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Osem 03-03-2014 10:26

Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?
Anyone who 'hates' people simply because of their nationality needs their head testing.

Sirius 03-03-2014 11:10

Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35677368)
Anyone who 'hates' people simply because of their nationality needs their head testing.


Kabaal 03-03-2014 11:12

Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?
I can't ever remember hearing any genuine hate for the English, plenty of banter but no real dislike never mind hate. The extent of the Scottish/English rivalry these days doesn't really amount to much more than the same type of ribbing someone from Glasgow would give someone from say Aberdeen about sheep shagging.

Of course there will be exceptions but the same type of idiots can be found anywhere and would find any reason to hate on others anyway.

Sirius 03-03-2014 11:49

Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?

Originally Posted by Kabaal (Post 35677375)
I can't ever remember hearing any genuine hate for the English, plenty of banter but no real dislike never mind hate. The extent of the Scottish/English rivalry these days doesn't really amount to much more than the same type of ribbing someone from Glasgow would give someone from say Aberdeen about sheep shagging.

Of course there will be exceptions but the same type of idiots can be found anywhere and would find any reason to hate on others anyway.

Especially if it fits an agenda.

Osem 03-03-2014 13:33

Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?
All this bullying is really rather tiresome:

Damien 03-03-2014 13:35

Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?
I bet Salmond grasses on us for bullying him too!

Sirius 03-03-2014 14:19

Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35677425)
I bet Salmond grasses on us for bullying him too!

I am shaking in my boots :)

Derek 03-03-2014 14:38

Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?
Yet more bullying for Salmond.


Chancellor George Osborne's intervention on currency appears to have paid off, as a new STV poll shows Scots more likely to vote No after his warning about the pound.

The headline results place Yes on 32%, No on 57% and undecideds on 11% amongst those certain to vote. When "don't know" voters are stripped out, support for Yes sits at 36% and No at 64%.

Osem 03-03-2014 15:44

Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?
It's rather worrying that around 1 in 3 are apparently buying into Salmond's nonsense however.

Chris 03-03-2014 16:10

Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?
To be fair, those aren't the ones who have bought into Salmond's nonsense, those are the ones who have been in favour of separation since forever.

The infuriating thing about this whole referendum bunfight is that so far, it has utterly failed to shift public opinion significantly in one direction or the other. We have known for decades that there is a natural inclination for independence that ebbs and flows between about a quarter of the electorate, at its very worst, to a little over a third at its very best, and the referendum campaign hasn't shifted it significantly one way or the other. What shifts those numbers is the performance of Westminster politicians and whether Scottish voters think they are getting a fair deal or not. Tories are good for the SNP, which of course is why Fat Alec is so desperate to get in front of a camera with Cameron.

I wish we could just have the vote now, get the result everyone knew we were going to get, and then get on with building up our country instead of tearing it to pieces.

Damien 03-03-2014 22:58

Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?
Mr Idiot is at it again:


With the campaign now entering the final 200 days, Alex Salmond is expected to bolster that argument by accusing the UK government of betraying "antiquated, unacceptable" attitudes on Scotland in a speech for the New Statesmen in London tomorrow. The first minister plans to describe George Osborne's recent speech vetoing a formal currency union between the UK and Scotland, in which the chancellor described Scotland as a "foreign country" post-independence seven times, as a "monumental error".
We're being bullied!!!!!

Also someone needs to tell him (or the writer of the article) what independence means. A "foreign country" is what Independence means. I mean really, the idiocy is outstanding here.

Stephen 03-03-2014 23:01

Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?
I also see he has been banned from all council buildings in Aberdeen. The person interviewed on the news called Salmond a bully hehehe.

He was also talking total rubbish again on the news tonight claiming the yes polls are rising, even though STV just revealed that the No's are gaining again.

Mr Angry 04-03-2014 00:16

Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35677659)
Also someone needs to tell him (or the writer of the article) what independence means. A "foreign country" is what Independence means. I mean really, the idiocy is outstanding here.

Strictly speaking the matter of independence is largely irrelevant as far as somewhere being described as a foreign country is concerned. To assert that somewhere is foreign is determined by someone not being a citizen of somewhere, not whether that place is independent.

Chris 04-03-2014 07:44

Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?
I would have thought that the word was applicable between sovereign governments as well as individual citizens?

Osem 04-03-2014 10:13

Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?
This really is becoming like a Scottish version of Eastenders with Salmond running the King Alec public house...

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