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Pierre 30-11-2021 13:49

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 36103605)
I’m sorry to tell you this, but it’s a fake degree - so your degree in Bullshit Detection is bullshit.

It’s not fake I got it from the Open University

Hugh 30-11-2021 14:00

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 36103618)
It’s not fake I got it from the Open University

I think if you look very closely, you’ll find it’s from the 0pen Unyversiti *

*accreditation by the (lack of) QAA, and signed off by the Government (of Nauru).


Pierre 30-11-2021 14:04

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Halcyon (Post 36103611)
So we have to wear masks again (I have no problem with that) but you don't need them in cinemas or pubs! Two places where people are going to be in close proximity.


Can you smell it? Putting my degree to work again.

Carth 30-11-2021 14:11

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 36103621)
Can you smell it? Putting my degree to work again.

Strange isn't it . . I read that and instantly had the 'Thunderclap Newman' tune 'Something in the air' playing in my head ;)

OLD BOY 30-11-2021 14:47

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Paul (Post 36103592)
Of course they do.
Project Fear has done an excellent job of brainwashing the public into thinking its worse than any plague (ever), almost the end of the world, and definitely a deadly nerve agent that will kill you on contact (and you'll likely catch it just from looking at other people without a mask). :erm:

I agree with that, and I have to say that the number against wearing face masks looks impossibly small to me. They obviously haven’t been taking opinions in my neck of the woods, and we have a pretty mixed population here - young, middle-aged, old, Indians, Chinese, Africans, etc.

Many of the people serving in shops didn’t wear them even on the day before the restrictions became a legal requirement.

What we are seeing is attempted mass indoctrination fuelled by publicity seeking scientists who want to control us. They are certainly having some measure of success with Boris.

---------- Post added at 14:47 ---------- Previous post was at 14:43 ----------


Originally Posted by Halcyon (Post 36103611)
So we have to wear masks again (I have no problem with that) but you don't need them in cinemas or pubs! Two places where people are going to be in close proximity.


It’s Boris’s two fingers to the science community. The face mask mandate will be lifted in a few weeks and he can say he acted quickly and that his light-touch precautionary approach was justified.

People won’t put up with these variant scares forever. The scientists appear to be seizing opportunities for their moment of fame while they have people listening nervously to their every pronouncement.

They need to wind their necks in.

nomadking 30-11-2021 15:29

Re: Coronavirus


All nine cases of the new Omicron variant of Covid are linked to a single event, the first minister has said.

Nicola Sturgeon told MSPs that all those affected had been tested on or around 23 November and had been self-isolating since then.

She said the cases all traced back to a "single private event" on 20 November.

She added: "We fully expect that there will be more cases identified over the coming days that are also linked to this event."

That's how easily it spreads. Possibly just one person infected at least 8 others. That's an R rate of well above 1 or 2.

papa smurf 30-11-2021 16:26

Re: Coronavirus
All that mask wearing hand washing and vaccine passports etc hasn't worked then.

Hugh 30-11-2021 16:56

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 36103637)
All that mask wearing hand washing and vaccine passports etc hasn't worked then.


It has reduced what could have been a higher number of infections.

That's like saying, after you see a car crash, "told you brakes were pointless!"... :erm:

nffc 30-11-2021 17:16

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Halcyon (Post 36103611)
So we have to wear masks again (I have no problem with that) but you don't need them in cinemas or pubs! Two places where people are going to be in close proximity.


I've thought about that one - and specifically where they have applied it.

The full list, incidentally, is on the gov site

In England, you must wear a face covering in the following indoor settings (examples are given in brackets):
  • shops and supermarkets (places which offer goods or services for retail sale or hire)
  • shopping centres (malls and indoor markets)
  • auction houses
  • post offices, banks, building societies, high street solicitors and accountants, credit unions, short-term loan providers, savings clubs and money service businesses
  • estate and letting agents
  • premises providing personal care and beauty treatments (barbers, hair salons, tattoo and piercing studios, nail salons and massage centres)
  • pharmacies
  • premises providing veterinary services
  • retail galleries
  • retail travel agents
  • takeaways without space for consumption of food or drink on premises
  • public transport (aeroplanes, trains, trams, buses, coaches and ferries), taxis and private hire vehicles
  • any car or small van during a professionally delivered driving lesson, a practical driving test, or during one of the practical tests for giving driving instruction, and in all HGV lessons and tests
  • transport hubs (airports, rail and tram stations and terminals, maritime ports and terminals, bus and coach stations and terminals)

On the point regarding hospitality, then this is the reason why:

Face coverings are not legally required in hospitality settings given that they cannot be worn while eating and drinking (see the ‘When you do not need to wear a face covering’ section below).
In fact, it was somewhat silly that you had to wear one before, when going in and out, but not when sat at the table. Provided people keep apart moving around is less of a risk than being sat talking after all. It's like some offices where you have to wear one when moving around but not when you're sat at your desk talking, where's the virus going to build up if you have it?

They probably have cinemas and other settings covered by the below, but note this isn't a legal requirement, and comes under the "consider wearing one in crowded indoor spaces" guidance which has always been the case since lifting the mask mandate:

You should continue to wear a face covering in other indoor places that are not listed above, which are crowded and enclosed and where you may come into contact with people you do not normally meet.

Also, the (self-declared) exceptions still apply and if you can't perform a task with a face covering on (such as paying for something in a shop with face id or similar) you can remove it for that task.

Thinking about the list of places, and given we don't know the facts about Omicron yet, it seems that these are places where if you need to go then you need to - even if you are immunocompromised and at risk from the virus, so this tries to help reduce the spread in these settings - but pubs, cinemas, concerts, places of worship, museums, art galleries etc you have the choice to go to.

It's also a bit daft as always there are inconsistencies - for example if you are in a museum you don't have to in the museum itself but not the shop. And a takeaway you have to if it has no facility to sit and eat in - but if it does, even if you're not using it, you don't.

papa smurf 30-11-2021 17:16

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 36103638)

It has reduced what could have been a higher number of infections.

That's like saying, after you see a car crash, "told you brakes were pointless!"... :erm:

3 jabs /masks /sanitizing /vaccine passports /blaah blaah blaah .............somethings not working and it's not the brakes on an old jalopy

nffc 30-11-2021 17:26

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 36103640)
3 jabs /masks /sanitizing /vaccine passports /blaah blaah blaah .............somethings not working and it's not the brakes on an old jalopy

None of them are 100% effective.

I think the stats against Delta show that 3 doses are 95% effective against infection. Omicron may well be less - there was a suggestion of 40% but this fact isn't yet known. That will put protection to a similar level as 2 doses against Delta.

Masks only have any effect at all on people who have the virus, and ultimately as people who have the virus, have symptoms, and have tested positive should be isolating, it's really only those who haven't tested positive and don't have symptoms i.e. those who don't realise who it works on, and the effect is to protect others from the person who's wearing them. Even then that protection isn't going to be perfect as (less so for surgical masks) the face coverings people tend to wear made out of paper or cloth will presumably still let a fair amount through.

Sanitising is to stop you getting virus on your hands and touching other things, if you can't wash them. It's useful but let's not forget it doesn't kill all viruses.

Vaccine passports don't really prove a great deal in terms of not letting people into a setting if they don't have covid. But, as it reduces transmission by being vaccinated, like everything else it slows it down.

Pierre 30-11-2021 17:48

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by nffc (Post 36103639)
It's also a bit daft as always there are inconsistencies.

There’s an understatement.

But it matters not, the government and media have scared the Sheeple, and they are compliant.

Regardless of what bollocks they throw at the Sheeple, and illogical the instructions, the Sheeple lap it up and obey.

Cognitive Dissonance - everybody can see non of it makes sense and there is no evidence to support the government edicts. Yet they comply.

Carth 30-11-2021 18:07

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 36103642)
There’s an understatement.

But it matters not, the government and media have scared the Sheeple, and they are compliant.

Regardless of what bollocks they throw at the Sheeple, and illogical the instructions, the Sheeple lap it up and obey.

Cognitive Dissonance - everybody can see non of it makes sense and there is no evidence to support the government edicts. Yet they comply.

Government Covid Emergency Meeting:

Right, what do we know about this Omicron then?
Bugger all really, it's just guesswork and supposition at the moment
Christ we can't release that as a statement
We can if we mention further testing and investigation, add in the usual 'possibilities of', 'might have', could be, 'upto', and include some random percentage figures.
Yeah, I think that will work again, what about preventative measures?
Easy, we continue to rabbit about face masks and hand washing, tell people to have 2 tests a day, and self isolate if you feel a little chilly.
Will the public go along with that?
Who cares about the public, the media will grab it with both hands and spend 3 weeks with it as major headline, does our job for us.
Brilliant . .
OK, onto the next item in the agenda, stripper for this years Crimbo party, we obviously can't have Cummings again - even though he was fantastic 2 years ago - and the only other volunteers this year are Grove, Corbyn, Prince Edward, and Farage . . .

Hugh 30-11-2021 19:32

Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 36103640)
3 jabs /masks /sanitizing /vaccine passports /blaah blaah blaah .............somethings not working and it's not the brakes on an old jalopy

or your "logic"…

Hugh 30-11-2021 19:41

Re: Coronavirus
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 36103642)
There’s an understatement.

But it matters not, the government and media have scared the Sheeple, and they are compliant.

Regardless of what bollocks they throw at the Sheeple, and illogical the instructions, the Sheeple lap it up and obey.

Cognitive Dissonance - everybody can see non of it makes sense and there is no evidence to support the government edicts. Yet they comply.


Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 36103568)
If it doesn’t say it came from Wuhan lab then it’s a deflection piece.

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