March 20, will now open September 4, 2020.

The Spongebob Movie: Sponge On The Run has shifted from its original May 22 release date to July 31.

Finally, The Tomorrow War -- a sci-fi/action movie starring Chris Pratt -- had been scheduled to open Dec. 25 but is now unscheduled.

Paramount's G.i. Joe spin-off Snake Eyes remains scheduled for release on October 23. The August release of Mark Wahlberg sci-fi/action film Infinite appears unchanged as of right now.

General Maximus 03-04-2020 00:55

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
I'll go down the list and update everything once the lockdown is lifted. I started updating dates when they began delaying everything but some of those films have changed again and it wouldn't surprise if they bang stuff like Top Gun back to next spring because it is hardly a xmas film.

Hugh 03-04-2020 22:24

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets


“Black Widow” — which was delayed last month — will now open on Nov. 6, 2020, taking the place of fellow Marvel adventure “The Eternals.” That shift pushed back most impending installments in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which will now launch as follows: “The Eternals” on Feb. 12, 2021, “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” on May 7, 2021, “Doctor Strange 2” on Nov. 5, 2021 and “Thor: Love and Thunder” on Feb. 18, 2022. “Black Panther 2” will still debut on May 6, 2022, while “Captain Marvel 2” has been set for July 8, 2022.

The studio’s live-action remake of “Mulan” has been pushed to July 24, 2020, opening on the date previously occupied by “Jungle Cruise.” ...

... “Jungle Cruise,” a family film starring Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt, will bow on July 20, 2021, roughly a year later than expected. Down the road, Harrison Ford’s “Indiana Jones 5,” initially set for summer of 2021, launches on July 29, 2022.

Sci-fi fantasy film “Artemis Fowl,” which was supposed to open on May 29, will instead debut on Disney Plus, making it the studio’s first film to entirely skip its theatrical release.

For now, Disney is keeping release dates for Pixar’s “Soul” (June 19), “West Side Story” (Dec. 18) and “The Last Duel” (Dec. 25).

Other shake-ups to Disney’s release calendar include Ryan Reynolds’ “Free Guy,” an action comedy from its 20th Century banner, which has moved from Aug. 3, 2020 to Dec. 11, 2020. Elsewhere, Wes Anderson’s “The French Dispatch,” from Searchlight, shifted from Aug. 24, 2020 to Oct. 16, 2020.

Paul 03-04-2020 23:07

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

For now, Disney is keeping release dates for Pixar’s “Soul” (June 19)
This may turn out to be a little optimistic.

General Maximus 04-04-2020 01:02

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 36030267)

that's some serious planning so I hope they know something we don't with regards to when this is all going to be over.

pip08456 13-04-2020 20:01

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Dangerous Lives, April 30th on Netfix.

General Maximus 23-04-2020 09:40

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
Fantastic news, a Hunger Games prequel has began development but we probably we won't see until 2023.

pip08456 23-04-2020 10:25

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36032373)
Fantastic news, a Hunger Games prequel has began development but we probably we won't see until 2023.

Fantastic news indeed. I'll wait.

pip08456 29-04-2020 11:25

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
AMC Theatres Refuses to Play Universal Films in Wake of 'Trolls World Tour

Chris 29-04-2020 11:33

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
No Universal releases in any Odeon in the U.K.? That’s going to be needlessly self-harming.

General Maximus 29-04-2020 12:04

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
It is going to be interesting to see how things pan out with this because tbh it is a logical progression so far as distribution goes just as the BBC and license fee. It is a win-win for the studios because they are going to potentially attract a greater audience who wouldn't normally pay to go to the cinema however no matter which way you look at it, it is going to negatively impact cinema chains.

Everyone loves going to the cinema but it is a very costly venture. My friends moan all the time that a family ticket costs £37 and on top of that you have got sweets, drinks and parking so a trip to the cinema is £60 a time. Compare that with staying in and paying £10, £15 or £20 to watch it on demand and you are saving a fortune. You are obviously making a compromise in so far as the experience goes but some parents will make it because in the long term it will allow their children to watch more new films for the same price. I have got a limitless card so I technically get to go to the cinema for free but even for me every time I go it is £2 extra for a premiere seat, £5 parking and £10-£12 for lunch from Costa or a nachos combo etc so each visit is still the best part of £20. I am happy to pay for the experience because going to the cinema is a hobby for me but you can definitely see how staying at home will appeal to some people and definitely put a dent in cinema revenue.

Like I said, it makes sense going forward just as magazines and newspapers are available online now and you don't have to go to the shop to buy a paper copy. The question is what it means for cinema chains. I can't see a way around it and if other studios follow suit you may see a climatic shift in the way cinemas operate. I think blockbusters are safe for now but you are only talking about a handful of films every year. Who needs to go and see stuff like Downton Abbey at the cinema. Maybe they are the sort of titles which can be migrated to on demand and will prove to be more profitable for the studios.?


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36033251)
No Universal releases in any Odeon in the U.K.? That’s going to be needlessly self-harming.

What about Jurassic Park? :cry::cry::cry: I have got a large screen tv and Bose surround sound system which is amazing but it still won't come close to watching something like Jurassic Park at the cinema.

Chris 29-04-2020 12:14

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets
I think whoever has taken this decision at AMC is suffering cabin fever and is not thinking clearly. Putting an animation out straight to VOD is one thing, but I can't believe Universal would seriously consider putting their major blockbusters out that way. I can't believe any serious director, or any talented head of department, would want that. No matter how good your home rig is, it is not going to match the equipment in the cinemas that the film was made for.

General Maximus 29-04-2020 12:40

Re: Movie news, trivia and other snippets

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36033258)
No matter how good your home rig is, it is not going to match the equipment in the cinemas that the film was made for.

Exactly, and Disney, Lucasfilm, Marvel etc know that they are going to make more money releasing films as cinema-only than they will if they do dual release or on demand only.


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36033258)
I can't believe any serious director, or any talented head of department, would want that.

you can call it artistic snobbery or not moving with the times but putting the bean counters aside, people who make these films do it because they want people to enjoy them and I have said quite a few times recently with series (like The Mandalorian) and films that sometimes we don't realise how much effort and thought go into them. It isn't just a straight forward process of writing a story, making a script, make the sets and film it. It would be a disservice to the creators to simply dismiss the final product and think of it purely as a commercial venture and how they can make the most $$$. My hope is that if certain studios like Universal go down that route without consultation, you'll start getting very prominent directors grouping together and refusing to make films for those studios and only working with studios that will guarantee a cinema release so they know that fans can enjoy the ultimate experience as they had envisaged. As soon as you get people like Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorsese chipping in things will change.

Perhaps the way to go forward might be a limited theatrical run of 4 weeks and then immediate on demand availability. I think that should be happening now anyway. I cringe at the thought of going back to 20 years ago when most films would be released 3-4 weeks after the US at cinemas over here and then it would be another 9 months for video/dvd release.

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