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Pierre 19-04-2021 23:48

Re: European football clubs agree to create a Super League
Actually L9 of the premier league rules dictate that it is not allowed, therefore to continue they have to leave the premier league.................see ya!

Carth 19-04-2021 23:56

Re: European football clubs agree to create a Super League
I think the actual rule says they need permission to play in other competitions.

I have a feeling we all know how that will go, especially with the size of brown envelope these clubs and their 'financiers' have tucked away :(

jfman 20-04-2021 03:03

Re: European football clubs agree to create a Super League

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 36077322)
That is by no means certain

---------- Post added at 22:54 ---------- Previous post was at 22:42 ----------

They should be kicked out of their domestic leagues, and not allowed to compete in any other competition.

Then the whole thing will just collapse in on itself.

They are trying to replace the champions league. The Premier league is still their bread and butter and like any greedy get, they still want their bread and butter. But they don’t want the winners of the bread and butter to have any cake. They have the cake guaranteed.

Kick them out of the premier league, and see how their fans, home and away fans, enjoy travelling to either the North West of England or Italy or Spain every other week to watch your team.

Kick them out of the premier league it’s the only way.

100% agree.

I think they want a “cake and eat it” approach replacing the CL at first while not threatening domestic revenue streams. That said I think they see that as a stepping stone to leaving their domestic league once it’s up, running and developed. Hints are at first it’ll run with 15 teams and expand to 20.

Kick them straight to step 2 if that’s what they want.

Damien 20-04-2021 07:20

Re: European football clubs agree to create a Super League
The Premier League is in a difficult position here. Kicking them out will be the last resort. These teams are a big part of the league and the television deals, games like Liverpool vs United are why they fetch so much money for them and even more so abroad. The people who purchased the rights would not be happy and it might be a breach of contract.

So to kick them out would be a huge economic cost to the league and the remaining teams. It'll be a massive hit to the value and international appeal of the Premier League.

It will be the last thing they do. Eventually, they might have no choice for now they'll instead hope it gets resolved another way with either a bargain being struck between UEFA and these teams or the Government intervening.

There are also rumours this morning that Chelsea and City are losing their nerve and might back out.

1andrew1 20-04-2021 09:33

Re: European football clubs agree to create a Super League
The most important UK Premier League TV rights are the UK ones and the UK rights for 2022-2025 have not yet been awarded which is both positive and negative for the Premier League. Perhaps it will borrow from a US bank and offer a financial loyalty sum to Premier League clubs? But how such cash sums work with financial fair play I'm not sure.

I can see this freezing many areas in the Premier League due to the uncertainty for the next few months eg Everton's funding of a new stadium, all clubs' major new player signings etc.

The only benefit of the proposals is that they seem have united the country, albeit against them!

Damien 20-04-2021 09:38

Re: European football clubs agree to create a Super League
I think the idea is dead to be honest. The fact some clubs are now clearly briefing journalists that they didn't like it but they had to go along with it makes me think they're looking to back out.

Carth 20-04-2021 10:08

Re: European football clubs agree to create a Super League
These 'big' teams are also the reason why football is riddled with debt.
For years their rich 'owners' were able to pump cash into them, bidding wars for the best (haha) players sent prices (and wages) soaring. Then rules were introduced to prevent this . . . which were then circumvented by backdoor methods to increase cash put into clubs.

Debt has spiraled out of control, not only in the Premiership, and those living beyond their means are now in a position where, in any other business, they'd be filing for bankruptcy.

But no, instead of trying to reduce their debt, they come up with an idea to grab an even bigger share of the money available.
You know what will happen? Players and their agents will demand even more in transfer fees and wages for those in this 'elite' private membership tournament . . and clubs will pay, and the debt will grow, and costs of attending or viewing (PPV) matches will increase, viewing figures will drop . . . and then there will be another brilliant idea by the financiers . . . and the circle continues.

If this is allowed to happen, the Premiership itself will become a 'non competetive' league, with the top 6 (haha) having twice the income of any other club . . . and those other clubs will start looking at 'alternative' ways to increase their cash flow trying to catch up.

Professional football may eventually end up with One league, consisting of 10 mega rich clubs, and everyone else playing semi-professional for peanuts in Northern & Southern leagues.

RIP football.

Sephiroth 20-04-2021 16:01

Re: European football clubs agree to create a Super League
I have a problem with Government getting involved.

This is a free country and businesses should be free to set themselves up as they wish.

It follows also that other businesses (the FA, Premier League, FIFA, UEFA) are free to set their own rules for membership of their respective entities.

The Guvmin should butt out.

TV rights will be interesting as the Premier League, for example, will want to recoup losses. But the public will baulk at hikes in subscription costs; they will also resist significant ticket price increases. I'm holding back on renewing my Spurs season ticket because if they are chucked out of the Premier League, I'm not interested.

Chris 20-04-2021 16:21

Re: European football clubs agree to create a Super League
Government has always had an interest in football because it is of major public interest. It's a key aspect of our popular culture. The way in which football is viewed both in the stadium and on TV is subject to plenty of regulation, some of which exists because there is a massive power imbalance between the owners and the fans - an aspect of the professional game that is very much to the fore this week. These proposals represent an absolute sea-change in the professional game in England, because of the disproportionate influence the half-dozen owners in question have here. It's absolutely right for the government to intervene.

Sephiroth 20-04-2021 16:39

Re: European football clubs agree to create a Super League
I don't disagree with your sentiment about the proposed changes.
It's simply that this is a stretch too far for government to get involved. The football governing bodies should be handling this.

I don't want to give the Guvmin more powers to stiff legitimate businesses which is what this breakaway would be.

Carth 20-04-2021 16:51

Re: European football clubs agree to create a Super League
The football governing bodies have never handled anything (apart from brown envelopes).

Maybe it is time for someone to step in :Yes:

admars 20-04-2021 16:51

Re: European football clubs agree to create a Super League
Boris is involved, so that if it doesn't get the go ahead, he can say he sorted it. (I'm sure any other PM would do the same)

but yes, there's more important things for him to worry about, and they shouldn't be involved, maybe his brown envelope wasn't as big as he was expecting?

Chris 20-04-2021 17:20

Re: European football clubs agree to create a Super League

Originally Posted by Sephiroth (Post 36077382)
I don't disagree with your sentiment about the proposed changes.
It's simply that this is a stretch too far for government to get involved. The football governing bodies should be handling this.

I don't want to give the Guvmin more powers to stiff legitimate businesses which is what this breakaway would be.

As of this evening it’s unclear whether the governing bodies actually have the power to sanction the players in the way that has been threatened. It would amount to a denial of their right to work. If there isn’t a basis in legislation such action could be unlawful. At worst it could be outright illegal.

If the powers the governing bodies need are unclear, the government has to get involved, because that is the only way to put legislation before parliament quickly enough.

PM on Radio 4 is reporting that Boris thinks there *might* be sufficient legislation in place already to allow the relevant governing bodies to block this, but if it turns out there isn’t, he is prepared to legislate. The question is what happens in the grey area between sports and competition legislation.

Also, you know the excreta has impacted upon the air circulation system when Radio 4 news leads on a sports story.

Sephiroth 20-04-2021 17:36

Re: European football clubs agree to create a Super League

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36077390)
As of this evening it’s unclear whether the governing bodies actually have the power to sanction the players in the way that has been threatened. It would amount to a denial of their right to work. If there isn’t a basis in legislation such action could be unlawful. At worst it could be outright illegal.

If the powers the governing bodies need are unclear, the government has to get involved, because that is the only way to put legislation before parliament quickly enough.

PM on Radio 4 is reporting that Boris thinks there *might* be sufficient legislation in place already to allow the relevant governing bodies to block this, but if it turns out there isn’t, he is prepared to legislate. The question is what happens in the grey area between sports and competition legislation.

Also, you know the excreta has impacted upon the air circulation system when Radio 4 news leads on a sports story.

If the founding teams were in their own private league, they won't be out of work.

The governing bodies can surely add a definition of "club" to their rules so that a player's club must be one affiliated to that governing body which, in turn, can be governed by rules as to which leagues are allowed to offer "clubs".

Something like that. But not the government; it's a precedent too far.

Hugh 20-04-2021 17:55

Re: European football clubs agree to create a Super League

Originally Posted by Sephiroth (Post 36077393)
If the founding teams were in their own private league, they won't be out of work.

The governing bodies can surely add a definition of "club" to their rules so that a player's club must be one affiliated to that governing body which, in turn, can be governed by rules as to which leagues are allowed to offer "clubs".

Something like that. But not the government; it's a precedent too far.

If they did this (without any law changes), I bet the 6 clubs would sue for unnecessary restraint of trade...

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