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grabbi 25-10-2007 17:46

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
In a word, yes... in bigger word, absolutely!

Ive been having problems with that more so over the past 3 months, and the complaint was outstanding for 60 days! Now they are "Looking into it" which I dont believe, and I called up to cancel today. Said they will call back tomorrow to confirm it.

Shame really. The technology is brilliant, its just monkeys in charge that naff it up.

tdadyslexia 03-11-2007 20:34

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Hi All

First time on here and all becouse of Virgin.

I am only a Virgin Media Broadband customer now, and it looks like I won't be for much longer.

I get india when phoning Technical Support for my Broadband the line reception is rubbish, and on one of the calls to try and solve a problem they disconnected me. :doh:

I will not be phoning up again, it is the worst Customer Support Centre that I know of, and to top it off they don't speak English or understand English. :dunce:

If I need Technical Support again I may end up leaving them by canceling my subscription - yes it's that bad. :mad:

My connection Cuts off daily, Virgin Media have stopt me from using the proxy server, watt an NTL Technical Support gived me back in 2003, to help stop this problem from going on. :no:

It is a known problem, well don Virgin Media. :grind: :afire: :mad:

vmtec 03-11-2007 21:01

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
well belive it or not custer service for staff is just as bad in india and as useless as a bake bean in a microwave

discoade 04-11-2007 12:33

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Every time i have rang them with a problem they have added a credit to my account! £25 first time then 2 at £5. keeps on like this i wont need to pay a bill! over all i dont have a problem with them ;)

UK_Joe 18-11-2007 21:30

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
OK I'm new here..... So give me a little lattitude.

First of all I have like most of you 3 of their services,, Telephone, Tele, and broadband.

Telephone works fine.. lift reciever punch a few numbers and I find someone on the other end.. Life is so simple really...

Television.. well... Its patchy at best... the new service Virgin1 is a joke..It seems to be a channel of nothing but repeats.. They lost Sky1 I understand their reasons and I support them. What sky were asking for was tantamount to blackmail...but here is the rub.. as a gesture to us the paying customers.. Virgin gave us a selection of repeats.. yes ok I got reduction in my bill and an increase of my services in componsation.. but I had to fight for it..the television signal is blocky, always have to reboot the digibox to clear its cache.. usual stuff...

Broadband... omg what a joke... now I am not on the largest package..I have a 4Mb connection, Now thereis nothing wrong with my download speed.. mostly.. it hovers around the 2-3Mb my upload speed is around 56kbps.. which is terrible.. Your speak to The "Technical experts.." and you are talked through the connect this, disconnect this reboot that scenario. all spoken by somebody who's only experiance in computing is switching on a monitor and typing in his/her password. Then you have to pay for the call. ( which the do not reimburse even when they say they will. )

They forget that the average 12yr old knows more about computers than the average 40yr old.

The crux of the problem is... "We are the customers" We pay ( in advance ) for a service. If we are not given that service we are entitled to a rebate in the cost of that service. or if you would really like to get nasty about it, The service supplier is in breach of contract.. either way// it is up to us the customers to not ask... but demand a better service. the only way to do this is for every bad day of service demand a rebate for that day..

ok I have finished with this tirade

many thanks for reading it.. ( if you stayed awake that long )

Time to get onto customer services once again..


)3az )3aziah 28-11-2007 23:04

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I'm new here. I've been with Virgin ala Telewest ala Cableinet ala Cable since 1995. got my Phone, TV and Internet with them.

Prior to the Virgin takeover things went just fine Telephone worked without a fault, TV was great -OK a few problems now and again but nothing major and Internet ran fast, smooth and 80% fault free.

Then came Virgin...

Telephone, line quality is awful at best. Prices went up free calls went bye bye and my caller disply that was free with telewest suddenly stopped working and I now have to pay for it -WHY ? Also my ex-directory status was removed and I had to PAY to get it back. Overall my ratings: Before Virgin 9/10 with Virgin 4/10

TV, Picture quality is at best average. They tell me its my TV thats the problem -well that TV had excellent picture quality with telewest -maybe the changeover broke it !
A lot of channels are pixelated to hell and boy can you notice it on a big screen.
I have to reset my set top box 3 to 4 times a week. I constantly get "no information" when I try to see whats on using there wonderful guide.
Interactive is a joke, I can walk to the shop buy a newspaper read what on TV that night all in less time than it takes the guide to load itself.
Loss of Sky TV -OK I can see there reasons for it, but to replace it with a repeats channel and say that more than makes up for the loss is a joke. Rating: Before 8/10 Now 3.5/10

I'm on 10meg -told its 20 and lucky if I get 2.5. Yes I've tried other PC's with the connection and they all get the same speed so its not the hardware.
The CS line is more than a joke, you are lucky if you get a person who can speak English and spends half the call time asking you to repeat what you last said as they fail to understand you. Then you get a stupid scripted attempt to rectify the problem each and every time is the same old crap "Please be turning off your machine and waiting 30 seconds before restarting it... (yeah I'm paying good money for this crap) "Now please be removing the cable that connects your modem to the pc and turning it around so the connection from the PC is now in the modem... Thank you for doing that, please now be restarting your machine..." WHY WHY WHY and all that when you are calling because the modem is broken, you know its broken because NO GREEN LIGHTS are on the bloody thing. Still they ask you to do the same thing, I asked on "Techie" if standing on my head would help -appears they have not been through Sense of humour 101 and asked how I could do that...
Rating Before 8/10 Now 0/10 Total crap.

Rant over...

y=mx+c 28-11-2007 23:22

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
“Hello sir , how may I be helping you today sir?”
“I have a fault with my telephone”
“Thanking you very much, please be unplugging your box and rebooting your box”
“No my set top is okay, its my phone line, its gone dead…”
“Pardon I not be understanding, sir. Thanking you very much, please be rebooting your box.”
“No… No.. my cable box is fine…”
“Pardon I not be understanding, sir. Thanking you very much, please be rebooting your box.”
“Okay! Ive done that and could I now address the question of my faulty telephone line?”
“Thanking you very much, please be taking out the smart card and be cleaning it from dust sir.”
“Eh? My box is fine.”
“Pardon I not be understanding, sir. Thanking you very much, please be taking out the smart card and be cleaning it from dust sir.”
“…I give up…I want to disconnect!”
“Thanking you very much, please be taking out the smart card and be cleaning it from dust sir.”
“Is poor customer service indicative of Virgin?”
“Pardon I not be understanding, sir. Thanking you very much, please be taking out the smart card and be cleaning it from dust sir.”

Say no more -

ih8virgin 04-12-2007 16:34

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
This is how good their customer service is:

lostandconfused 06-12-2007 13:56

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by ih8virgin (Post 34445818)
This is how good their customer service is:

not really that is the old CS number, there is a pre-recording to let people know that the number has changed, so people that dont know it has are informed. Soon that number will be removed.

ih8virgin 06-12-2007 23:11

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
No I mean they are conning non virgin landline phone owners out of their money.

lostandconfused 06-12-2007 23:26

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by ih8virgin (Post 34447540)
No I mean they are conning non virgin landline phone owners out of their money.

I still dont see how they are conning non virgin LL phone owners out of their money?

an 0800 number costs to run, someone has to pick up the tab.

A quick search on came up with about 30 different numbers that you can use to get through.

Im sure if everyone of VM customers were that bothered they would happily re-instate a free phone number and pass on the charge, say an extra £1 a month?

FTTM 18-12-2007 17:05

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
First Post...

I've been with Virgin Media since the Cable London days and been generally satisfied.
All that has changed...
I've got 2 on-going faults, slow BB after 4pm (along with everyone else) and recordings on my V+ box ending after 30mins.
I called Virgin. 45mins later, having spoken to 8 different people, having been lied to, ignored, transfered, fobbed off, cut off and generally not helped in anyway...
They admit that both problems are their fault and that neither will be fixed anytime soon. However, I can't claim compensation UNTIL both problems are fixed by them!
Any suggestions?

KillswitchEdge 21-12-2007 02:07

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Called VM's CS department 3 times in the last year.

First time was to drop a TV package. They were pleasant enough, did what we asked them to and were very helpful.

Second time was a few weeks ago when the northwest of England had an "unscheduled downtime" as far as net services went. I rang, got through to India, spoke to a nice woman who informed me that the problem was temporary and would be fixed by 2pm. 2pm came and on the dot it came back up. Thumbs up.

Third time was today, I rang to see if I could try and wangle a retentions deal out of them for being a long-time NTL/VM customer. Currently on the 4mb service with TV size M and phone line, total cost at the mo is 40 per month. VM offered me an upgrade to 20Mb and the TV up to size L for only 10 quid extra per month. Sorted.

All in all, very helpful, definitely moreso than NTL ever were.

I swear, the number of times I called NTL's tech support and prefaced my explanation of the problem with the phrase "I've reset the modem and rebooted my PC and it didn't work" and they've immediately said "Okay, did you try resetting the modem and rebooting?" is astounding. Haven't had the opportunity to try it with VM yet, mind you :P

janet bundy 11-01-2008 09:52

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by zinglebarb (Post 34218043)
voted hit and miss as this week ive experienced both sides, Firstly whilst my net was off I called tech and was given the usual run around test this test that even though the modem ready wouldnt fix and was obviously something network related. Was lied to about fix dates to get me into the weekend and then Indian call centre zone that was as much use as a chocolate teapot but this was all made good by 2 knowledgable engineers coming round and replacing all my old connectors (installed when they dug the street up many years ago and old type) thus giving me back the world so its a :tu: engineers and :td: for tech support.
Then I had my first bill after tv drive and what mess that was I was charged for 2 months BB I was given some of the discounts others were missed and my billing date was changed to mid march from end feb. The end figure somehow was about right but I called to make sure everything was on my account properly. A loverly lass answered straight away saw I was over charged for BB and said she would credit it.I then said this would make my bill to low and she replied so what we have made a mistake this is the easiest way to sort it and of course I said thank you very much . Big :tu: to CS :)

hi i have been a ntl customer for years and i also had a mobile phone contract with virgin ,i found ntl very efficient and extremly flexable unlike sky who where exact oppisite , but there call answer time was appalling . as for virgin mobile i found them very good at answer time , but very inflexable if extremely plesant , i stayed with virgin media when all this carry on was going on with sky which i dont pretend to fathom . i desided to go for the vigin mobile sim offer 300 min 300 texts for 10 quid a month , well it was ages coming and i though i was not entitled to it so i kept my old contract on , then a sim card arrived i was stupid and activated it only to realise i didnt need it as i had only just had a virgin home phone installed , i though i would have to pay for a year before i could cancel , i assumed that virgin would not cut me any slack , well i was wrong they where great and let me cancel , so a miracle has occured two big companys have merged and retained the best of both WELL DONE

ihatevirgin 13-01-2008 21:37

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I HATE VIRGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i joined them 5 months ago and my phone still doesnt work yet they are send ing me bills for calls its impossible for me to make, tried expalining this several times to the retards on the phone and because the computer saysi ts all working then i must be mistaken, then you end up being passed over to an indian call centre saying the same thing and they dont know **** about ****
the phone didnt even get installed till 3 months after i joined virgin are that useless

my 20mb conenction is terrible, i get speeds under 512KB in normal hours

the basic tv package is worse than freeview so i never turn it on

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