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rogerdraig 03-01-2009 20:21

Re: what game are you playing
Quantum of Solace ( my 7 year old wanted it lol ) but once hes in bed its back to COD4

ace1965 03-01-2009 20:35

Re: what game are you playing
im playing a online game called America's Army which is free to download at just complete training then off you go also watch out for the new america's army 3 free to download

my stats

ZrByte 03-01-2009 23:11

Re: what game are you playing
Been playing Lego Batman and Iron Man on the Wii. Really wasn't keen on the Wii at first but once you get used to the controls its really quite good.

Charlie_Bubble 04-01-2009 12:44

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by icestar2 (Post 34708109)
Dropped yes but this was also happening with alot of games the last couple months. Was bad timming for a released tbh because there as just way to much out between october and christmas.

As for making people feel sick I'v never had that at all from it but I have read some people have but this is nothing new. Its just blown out of proportion as usual. Plenty of games in the past have had similair effects on a small number.

If it does not intrest you fair enough but I think it was a brilliant change the to normal aim and shooting games that just keep popping out.

Yes, many games have dropped in price recently, but not down to £25 the week after release in a number of retailers. I saw this on a few retailers sites for under £20 just a 2 or 3 weeks after release. This is normally the sign of a game that hasn't done well. Look at the figures and then tell me it's done well. Compare this to Left 4 Dead, which was released the week after Mirrors Edge and they can't match demand. It's still priced at about the same level as when it was released, because so many want it.


Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 34708142)
Its a fantastic game and many games recently have dropped in price, mostly due to so many games getting released and people not having the same amount of cash to spend.

Motion sickness has always effected people playing games, its nothing new. This game is not to blame for that at all.

I disagree, it's everything to do with the game. In my gaming life, I've only ever had 2 games make me feel physically sick, Postal 2 and some other game I can't remember the name of. It's the way the camera moves on screen that gives you motion sickness. Mirrors Edge has a lot of unusual movement on screen, so yes, you can blame the game. Compare how many people feel ill, even just a little, playing this game with how many would feel ill from a game where camera movement is kept to a minimum.

I haven't played the game. It doesn't really appeal to me. I may rent it in a couple of months and find it to be a great game, but the screen-shots/gameplay movies haven't made me want to go and play it.

Hugh 04-01-2009 12:56

Re: what game are you playing
Just finished COD:WAW singleplayer - now on to the Multiplayer, to die quickly and often.......

icestar2 04-01-2009 15:42

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Charlie_Bubble (Post 34709048)
Yes, many games have dropped in price recently, but not down to £25 the week after release in a number of retailers. I saw this on a few retailers sites for under £20 just a 2 or 3 weeks after release. This is normally the sign of a game that hasn't done well. Look at the figures and then tell me it's done well. Compare this to Left 4 Dead, which was released the week after Mirrors Edge and they can't match demand. It's still priced at about the same level as when it was released, because so many want it.

To be fair I never said it had done well. I was just trying to point out reasons why it may have not. I still stick to my guns that it was a poor time to release. I still think it would have had better sales (Not saying brillinat sales) if it had been released another time.

It also still has its PC release yet to see if it can pick its sales up from that platform.

Also some people are reluctent to change and that with the fact the game was a bit short explains a little more why it may have not done so well.

Left 4 Dead is another pick up and play shooter which almost always do well especially mulitplatforms shooters. Its also a great game to play with friends and alot of gaming is MP this gen so that will also have boosted its sales.

So to sum-up I still really, really enjoyed the game. It was fresh and new. It brought new aspects to a game and showed you a diffrent way to play games and that it does not always have to be shoot this or shoot that.

SB_07 04-01-2009 23:32

Re: what game are you playing
FIFA 09, taking a break from everything else at the mo.

Tezcatlipoca 05-01-2009 00:06

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Matt D (Post 34707896)
Finally finished Half-Life 2 this evening, & have since started on Episode 1.

Halfway through Episode 2 now. Good stuff. I hope Valve hurry up with Episode 3.

icestar2 05-01-2009 00:36

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Matt D (Post 34709506)
Halfway through Episode 2 now. Good stuff. I hope Valve hurry up with Episode 3.

Hahahaha gotta laugh Matt. Valve are one company that really dont believe in rushing games out. Actually they like to delay games for a long as they possibly can lol.

Agreed though I do wish they would hurry up. HL:ep3 will be great and I cant wait to play it :) (Hopefully this year lol)

Tezcatlipoca 05-01-2009 01:04

Re: what game are you playing
They do like to take their time, lol.

IIRC, Episode One came out around a year & a half after Half-Life 2, and Episode Two came out around a year & a half after Episode One.

So, going by that, you'd think we'd be seeing Episode Three this Summer... but a bit of Googling & wiki'ing suggests we'll have a longer wait for this one :(

icestar2 05-01-2009 01:44

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Matt D (Post 34709511)
They do like to take their time, lol.

IIRC, Episode One came out around a year & a half after Half-Life 2, and Episode Two came out around a year & a half after Episode One.

So, going by that, you'd think we'd be seeing Episode Three this Summer... but a bit of Googling & wiki'ing suggests we'll have a longer wait for this one :(

Probably because of left 4 dead which they got out surprisingly fast for valve.

little-j0hn 05-01-2009 13:13

gaming talk
hi im a gmod fanatic and i love other source and valve games like counter strike source team fortress portl gmod half life 1 and 2 i love them all and i want to to wat games u guys love and why or even games u hate and y so post w/e i dont mind agrue w/e enjoy

zing_deleted 05-01-2009 13:24

Re: gaming talk

Are you from the UK?

pantiome 05-01-2009 19:04

Re: what game are you playing
World of Warcraft and Counter-strike : Source :D

moaningmags 05-01-2009 19:23

Re: what game are you playing
Wordscape - Sad but just found it again after a 3 or 4 year absence. :D

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