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TheDaddy 09-01-2017 05:13

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by nomadking (Post 35879709)
They are not included in the figures. If they are easily getting hold of an NHS number, legally or illegally, then they are not in the figures. Likewise with those deemed an emergency, but have just got of the place. If just one hospital is out of pocket by £4 million, what would that total figure look like if you scale it up by just 100 hospitals?

That's interesting, so it's literally just a number, nothing else is attached to it, no other information at all, they key it in and that's it, no medical records or personal details pop up, nothing?

Mr K 09-01-2017 20:25

Re: Crisis in the NHS
Good news 'H'unt has been found!
He's urgently tackling the situation by fiddling the 4 hour A&E target figures so they look better. Good to see he's on the ball.

Arthurgray50@blu 09-01-2017 22:18

Re: Crisis in the NHS
A big problem here is that simply. The NHS MUST stop giving free aid to every tom, dick and harry.

IF, you don't have the funds and ont have an address. then you DONT GET FREE treatment.

IF, you are homeless. Then you can get treatment via charities. That might be cruel. But the Tories are being cruel to everyone in the UK. By cutting funds to GPs, local Councils etc etc.
Local Government are at fault for local GPs cuts, to Social Care and Day Care Centres. They are closing them down all the time.

What these Day Centres can provide is GP service. Which would solve an OAP that is in Hospital. They would come out of hospital, straight to a day Care centre under the direction of a GP.

It is totally wrong that Local Councils say they don't have any money. Hounslow Coucil for example must make thusand of pounds EACH week from Parking and fines.

When l go to The Blenhiem Centre on a Bank Holiday, people still put money in for a ticket.

They claim that this money goes for the upkeep of the car park. What painting lines, you can get the Unemployed to do that as part og the TRAINING.

I have been on these courses. And they are NOT worth going to.

One of the roads near The Blenhiem Centre, was FREE parking. Council decided in there wisdom to put 15 parking meters there.

ALL this money can go into GP services on the borough. I went to a GP surgery on Friday. And it was empty. And yet, every surgery on a Monday, you cannot get an appointment.

Mr Hunt has said that the 'FOUR HOUR SLOT is only for the serious ill paitents. So if you end up in Hospital with a Heart Attack, which has to be dealt with 'within the golden hour' you might not get seen, if you start to get better.

I think the whole matter with the NHS stinks. And all this to save bloody money by the Tories, so they can upkeep there Private Health Care companies.

There was a Dr on BBC this morning, she came from Syria, and said it was the worst decision by coming to the NHS. And it should be made private.

And the BBC interviewer had a go at the Consultant, saying that he 'maybe' lying hat that crisis, isn't a crisis. Typical BBC.

---------- Post added at 22:18 ---------- Previous post was at 22:16 ----------

denphone 10-01-2017 06:29

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35879830)
Good news 'H'unt has been found!
He's urgently tackling the situation by fiddling the 4 hour A&E target figures so they look better. Good to see he's on the ball.

Sadly Mr Hunt is as slippery and odious as ever while the NHS burns before him.:(:td:

martyh 10-01-2017 07:08

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35879830)
Good news 'H'unt has been found!
He's urgently tackling the situation by fiddling the 4 hour A&E target figures so they look better. Good to see he's on the ball.

Apparently the A&E crisis is all our fault and we need to have an "honest discussion"(that's government speak for "we know we cocked it up but we don't have a clue what to do so basically you're screwed") .Now i can understand that some people go when they shouldn't go for minor ailments and so on but in some cases it is the only way to get any kind of treatment because doctors surgeries are full (dependent on where you live) walk in centers are next to useless because most don't have doctors in them and the phone service(whatever it's name is this week) simply refers people to A&E because the people on the other end are not doctors or nurses,not to mention a lot of A&E centers have been closed and the services concentrated in one area without upgrading the staff levels and funding .

Perhaps a bus full of money from the EU is in order

Mr K 10-01-2017 09:28

Re: Crisis in the NHS
Well people do need to stop abusing A&E, but very often its because they can't get a GP appointment. Swings and roundabouts, plug one funding hole, another leaks.
We do need to have a serious discussion about how we fund the NHS and what services it provides, as costs are going to keep increasing. We're going to have to pay more whatever, each one of us, and we have to accept that. Half the problem is people say they are willing to pay more but when but comes to them personally paying, they look and vote another way

However I suspect the Government has a privatisation agenda on this. Not to worry as none of the cabinet would touch the NHS with a barge pole.

1andrew1 10-01-2017 15:33

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35879894)
Well people do need to stop abusing A&E, but very often its because they can't get a GP appointment. Swings and roundabouts, plug one funding hole, another leaks.
We do need to have a serious discussion about how we fund the NHS and what services it provides, as costs are going to keep increasing. We're going to have to pay more whatever, each one of us, and we have to accept that. Half the problem is people say they are willing to pay more but when but comes to them personally paying, they look and vote another way

However I suspect the Government has a privatisation agenda on this. Not to worry as none of the cabinet would touch the NHS with a barge pole.

I heard a snatch of a programme on Radio 4 this lunchtime about the subject. The points that came across to me were:
* It's the worst crisis for 12 years. Normally the NHS catches up on itself over the Summer but it didn't so has gone into the Winter in a bad state.
* Scotland is coping relatively better because it has integrated social care with the NHS.
* Although funding has been increasing, demand has outpaced the growth in funding stretching services.

Ultimately, we need to fund the NHS more as we're all living longer. This could be through increased general taxation/NI or at the point of delivery. This is a big issue and I wonder if all political parties will come together on this?

Stuart 10-01-2017 16:35

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35879496)
They are not facts when language like 'less likely' is being used, in other words they don't have a bloody clue. Stop deluding us with bull crap as usual.

You might want to check the report though. That has a few facts.

Personally, I don't think the problems for the NHS can be boiled down to one thing.

There are several problems facing the NHS:
  1. Privatisation. Specifically PFI. It might look like a good way to pay for new hospitals (as initially it costs the taxpayer little) but the companies financing the hospitals are going to want payment and they often take this in the form of extremely high interest rates, or preferential treatment with regard to any contracts involved in running the hospital, which they can use to further fleece the NHS.
  2. Age. We are living a lot longer than we used to. With longer living comes higher medical bills. There are more old people to pay for, and fewer people of working age to pay for them. It's a nice idea that the money you pay in National Insurance is being put into an account to pay for your own medical care, but it isn't.
  3. Too many people going to hospital who don't need it. This is partly due to how busy GPs are, and I think partly due to misinformation and lazyness. We feel a little bit ill from time to time. Some people, even if they have a minor ailment that can be cured with a few days rest go to the GP. Some even go to A&E, when they would be better served going home, taking a painkiller and sleeping.

Mr K 10-01-2017 16:45

Re: Crisis in the NHS
It doesn't look as though the Red Cross weren't exaggerating. It's not really even been a bad winter weather wise, thankfully.


Leak shows full extent of NHS winter crisis

Record numbers of patients are facing long waits in A&Es as documents leaked to the BBC show the full extent of the winter crisis in the NHS in England.
Nearly a quarter of patients waited longer than four hours in A&E last week, with just one hospital hitting its target.
And huge numbers also faced long waits for a bed when A&E staff admitted them into hospital as emergency cases.
There were more than 18,000 "trolley waits" of four hours or more last week.
That suggests about one in five patients admitted for further treatment endured one of these long waits on trolleys and in hospital corridors - twice the rate normally seen.
Some 485 of them were for more than 12 hours - treble the number seen during the whole of January last year.
It would be a start if the Government properly acknowledged the crisis and stopped trying to play politics, which they are bad at anyway. Jeremy Hunt seems to have gone AWOL again...

Taf 10-01-2017 16:57

Re: Crisis in the NHS
You don't want to highlight the problems in something you are trying to sell....

OhReally 10-01-2017 17:00

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by Stuart (Post 35879966)
You might want to check the report though. That has a few facts.

Personally, I don't think the problems for the NHS can be boiled down to one thing.

There are several problems facing the NHS:
  1. Privatisation. Specifically PFI. It might look like a good way to pay for new hospitals (as initially it costs the taxpayer little) but the companies financing the hospitals are going to want payment and they often take this in the form of extremely high interest rates, or preferential treatment with regard to any contracts involved in running the hospital, which they can use to further fleece the NHS.


One of the initiatives of the last labour government. These contracts can be 20-30 years and the total cost is eye-watering.

But of course you'll never hear a left-wing luvvie slagging off good old Brown/Blair for "privatising" the NHS :rolleyes:

denphone 10-01-2017 17:04

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35879967)
It doesn't look as though the Red Cross weren't exaggerating. It's not really even been a bad winter weather wise, thankfully.

It would be a start if the Government properly acknowledged the crisis and stopped trying to play politics, which they are bad at anyway. Jeremy Hunt seems to have gone AWOL again...

l wish the bloody politics was taken out of the NHS IMO.

1andrew1 10-01-2017 18:24

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35879974)
l wish the bloody politics was taken out of the NHS IMO.

Indeed. That's why we need a political consensus on it but it's such a big issue that most governments will fudge it and leave it for the next administration.

Damien 10-01-2017 19:00

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35879974)
l wish the bloody politics was taken out of the NHS IMO.


Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35879992)
Indeed. That's why we need a political consensus on it but it's such a big issue that most governments will fudge it and leave it for the next administration.

People always want to take the politics out of [something] but I fail to see how that really works. Politics is how we decide these things. People vote governments in or out in part on their performance managing things like the Health Service.

If anything taking politics out of these areas is a way cowardly politicians try to avoid being accountable for their responsibilities. Hence when we have situations like Southern where the government can point at the companies and the unions are say it's nothing to do with them when they not only gave them the contract but stuck their oar in on how it should be managed - i.e get rid of the guards.

Nah, the government is responsible for running the health service and they're accountable for it as a result.

denphone 11-01-2017 09:19

Re: Crisis in the NHS

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35879830)
Good news 'H'unt has been found!
He's urgently tackling the situation by fiddling the 4 hour A&E target figures so they look better. Good to see he's on the ball.

What makes me laugh Mr K is he tells everybody to go to their surgery to see the doc where for many its pretty well impossible to get a quick appointment rather then go to A&E but yet he took his children to A&E rather then see his local GP.

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