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Kursk 25-02-2017 16:43

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35887423)
Nice to see the children enjoying themselves in their echo chamber... ;)

Oh come on, you can do better than that. Can't you?

Where are all the remoaning minnies? Sucking their thumbs in a darkened room I suspect pmsl :p:

Damien 25-02-2017 18:36

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
People do realise the people in Stoke will be able to change their mind in no more than 3 years time? UKIP are entitled to continue to campaign in Stoke, stand again in Stoke and criticise the now sitting Labour MP. Democracy is ongoing, no one wins forever.

denphone 25-02-2017 18:56

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35887462)
People do realise the people in Stoke will be able to change their mind in no more than 3 years time? UKIP are entitled to continue to campaign in Stoke, stand again in Stoke and criticise the now sitting Labour MP. Democracy is ongoing, no one wins forever.

Indeed l remember when Blair was in power and won 3 elections many were saying the Conservatives were facing a existential crisis and thus Labour before that and now but it did not happen then and it won't happen now.

Kursk 26-02-2017 00:10

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35887462)
People do realise the people in Stoke will be able to change their mind in no more than 3 years time? UKIP are entitled to continue to campaign in Stoke, stand again in Stoke and criticise the now sitting Labour MP. Democracy is ongoing, no one wins forever.

People also realise that the agenda will be driven by the elected MP. A circuitous exchange is redundant I would suggest.

We need to be very careful about how democracy works and as importantly, how it is perceived to be working. The change that's in the air might run away with us; cool heads are required.

Damien 27-02-2017 22:01

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
Handbags at UKIP:

Farage seems to want Carswell kicked out over claims he didn't try hard enough, even maybe mocked, attempts to get Farage appointed to the House of Lords or a Knighthood.

denphone 28-02-2017 05:33

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
A party like Labour who are in a steepening freefall crisis but that does not mean that the present government is much cop either sadly as all they are is just the best of a awfully bad bunch and that's not saying much.

Ramrod 28-02-2017 07:17

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35887406)
what :shocked::shocked::shocked: i thought because mr nuttall came second they had to implement his wishes because people didn't understand what they voted for and that's how it works in libtardia land .

Only if it suits them :D

1andrew1 24-03-2017 00:33

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Arron Banks, who used to be one of the UK Independence Party’s biggest donors, is demanding that Ukip pays him £200,000 for call centre and other services he provided for free.

Mr Banks, who donated £1 million to Ukip before the last general election, has submitted the invoice after he fell out with senior figures in the party and his membership lapsed.

denphone 24-03-2017 06:36

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35887746)
Handbags at UKIP:

Farage seems to want Carswell kicked out over claims he didn't try hard enough, even maybe mocked, attempts to get Farage appointed to the House of Lords or a Knighthood.

The end is nigh for UKIP IMO.

1andrew1 25-03-2017 12:37

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
Ukip’s only MP, Douglas Carswell, has dramatically quit the party, declaring that – after Brexit – it is a case of “job done”.

The Clacton MP will sit as an independent, scotching – for now at least – rumours that he would rejoin the Conservatives.

Chris 25-03-2017 13:08

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35891675)
Ukip’s only MP, Douglas Carswell, has dramatically quit the party, declaring that – after Brexit – it is a case of “job done”.

The Clacton MP will sit as an independent, scotching – for now at least – rumours that he would rejoin the Conservatives.

He won't rejoin the Conservatives, because he has set a personal precedent of resigning and forcing a by election under such circumstances. He doesn't need to do so anyway, he is a Tory in all but name and the Tory whips will be able to count on his vote on all the important issues.

1andrew1 25-03-2017 20:01

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
This has been mentioned before and I think it's quite credible.


Douglas Carswell 'was a Tory plant all along', Leave.EU campaign suggests

Mick 25-03-2017 21:48

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35891708)
This has been mentioned before and I think it's quite credible.

He is a weasel, always has been in my eyes... I hope has a back up plan for 2020, because he won't keep that Seat IMO.

Staying on as an MP I would suggest, to purely to ride the expenses gravy train.....


Since the couple moved in, Mr Carswell has claimed a total of £32,000 in expenses related to the house.

He also owns a property in Hertfordshire, which he rents out. Mrs Carswell sold her flat in south-west London for £500,000 last year.

The MP bills taxpayers for the entire rent of £1,250 per month and £2,280 annual council tax bills for the Essex house.

Since moving in, he has also claimed £1,605 for two sofas and £1,483 for a bed, mattress and chairs from ILVA.

He spent a further £700 for bedding and household extras at Peter Jones and The White Company. Mr Carswell also claimed £453 for a fridge freezer, £400 for a washing machine, £99 for a garden strimmer and bin, and £377 for a radio, telephone, vacuum cleaner, iron and television.

In November 2007, he claimed £429 for four days' worth of gardening.
He also claimed for a range of items bought at Tesco, including a 74p washing line.

1andrew1 25-03-2017 22:02

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35891726)
He is a weasel, always has been in my eyes... I hope has a back up plan for 2020, because he won't keep that Seat IMO.

Staying on as an MP I would suggest, to purely to ride the expenses gravy train.....

Certainly one to watch. Maybe he will rejoin the Conservative Party in 2020?

denphone 26-03-2017 04:47

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35891728)
Certainly one to watch. Maybe he will rejoin the Conservative Party in 2020?

l doubt it Andrew.

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