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Hugh 24-01-2022 18:41

Re: All those No.10 lockdown parties


Boris Johnson had birthday bash during lockdown, ITV News understands

ITV News understands Boris Johnson had a birthday party during the first lockdown in 2020 despite the rules forbidding social gatherings indoors at the time.

It's alleged that the prime minister's wife, Carrie Johnson, helped organise a surprise get-together for him on the afternoon of 19 June just after 2pm.

Up to 30 people are said to have attended the event in the Cabinet Room after Boris Johnson returned from an official visit to a school in Hertfordshire.

ITV News understands that the interior designer, Lulu Lytle - who was not a member of No 10 staff - also attended the gathering. At the time Ms Lytle was renovating Boris Johnson’s flat in Downing Street, which has been the subject of a separate controversy.

ITV News also understands that on the evening of 19 June 2020, family friends were hosted upstairs in the prime minister’s residence in an apparent further breach of the rules. Number 10 have denied this, claiming the prime minister only hosted a small number of family members outside.

At the afternoon event, Carrie Johnson and Lulu Lytle are believed to have presented the prime minister with a cake whilst his wife led staff in a chorus of happy birthday.

Those assembled are understood to have eaten picnic food from M&S, with the gathering lasting for around 20-30 minutes. Downing St say the prime minister only attended for less than 10 minutes.

In June 2020 social gatherings indoors were still forbidden under lockdown laws.

Mr K 24-01-2022 18:43

Re: All those No.10 lockdown parties

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 36110886)

Well Happy Birthday Bozza, an early retirement as a present? ;)

Dave42 24-01-2022 18:52

Re: All those No.10 lockdown parties

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 36110886)

but he didn't know it was a party :rofl:

1andrew1 24-01-2022 19:06

Re: All those No.10 lockdown parties
Interesting - Johnson refused eight times today in a TV interview to say whether a £12bn national insurance hike would go ahead as planned in April.

TheDaddy 24-01-2022 19:17

Re: All those No.10 lockdown parties

Originally Posted by Hom3r (Post 36110881)
Being a Single white male, if the roles had been reversed, and I was sacked for my non-religious beliefs, This wouldn't even be a news story.

But lately, it seems non-whites can complain about anything and get heard (Even if it is called for)

You do know white people can be Muslim don't you and to right they get heard if it's called for

mrmistoffelees 24-01-2022 19:46

Re: All those No.10 lockdown parties

Originally Posted by Carth (Post 36110755)
Nah, had enough of all this crap making the news, and if you want to bring other things than 'political and/or racist' orientated stuff into the discussion you're welcome to throw slurs about with cute abandon . . . I aint listening :p:

I didn’t bring anything into it… your comment was all encompassing

OLD BOY 24-01-2022 19:48

Re: All those No.10 lockdown parties

Originally Posted by Dave42 (Post 36110891)
but he didn't know it was a party :rofl:

Probably because it wasn’t. :rolleyes:

Hugh 24-01-2022 19:50

Re: All those No.10 lockdown parties

Originally Posted by OLD BOY (Post 36110903)
Probably because it wasn’t. :rolleyes:

I came here to post this, but you beat me to it… :D

“It was on his birthday, there was birthday cake, M&S snacks, his partner got people together in a room to sing ‘happy birthday’ and eat snacks, but OB says let’s wait until Sue Gray’s report to find out if it was a birthday party”

OLD BOY 24-01-2022 19:53

Re: All those No.10 lockdown parties

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 36110893)
Interesting - Johnson refused eight times today in a TV interview to say whether a £12bn national insurance hike would go ahead as planned in April.

So what do you want him to do? The increase is the plan, but people are reacting against it. Would you prefer him to ignore those disagreements and press ahead or take time to consider the arguments and alternatives?

Whichever way he bends, it will never satisfy you.

---------- Post added at 19:53 ---------- Previous post was at 19:51 ----------


Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 36110904)
I came here to post this, but you beat me to it… :D

“It was on his birthday, there was birthday cake, M&S snacks, his partner got people together in a room to sing ‘happy birthday’ and eat snacks, but OB says let’s wait until Sue Gray’s report to find out if it was a birthday party”

So what I’d they interrupted a meeting to do this? These people were his work colleagues and of course his wife. The whole thing is nonsense.

Dave42 24-01-2022 20:05

Re: All those No.10 lockdown parties

Originally Posted by OLD BOY (Post 36110903)
Probably because it wasn’t. :rolleyes:

what a surprise defending the underfendable again OB

Damien 24-01-2022 20:11

Re: All those No.10 lockdown parties
If it was only this party and Boris Johnson is lying about how long he is in there and that he didn't invite people to his flat afterwards - and Johnson lies all the time remember - then this one isn't as bad. Of course this isn't the only time, it happened time and time again.

Mr K 24-01-2022 20:28

Re: All those No.10 lockdown parties

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 36110908)
If it was only this party and Boris Johnson is lying about how long he is in there and that he didn't invite people to his flat afterwards - and Johnson lies all the time remember - then this one isn't as bad. Of course this isn't the only time, it happened time and time again.

He' s been sacked for lying many times, he will be again, shortly.

Spare him no tears, he has a few pennies in the bank, and he ' got Brexit done' ( by lying) , making the rest of us poorer, which is the main thing..... Jolly japes for the old chap, onto the next jolly wheeze !

Damien 24-01-2022 20:34

Re: All those No.10 lockdown parties
I said before with the Friday Drinks (although that was a bit too much still) that if it's a bunch of people already working stopping for a quick cake/drink/food then I really don't think that's as big a moral failing as hosting an actual party with invites sent out.

The Christmas Party they had in 2020 and the May 2020 'bring your own Booze' parties are the real problem ones. The one on the eve of the Prince Philip funeral was poor as well. Wine Fridays wouldn't have been as bad if they hadn't gone to such effort to get a wine fridge and smuggle in wine in a suitcase because they knew it was dodgy.

Carth 24-01-2022 20:35

Re: All those No.10 lockdown parties
Thank God that Gordon Brown saw fit to get rid of the UK gold reserves so Boris couldn't get his hands on them.

Not that it matters, I'm just adding to the drivel on here :D

Hugh 24-01-2022 21:53

Re: All those No.10 lockdown parties
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by OLD BOY (Post 36110905)
So what do you want him to do? The increase is the plan, but people are reacting against it. Would you prefer him to ignore those disagreements and press ahead or take time to consider the arguments and alternatives?

Whichever way he bends, it will never satisfy you.

---------- Post added at 19:53 ---------- Previous post was at 19:51 ----------

So what I’d they interrupted a meeting to do this? These people were his work colleagues and of course his wife. The whole thing is nonsense.

They didn’t "interrupt a meeting", they held the "meeting"* in the Cabinet Office to surprise him. As the article stated

Carrie Johnson helped organise a surprise get-together for him

*or "work birthday", as you’d probably call it…

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