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dilli-theclaw 14-10-2004 14:57

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets
For those that are interested this is just a reminder that the Battlestar Galactica (2003) film is on sky 1 at 9pm (with part 2 tomorrow night at 9.05pm) both parts finish at 11pm.......

Also don't forget the series starts Monday :)

Maggy 14-10-2004 16:35

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by dilligaf1701
For those that are interested this is just a reminder that the Battlestar Galactica (2003) film is on sky 1 at 9pm (with part 2 tomorrow night at 9.05pm) both parts finish at 11pm.......

Also don't forget the series starts Monday :)

Why a two parter at two hours a pop?What would be so awful about four separate hour long episodes 4 weeks in a row?Not everyone can watch tv two nights in a row or wants to.I'm sick of all those shows that run for 4 hours but split into two shows on subsequent days.Frankly I can't be bothered because I just get apoplectic about the constant ad breaks which increase in number during a two hour episode.

Anyway I think I will pass as a protest about Starbuck being turned into a woman.

dilli-theclaw 14-10-2004 16:37

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by Incognitas
Why a two parter at two hours a pop?What would be so awful about four separate hour long episodes 4 weeks in a row?Not everyone can watch tv two nights in a row or wants to.I'm sick of all those shows that run for 4 hours but split into two shows on subsequent days.Frankly I can't be bothered because I just get apoplectic about the constant ad breaks which increase in number during a two hour episode.

No idea - I've got it on dvd, it was a tip for people who WANT to watch it.


Originally Posted by Incognitas
Anyway I think I will pass as a protest about Starbuck being turned into a woman.

Good idea.

SOSAGES 14-10-2004 16:37

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets
first 2 parts were made early this year in an attempt to get the show running it was a "mini series" almost a pilot for the show it proved popular and got good reviews so was awareded its own series


Maggy 14-10-2004 16:39

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by SOSAGES
first 2 parts were made early this year in an attempt to get the show running it was a "mini series" almost a pilot for the show it proved popular and got good reviews so was awareded its own series


Ooooh I'm so scared I'm shaking in my boots.NOT! :p: :p: :p:

SOSAGES 14-10-2004 16:41

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets
=) its from the show at the end - its a good start to a show i think as its the start of the galaticas adventure i think it will be a bit like voyager in that respect

dilli-theclaw 14-10-2004 16:43

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by Incognitas
Anyway I think I will pass as a protest about Starbuck being turned into a woman.

You didn't like Starbuck being a woman - I didn't like the cylons becoming humanlike.... Nice enough looking tho... I suppose

And I don't think there was enough of the new robotic ones - I hope they fix that in the series.

dilli-theclaw 14-10-2004 16:54

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by SOSAGES
=) its from the show at the end - its a good start to a show i think as its the start of the galaticas adventure i think it will be a bit like voyager in that respect

I wonder if Kobol will be all egyptian when they get there.....

ZrByte 14-10-2004 22:12

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by SOSAGES
first 2 parts were made early this year in an attempt to get the show running it was a "mini series" almost a pilot for the show it proved popular and got good reviews so was awareded its own series


I thought it was "so say we all"

Paul 14-10-2004 23:04

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by ZrByte
I thought it was "so say we all"

It was. :D

SOSAGES 14-10-2004 23:36

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets
ahh well i suck but i havnt seen it since Dec 10th 2003 :P

ZrByte 14-10-2004 23:39

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by SOSAGES
ahh well i suck but i havnt seen it since Dec 10th 2003 :P

If thats the week it came out then niether have I :)

dilli-theclaw 14-10-2004 23:42

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets
I'm certainly looking forward to Monday :)

Just to test out my dvd reocorder of course :) - nothing to do with the new series :)

SOSAGES 15-10-2004 14:55

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets
dvd release

The Final Frontier
First, the least surprising news in the group: Star Trek: Enterprise is coming in 2005. We've had confirmation from that Enterprise was in-the-works, after months of rumors from our good friends at told us all to expect this. Now we can tell you that Par's plans go well beyond the first season: while you'll see that release sometime in the first half of the new year, the goal is to space out subsequent season sets in the Summer (think July), early Fall, and pre-Thanksgiving. This means that you'll get all four seasons of Enterprise in time for the Winter holidays, which will surely give the series a boost should the folks at UPN decide to continue producing new episodes after the current (4th) season is up.

Maggy 15-10-2004 15:35

Re: Science Fiction & Fantasy Snippets

Originally Posted by dilligaf1701
I'm certainly looking forward to Monday :)

Just to test out my dvd reocorder of course :) - nothing to do with the new series :)

Not me!I'm going to be watching the Sci fi channel for that legal series set in the near future followed by the new series of the Dead Zone on Monday.Much better story lines. :)


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