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Alan Fry 18-04-2012 12:49

Re: Anti-gay adverts pulled from bus campaign by Boris Johnson

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35415574)
So, Alan, you can stay 'in the closet' re your 'radical' views, but do not extend that right to others re their sexuality.

Speaking of hypocrisy......

They can remain the the Closet if they want to, but it is not a good idea, its living a lie and a lot of people know me as a left wing sort of person (in general), its not like the "real" me is a Tory voting, Anti-EU, Anti-Gay, Pro-business sort of person?

danielf 18-04-2012 12:53

Re: Anti-gay adverts pulled from bus campaign by Boris Johnson

Originally Posted by Alan Fry (Post 35415567)

As for me, there is a reason, why I do not use my real name online, also in "real life" I am known for being left-wing of sorts, but I keep some of my more radical views online

Also my religion (Sikh) has nothing against Homosexuality, they consider marriage as unions of souls (male or female)

So your real name is Singh then? That narrows it down a bit :)

Alan Fry 18-04-2012 12:58

Re: Anti-gay adverts pulled from bus campaign by Boris Johnson

Originally Posted by danielf (Post 35415583)
So your real name is Singh then? That narrows it down a bit :)

There a lot of Singh's in the world and there are quite a few Sikhs without the surnames "Singh" and "Kaur" :D

Russ 18-04-2012 13:00

Re: Anti-gay adverts pulled from bus campaign by Boris Johnson

Originally Posted by Alan Fry (Post 35415578)
They can remain the the Closet if they want to, but it is not a good idea

How many times do you have have to be told?

That is NOT a decision for you or anyone else to make.

Damien 18-04-2012 13:18

Re: Anti-gay adverts pulled from bus campaign by Boris Johnson

Originally Posted by Russ (Post 35415172)
The problem Tatchell and his cronies went after people in the public who they felt needed to be out as they felt it would be an inspiration to others to come out. That's fine if the person involved needed encouragement but these were people who for whatever reason wanted to stay in the closet. They were not spouting anti-gay stuff, they just wanted to keep their own secret but Tatchell took it upon himself to overrule them.

Wasn't their campaign directed at people who were condemning homosexuality in public? Who amongst those outed by Stonewall were not spouting anti-gay stuff? (Genuine question, I honestly thought they did only out people who were against gay equality).

Alan Fry 18-04-2012 13:24

Re: Anti-gay adverts pulled from bus campaign by Boris Johnson

Originally Posted by Russ (Post 35415591)
How many times do you have have to be told?

That is NOT a decision for you or anyone else to make.

I am only suggesting what they need to do

Russ 18-04-2012 13:34

Re: Anti-gay adverts pulled from bus campaign by Boris Johnson

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35415618)
Wasn't their campaign directed at people who were condemning homosexuality in public? Who amongst those outed by Stonewall were not spouting anti-gay stuff? (Genuine question, I honestly thought they did only out people who were against gay equality).

I can't remember exactly who it was now, it all happened about 20 years ago. Their original intention was to go after in-the-closet people who were condemning homosexuality as you say (not in itself a bad thing) however they got drunk on the publicity it gave them and went after anyone they felt 'needing' outing. Private Eye did a great feature about them.


Originally Posted by Alan Fry
I am only suggesting what they need to do

I think if I suggested what you needed to do I'd get banned from the forum.

I repeat: it is NOT your place to decide or suggest what someone of whose lifestyle you do not experience should or should not do.

Gary L 18-04-2012 13:41

Re: Anti-gay adverts pulled from bus campaign by Boris Johnson

Originally Posted by Russ (Post 35415636)
I repeat: it is NOT your place to decide or suggest what someone of whose lifestyle you do not experience should or should not do.

Why not?
when did the rules change, and who changed them without telling everyone else? :)


I think if I suggested what you needed to do I'd get banned from the forum.

It's NOT your place to suggest what he needs to do, anyway :)

Russ 18-04-2012 13:42

Re: Anti-gay adverts pulled from bus campaign by Boris Johnson

Originally Posted by Gary L (Post 35415645)
Why not?
when did the rules change, and who changed them without telling everyone else? :)

I thought trying to impose your views on others was supposed to be a no-no.

Hugh 18-04-2012 13:48

Re: Anti-gay adverts pulled from bus campaign by Boris Johnson

Originally Posted by Alan Fry (Post 35415567)
They do say it can be "cured", which is not that case (bar a few bizarre sudden changes of sexual orientation)

In a lot of case, the main reason people "stay in the closet" is because they are hypocrites or they are ashamed to be who they are for various reasons

Would you mind sharing examples of people who were forced to "come out"

As for me, there is a reason, why I do not use my real name online, also in "real life" I am known for being left-wing of sorts, but I keep some of my more radical views online

Also, if God created people, why did be create people who are LGBT?

Also my religion (Sikh) has nothing against Homosexuality, they consider marriage as unions of souls (male or female)

Once again, facts are not your friends......



Does CORE claim to 'cure' homosexuality?

Homosexuality isn't a 'disease' so we're not looking for a 'cure'.
Some Sikhs disagree with your viewpoint...

World Sikh group against gay marriage bill

Gary L 18-04-2012 13:55

Re: Anti-gay adverts pulled from bus campaign by Boris Johnson

Originally Posted by Russ (Post 35415646)
I thought trying to impose your views on others was supposed to be a no-no.

I don't know how that would work if say for example you were to suggest to a lottery winner that he should give 6 million pound to me because he's got another 27 million left.

I can't force him to, but the suggestion was there.

danielf 18-04-2012 13:56

Re: Anti-gay adverts pulled from bus campaign by Boris Johnson

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35415648)
Once again, facts are not your friends......


Some Sikhs disagree with your viewpoint...

World Sikh group against gay marriage bill

Some being the operative word, apparently.


Sikhism has no specific teachings about homosexuality. The Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib, does not explicitly mention homosexuality.

Marriage in Sikhism is seen as a union of souls. In Sikhism, the soul is seen as genderless, and the outward appearance of human beings (man, woman) is a temporary state. Same-sex marriage advocates refer to this fact.[3]
Views on homosexuality tend not to be a primary concern in Sikh teachings as the universal goal of a Sikh is to have no hate or animosity to any person, regardless of race, caste, color, creed, gender, or sexuality.

Hugh 18-04-2012 15:10

Re: Anti-gay adverts pulled from bus campaign by Boris Johnson
Definitely, daniel.

But when someone posts an all-inclusive statement such as

Also my religion (Sikh) has nothing against Homosexuality
I feel it appropriate to point out that his (and many other) religion's followers do not all think the same.

However, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence - just because it doesn't state it is for/against something, doesn't mean it isn't for/against something....;)

For instance, I can find nothing about the Sikh religion's views on paedophilia or cannibalism - that doesn't mean it is for or against those things, just that nothing was said* (as far as I could see).

*just to be clear, I don't think Sikhs are for cannibalism and/or paedophilia...

TheDaddy 18-04-2012 16:17

Re: Anti-gay adverts pulled from bus campaign by Boris Johnson

Originally Posted by Russ (Post 35415570)
Resorting to putting words in my mouth indicates you're running out of ideas.

He never had any ideas to start with, as always with Alan it's long on rhetoric and short on facts.

Sirius 18-04-2012 18:32

Re: Anti-gay adverts pulled from bus campaign by Boris Johnson

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35415701)
He never had any ideas to start with, as always with Alan it's long on rhetoric and short on facts.


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