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cimt 25-05-2013 16:56

re: The Xbox One Thread
I don't think anything will happen then. The way I read that was it'll just check once a day when you're console is on. It doesn't mean it's a requirement for you to turn on it once a day to check in.

Tezcatlipoca 25-05-2013 17:24

re: The Xbox One Thread
24 hours was mentioned by Phil Harrison, who hasn't exactly been very good at giving out a clear and concise message this week... MS has since said no time period has been set.

As it is, I think that Craig will be correct. It *will* need to go online within a certain time period of being turned on, simply because games are tied to your account and MS therefore needs to make sure that you are still authorised to use your games (otherwise people would sell their discs, and then continue to play them while offline), but it won't need to be turned on every x hours/days just to go online.

Bulky 25-05-2013 21:17

re: The Xbox One Thread

Originally Posted by Matt D (Post 35575679)
I really hope that MS revamps what you actually get for XBL Silver & Gold.

As it is at the moment, Gold is really poor value compared to PSN & PSN+.

The PS3 lets you play online multiplayer for free, the 360 requires XBL Gold.

The PS3 lets you use the web browser for free, the 360 requires XBL Gold.

The PS3 lets you use Netflix & Lovefilm & 4oD etc. etc. etc. for free, the 360 requires XBL Gold. [obviously with both you still need a Netflix/Lovefilm sub.]

I think that MS should make those things free, like they are for the PS3, and then do something like PSN+ to get people to pay extra

For me gold is not poor value because psn is absolutely awful , clunky bug ridden rubbish in my opinion. Xbox live is streets ahead of psn in so many ways and I'm sure this is due to the subscription paid. I would much rather Sony did paid subscription (not an optional one) and make the psn experience much more polished. It makes me laugh when people are saying xbox one is not gamer orientated when they have announced dedicated servers for every game ..... THAT'S HUGE !!!

tizmeinnit 25-05-2013 22:43

re: The Xbox One Thread
if I have to pay any sub to use the new device fully except for online gaming then I will not be buying. I do fancy the One as a media centre but I aint paying to browse the web or use aps

Jameseh 26-05-2013 13:41

re: The Xbox One Thread

Originally Posted by Bulky (Post 35575804)
For me gold is not poor value because psn is absolutely awful , clunky bug ridden rubbish in my opinion. Xbox live is streets ahead of psn in so many ways and I'm sure this is due to the subscription paid.

Right, Xbox Live has out-of-game voice chat and what else, adverts?

cimt 26-05-2013 13:46

re: The Xbox One Thread
Adverts to things that you can find on the 360... It's not like the adverts are trying to get you to get life insurance or something.

Jameseh 26-05-2013 14:45

re: The Xbox One Thread
Pretty sure I can't buy a Samsung Android phone in the XBLM.

cimt 26-05-2013 14:47

re: The Xbox One Thread
I've never seen an Android advert on there.

Tezcatlipoca 26-05-2013 15:34

re: The Xbox One Thread

Originally Posted by Bulky (Post 35575804)
For me gold is not poor value because psn is absolutely awful , clunky bug ridden rubbish in my opinion. Xbox live is streets ahead of psn in so many ways and I'm sure this is due to the subscription paid. I would much rather Sony did paid subscription (not an optional one) and make the psn experience much more polished. It makes me laugh when people are saying xbox one is not gamer orientated when they have announced dedicated servers for every game ..... THAT'S HUGE !!!

I still think it's poor value, even if the multiplayer is better. You should not need to pay a subscription simply to be able to use apps that are free to use on other platforms. If you already pay because of playing online then it's fine, but what about those who don't actually play online, they still need to pay for Gold just to use Netflix or 4oD etc. etc.?

Still, as you say, having dedicated servers is going to be a huge thing once the Xbox One is out... That will justify the sub IMO, for those who play online... But I still think the apps should be available for those on Free/Silver accounts.


Originally Posted by cimt (Post 35576015)
Adverts to things that you can find on the 360... It's not like the adverts are trying to get you to get life insurance or something.

True, but I still find them annoying. I pay for XBL Gold, why do I also have to have adverts cluttering my dash? The XMB doesn't...

cimt 26-05-2013 15:47

re: The Xbox One Thread
Oh yeah, I agree with that but people go on about the adverts like everything that is advertised on there is not available on XBL.

I agree with what else you said though about the apps being available for Silver instead of just Gold.

Bulky 26-05-2013 16:05

re: The Xbox One Thread

Originally Posted by Matt D (Post 35576053)
I still think it's poor value, even if the multiplayer is better. You should not need to pay a subscription simply to be able to use apps that are free to use on other platforms. If you already pay because of playing online then it's fine, but what about those who don't actually play online, they still need to pay for Gold just to use Netflix or 4oD etc. etc.?

Still, as you say, having dedicated servers is going to be a huge thing once the Xbox One is out... That will justify the sub IMO, for those who play online... But I still think the apps should be available for those on Free/Silver accounts.

True, but I still find them annoying. I pay for XBL Gold, why do I also have to have adverts cluttering my dash? The XMB doesn't...

Yeah okay , I can agree that the apps should be available to all , tbh I didn't even know they didn't work unless you had a gold subscription !! .

@ jameseh if you can say hand on heart that psn is on the same level as Xbl then your on a different planet ;) , psn is just a very cheap copy of Xbl because Sony have always been playing catch up. We all know Microsoft can write software and unlike windows Xbl is mostly bug free , psn just does not cut it , they don't charge a subscription and it shines through how much they spent on developing the dashboard , if Sony do not go the dedicated servers route (which I'm sure they won't if they don't charge) how can real gamers justify buying a ps4 when they're gonna put up with the same laggy rubbish they have since ps3 was released ? , I've wanted dedicated servers on consoles since the release of the 360 , that time has arrived and its gonna be huge. You stick with your 8 vs 8 at best with no lag , dedicated servers would allow 16 vs 16 , 32 vs 32 , even more if they wanted , it opens a whole new avenue to gaming on consoles ;)

Harryn9000 26-05-2013 16:16

re: The Xbox One Thread
xbox live is street ahead as it up front witht the cost, psn will never match it becoz it free as the old saying goes u get what u pay for i'm happy to pay for xbl becoz i no it a better service than psn. now if xbl adopt a simliar model to psn+ it would be a lot better service than now

Tezcatlipoca 26-05-2013 16:20

re: The Xbox One Thread
AFAIK, the only app that doesn't need XBL Gold is BBC iPlayer... and that's only because the BBC put its foot down and insisted it would only allow it if free accounts could use it (MS wanted it Gold only, like the rest). Netflix, Lovefilm, 4oD, Demand 5 and the rest all need Gold, as does IE.

Just because the XMB & PSN aren't that great now, and have had various things belatedly "bolted on" such as "in-game XMB" and Trophies etc., doesn't mean that it will be the same for the PS4... Sony will be starting fresh, and will be fully aware of how it lagged behind in the previous generation...

Hell, I'll be buying an Xbox One first, and I will continue to subscribe to XBL Gold... But XBL still needs a revamp to improve things for the Silver people, and we don't know that the PS4's PSN and interface will be crap just because of the PS3's...

Both companies have a lot more to explain at E3...

v0id 27-05-2013 14:41

re: The Xbox One Thread

Originally Posted by Matt D (Post 35576069)
AFAIK, the only app that doesn't need XBL Gold is BBC iPlayer... and that's only because the BBC put its foot down and insisted it would only allow it if free accounts could use it (MS wanted it Gold only, like the rest). Netflix, Lovefilm, 4oD, Demand 5 and the rest all need Gold, as does IE.

The IE app became free for all to use a few weeks ago apparently

Bulky 27-05-2013 15:36

re: The Xbox One Thread

Originally Posted by Matt D (Post 35576069)

Hell, I'll be buying an Xbox One first, and I will continue to subscribe to XBL Gold... But XBL still needs a revamp to improve things for the Silver people, and we don't know that the PS4's PSN and interface will be crap just because of the PS3's...

Both companies have a lot more to explain at E3...

Agree with this , I'm not against ps4 , I'm just gutted I spent my hard earned on a ps3 and all I do is play the occasional blu ray now, I won't do that this time around. If Sony pull their socks up and it looks good with decent exclusives (loved killzone 3 , uncharted series) then i will buy one :)

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