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dilli-theclaw 15-10-2004 15:37

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by Incognitas
Not me!I'm going to be watching the Sci fi channel for that legal series set in the near future followed by the new series of the Dead Zone on Monday.Much better story lines. :)


I'm waiting for them to repeat Crusade - I missed it :(

Not seen The Dead Zone I must admit.... is it any good?

Maggy 15-10-2004 15:50

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by dilligaf1701
I'm waiting for them to repeat Crusade - I missed it :(

Not seen The Dead Zone I must admit.... is it any good?

Well I loved the film with Christopher Walken but the lead actor in the series is doing an excellent job.There is also a good basic storyline unfolding through the last series into this one but some of the subtext plots have been excellent.The writers are very good at surprises. :)

dilli-theclaw 15-10-2004 16:01

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by Incognitas
Well I loved the film with Christopher Walken but the lead actor in the series is doing an excellent job.There is also a good basic storyline unfolding through the last series into this one but some of the subtext plots have been excellent.The writers are very good at surprises. :)

It's Stephen King isn't it? - I'll try and catch a couple of episodes....

...I saw an advert for 'Hex' while I was watching Galatica last night, I think I may give that a go as well...

homealone 15-10-2004 16:03

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by dilligaf1701
I'm waiting for them to repeat Crusade - I missed it :(


I don't know if it was just me being unfamiliar with the Babylon 5 genre, but I couldn't 'get into' Crusade, especially the captain, who I thought was the most wooden actor since Pinocchio. :shrug:

- and the 'technomage' character was just annoying (is he Edward Woodward's son?)

dilli-theclaw 15-10-2004 16:06

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by homealone
I don't know if it was just me being unfamiliar with the Babylon 5 genre, but I couldn't 'get into' Crusade, especially the captain, who I thought was the most wooden actor since Pinocchio. :shrug:

- and the 'technomage' character was just annoying (is he Edward Woodward's son?)

I've only really seen the pilot.... Anyway I really like my B5 and I'd like the complete set :)

I know it's coming out on dvd next year - but if sci fi repeat it I won't need to buy it :)

Maggy 15-10-2004 16:07

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by homealone
I don't know if it was just me being unfamiliar with the Babylon 5 genre, but I couldn't 'get into' Crusade, especially the captain, who I thought was the most wooden actor since Pinocchio. :shrug:

- and the 'technomage' character was just annoying (is he Edward Woodward's son?)

I just would have liked the series to have finished as it should have.Bluddy TV moguls who have no imagination. :2up:

homealone 15-10-2004 16:21

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by Incognitas
I just would have liked the series to have finished as it should have.Bluddy TV moguls who have no imagination. :2up:

I actually stopped watching before the 'end', but yes, totally agree :tu:

- mutter mutter, Earth 2, Firefly, Jake 2.0 - humphf :(

ZrByte 18-10-2004 20:51

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets
So what do we think of the first episode of BSG?
Im very impressed so far, its Rather bleak & apocalyptic but then I like that :)
Im also very impressed with the Centurians, I was so dissappointed we didnt see more of them in the mini series movie.

dilli-theclaw 18-10-2004 20:57

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by ZrByte
So what do we think of the first episode of BSG?
Im very impressed so far, its Rather bleak & apocalyptic but then I like that :)
Im also very impressed with the Centurians, I was so dissappointed we didnt see more of them in the mini series movie.

Couldn't wait for the last ten mins huh ;) :D

Actually - I quite liked it.... I must admit I like the apocolyptic stuff too....

And although I do like the new centurions - I'm also hoping there's a cameo of the old ones :)

ZrByte 18-10-2004 21:00

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by dilligaf1701
Couldn't wait for the last ten mins huh ;) :D

Actually - I quite liked it.... I must admit I like the apocolyptic stuff too....

And although I do like the new centurions - I'm also hoping there's a cameo of the old ones :)

I knew there wasnt long left and I was impressed enough allready so since the PC is next to the TV I figured I would post during the last break :D

Well whats her face said in the movie that the old ones still have thier uses so im sure we'll see them.

homealone 18-10-2004 21:59

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by ZrByte
So what do we think of the first episode of BSG?
Im very impressed so far, its Rather bleak & apocalyptic but then I like that :)
Im also very impressed with the Centurians, I was so dissappointed we didnt see more of them in the mini series movie.

It was the first time I had seen the 'mini series' last Thursday/Friday, so that was still fresh, I enjoyed both it and the new episode :)

Mal 18-10-2004 22:10

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by homealone
It was the first time I had seen the 'mini series' last Thursday/Friday, so that was still fresh, I enjoyed both it and the new episode :)

I just saw the mini-series last week too and I enjoyed it. I know it's too early to say, but the series seems to started off in the same style.

SOSAGES 18-10-2004 23:41

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets
anyone watch new farscape?

Maggy 19-10-2004 09:35

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets
:erm: I was watching Century City on the Sci Fi channel.Raised a very interesting theme based on the idea of genetic profiling on unborn babies might lead to a situation where couples will specifically refuse the homosexual gene for their unborn child and a doctor who thought that this was wrong was slipping in the gene anyway where ever he could.He then got caught out and was sued for emotional distress by the parents to be.It was very thought provoking.

Incog. :)

Chris 19-10-2004 10:03

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by ZrByte
So what do we think of the first episode of BSG?
Im very impressed so far, its Rather bleak & apocalyptic but then I like that :)
Im also very impressed with the Centurians, I was so dissappointed we didnt see more of them in the mini series movie.

Damn good first episode. Blindingly good in fact. It did the bleak, post-apocalyptic thing just superbly. It's all the better because when you strip it down, what actually happened in that episode? Not an awful lot. We dropped in on a bleak situation and hung around for an hour while everyone got tired and depressed. Then we left - but with one small difference, the population number on the whiteboard that had been dropping throughout the episode went up by one because a baby was born on board Rising Star (nice use of a name from the original series!). The sheer understatement of it eclipsed anything I have seen in Star Trek for a great many years.

They also opened up a new angle that we didn't have in the original series - what happened on the colonies after the war? I can't wait to find out what turns up there.

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