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Damien 16-02-2017 20:41

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35886157)
like student fee's

Don't really want to call cleggy a liar on that charge without definitive proof though ;)

The story is that there is a question over the claims of being at Hillsborough, as there is no police statement or knowledge from the support group. However that doesn't amount to the proof it's a lie. Maybe he just never went to the police or the support group and the club don't have a record. So that's why it should be treated with caution.

As for Clegg the student fees are a perfect example of why you don't lie on something so easily proven wrong or at least make promises you're unable to meet.

Anyway the lying isn't so much of a big deal, it's very weird. It's the bizarreness of doing it when it's hard to see the advantage.

I mean he might still win, Labour are awful, the Tories have pulled out and being dishonest didn't hurt Trump.

papa smurf 16-02-2017 20:50

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35886159)
The story is that there is a question over the claims of being at Hillsborough, as there is no police statement or knowledge from the support group. However that doesn't amount to the proof it's a lie. Maybe he just never went to the police or the support group and the club don't have a record. So that's why it should be treated with caution.

As for Clegg the student fees are a perfect example of why you don't lie on something so easily proven wrong or at least make promises you're unable to meet.

Anyway the lying isn't so much of a big deal, it's very weird. It's the bizarreness of doing it when it's hard to see the advantage.

I mean he might still win, Labour are awful, the Tories have pulled out and being dishonest didn't hurt Trump.

i can't find the link now but from what i read earlier the labour candidate seems to be trying hard to not get any votes .

trump dishonest ?

Hugh 16-02-2017 20:54

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35886150)
How long before Farage needs to come back? This guy seems a bit off the rails:

His site claimed he had lost close friends as Hillsborough but then denied it:

He has previously claimed to be a professional footballer when he wasn't:

So now he has deleted this website:

and didn't turn up to hustlings:

It's bizarre....


Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35886152)
Some say it's just the inevitable result of not being as accomplished at lying, spinning and cheating as those political parties which have had hundreds of years practice... ;)

He seems fairly accomplished at it... ;)

papa smurf 16-02-2017 20:59

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
just found this

Stoke byelection: Lib Dems alert police over text urging Muslims to vote Labour

The Lib Dems have alerted the police after messages sent to some Muslim voters in Stoke-on-Trent suggested they could go to hell if they failed to vote Labour to keep out Ukip’s Paul Nuttall.

The text of the message sent to Muslim voters in Stoke
Aslamalaykam my Brothers and Sisters.

In this country, we Must vote due to Necessity / Majboori.

This does not mean that we can vote for any Tom, Dick or Harry.

This means that in order to stop the Far Right, Anti Muslim, Anti Islamic UKIP Party, we must vote for

the Strongest candidate.

If Dr Ali takes 500 Votes and Yaqub Mirza takes a 100 votes and UKIP defeat the Labour Party

Candidate Gareth Snell by 550 votes, then You will have succeeded in helping to Elect an Anti

Muslim and Anti Islam MP.

Ok, you will have made Dr Ali and Mohammed Yaqub Akram (Mirza) happy Losers.


You will have given a slap to our local councillors.


Will you be able to answer for this in the Grave and on the Final Day???

“I helped the Enemies of Islam because.....”

May ALLAH TALLAH Grant Us All Hidayat, Ameen.

Damien 16-02-2017 21:09

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
Yup. He also has some questionable Tweets.

I bet the Tories are regretting pulling out of Stoke given the poor qualify of the candidates.

Osem 16-02-2017 21:20

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35886161)
He seems fairly accomplished at it... ;)

The really accomplished liars don't get caught out so easily. ;)

People like Blair were really very good at it. ably assisted by real experts like Campbell. Only time and a massively costly and equally protracted inquiry scratched the surface of his duplicity...

Compared to them, UKIP are relative amateurs and it's showing as it did during Farage's reign.

Hugh 16-02-2017 21:22

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
Excellent - they lie badly, which is a good thing..

Perhaps they could just not lie?

Damien 16-02-2017 21:23

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader
You think they would have had time to recruit better and train better then. This isn't an apprentice job.

Osem 16-02-2017 21:31

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35886169)
Excellent - they lie badly, which is a good thing..

Perhaps they could just not lie?

I didn't say lying's a good thing. Lying badly is better for us than lying well. At least a bad liar can be outed quickly unlike a consumate expert like Blair who strung us along for over 10 years.

Damien 16-02-2017 21:32

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35886172)
Who's saying lying's a good thing? I didn't.

At least a bad liar can be outed quickly unlike a consumate expert like Blair who strung us along for over 10 years.

We're not electing Blair now though, this is a specifically about Nuttall.

Osem 16-02-2017 21:38

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35886170)
You think they would have had time to recruit better and train better then. This isn't an apprentice job.

What you mean like the Labour party who elected Corbyn, Miliband, Foot and Kinnock as leader?..

:rofl: ;)

Damien 16-02-2017 21:40

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35886177)
What you mean like the Labour party who elected Corbyn, Miliband, Foot, and Kinnock as leader?..

:rofl: ;)

Well yes. I've been pretty clear Corbyn is not up to the job from before he was elected. Nuttell it would appear is also not up to it if he doesn't get a good result in this by-election. UKIP especially should be making serious inroads into the Labour heartlands.

Osem 16-02-2017 21:46

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35886178)
Well yes. I've been pretty clear Corbyn is not up to the job from before he was elected. Nuttell it would appear is also not up to it if he doesn't get a good result in this by-election. UKIP especially should be making serious inroads into the Labour heartlands.

If it takes Labour 120 years to come up with a leader like Corbyn propped up by people like Momentum* I don't think we should expect too much from UKIP. :D

* How anyone could link Corbyn with the word 'momentum' is beyond me. Now 'inertia' on the other hand... :D

1andrew1 16-02-2017 22:27

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35886159)
Anyway the lying isn't so much of a big deal, it's very weird. It's the bizarreness of doing it when it's hard to see the advantage.

I don't get this either. I understand why he denied saying that he wanted to privatise the NHS as this is not a vote-winner. But the other mistakes on his LinkedIn page or personal website do not win votes. They include:
* He has a PhD.
* He played professional football for Tranmere Rovers.

papa smurf 17-02-2017 07:24

Re: UKIP has (had) a new leader

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35886187)
I don't get this either. I understand why he denied saying that he wanted to privatise the NHS as this is not a vote-winner. But the other mistakes on his LinkedIn page or personal website do not win votes. They include:
* He has a PhD.
* He played professional football for Tranmere Rovers.

mine says i have

a Bsc

to the uneducated thats
a bronze swimming cert
a silver swimming cert
and Higher than Normal Depression ;)

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