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Stephen 26-09-2017 23:34

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
It's not pointless as it's set around ToS.

jb66 27-09-2017 06:40

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I really enjoyed it. Suprised it wasn't in 4k, those visuals deserve it

Mr K 27-09-2017 08:18

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Not a patch on Blake's 7.

SnoopZ 27-09-2017 09:45

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Thought it was great.

Paul 27-09-2017 15:10

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35918110)
It's not pointless as it's set around ToS.

It is pretty pointless tbh.
TOS was made 50 years ago, you cannot expect Discovery to look like something made so long ago.

I got hold of versions with the Klingon sub titles and watched them both again, it made a bit more sense this time. :D

Stephen 27-09-2017 16:16

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I know they won't make it look the same but they could at least try to make it look/feel similar as we know this is set 10 years prior to Kirk and crew.

So having sounds and similar looking ships is only right. If the ships look more advanced than they do in Voyager then they should just have set the series after that.

They also used the TMP red alart display on a screen on the ship.

I fun little easter egg I have seen is that the shelf in Captain Georiou's ready room has a load of books and on a close up photo I saw all the books are titles of ToS stories.

BenMcr 27-09-2017 17:20

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Annoyingly a lot of the ship sound effects seemed to be from TNG, for me it would have been better for them to be from Enterprise.

denphone 27-09-2017 17:35

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35918119)
Not a patch on Blake's 7.

But we are not talking about that though Mr K.

---------- Post added at 17:35 ---------- Previous post was at 17:35 ----------


Originally Posted by SnoopZ (Post 35918124)
Thought it was great.


dilli-theclaw 27-09-2017 18:26

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I actictivated my fry free Netflix trial just now, got Somme free time at the weekend so I’m looking forward to seeing it.

dilli-theclaw 29-09-2017 19:30

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35918186)
I actictivated my fry free Netflix trial just now, got Somme free time at the weekend so I’m looking forward to seeing it.

Just watched them both and enjoyed it :)

joglynne 02-10-2017 16:35

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Episode 3. OK I'm hooked.

Paul 04-10-2017 02:23

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Yep, have to say I'm loving it so far.

SnoopZ 04-10-2017 08:01

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Me too and wish i could binge watch it.

pip08456 04-10-2017 09:24

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Wasn't too keen on the first two episodes but ep3 & I'm hooked! Hate the opening sequence though!

Pierre 05-10-2017 23:56

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
3 for 3 so far.

General Maximus 06-10-2017 18:48

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
yup, I am already wishing they had given it a full season run because it is going to kill me when the 13 eps are up. When they renew it for season 2 I hope they look at the other Star Trek series and give it at least 20 episodes. There is so much universe to explore and story to tell.

Paul 08-10-2017 04:52

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
13 ?

There are 15 this season (split as 9 before xmas, and 6 in the new year).

Its already been renewed for season 2, although I cannot find any details of how many episodes for (likely 22).

General Maximus 08-10-2017 07:54

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I knew it was in the teens :) I want 20+

Gavin78 11-10-2017 02:14

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Not sure if I like this or not I was 50/50 over the first 2 as they looked like they started out like a youtube fan made movie. ep3 was pretty good then it slipped a bit with ep4 so hoping it's going to get better

Paul 11-10-2017 05:04

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Slipped a bit how ?

The only thing that bothers me atm is that they seem to have a "blink" drive, yet this is supposed to be 10 years before TOS ..... So how come no other star trek had this technology ? (Voyger would have been a very short series with this tech !).

Kabaal 11-10-2017 08:00

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Maybe a decision is eventually made not to use it on other ships for moral reasons, they are having to torture a creature to use it after all.

General Maximus 11-10-2017 08:46

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35919766)
Voyger would have been a very short series with this tech !

lol yeah, they must have thought of that and something will obviously happen. It seems like the only way it can operate is with them putting that animal through pain so maybe its species is in limited numbers. More importantly, Star Fleet's principles will come into play regarding slavery and torture etc and a red line will have to be established with regards to how far they are prepared to go to win the war or advance technology. I am hoping to see Michael put her foot down in the next ep and do something about it.

Stephen 11-10-2017 11:29

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I thought episode 4 was great and felt a lot more Star trek like.

I am sure that the experimental drive is exactly that and will not be used in future due to it being rather unsafe or the moral reasons for enslaving a possibly sentient creature.

Glad they are bringing the science aspect into it as that is part of what I enjoy about Trek.

Gavin78 11-10-2017 16:06

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
There won't be much cast left if they keep killing them off this quick lol.

It's a different kind of star trek from the likes of TNG for me it's going to take a little getting used to

cupcakes aka dd 14-10-2017 21:27

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Darker, grittier. Love it

Gavin78 15-10-2017 21:11

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by cupcakes aka dd (Post 35920201)
Darker, grittier. Love it

True the captain is a crazy nut job lol

denphone 16-10-2017 05:18

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Well as they say the critics were out in force before the series started but as per usual they have been proved wrong yet again..:)

General Maximus 16-10-2017 08:27

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
yeah, I learnt a long time ago to ignore critics. When I was 15/16 I used to buy Empire and Total Film with my pocket money and read the reviews for films before I watched them. As a general rule of them I found that ones they liked, I disliked, and the ones they said were rubbish I loved and it made me very confused at the time. Since then I haven't bothered reading reviews and I watch trailers, go to see the film at the cinema and make my own mind up.

Stephen 16-10-2017 22:08

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Really enjoyed this weeks episode.

So glad we finally got to have the Klingons talking in English without the subtitles.

So glad the morals and consequences of the spore driving damaging a sentient being are getting explored.

Also the final scene was a clear set up for the mirror universe episode.

General Maximus 23-10-2017 22:13

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

CBS All Access, the CBS Television Network's digital subscription video on-demand and live streaming service, announced today the second season renewal of its hit original series Star Trek: Discovery.

Paul 23-10-2017 22:54

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017) :D

Stephen 24-10-2017 08:10

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I really enjoyed this weeks episode. It wasn't perfect though but much better.

Some real interesting things happening now and also interesting theories online about the new crew member rescued from the Klingons.

Episode 7 is looking like one of the most Trek episodes yet, with them getting stuck in a time loop.

General Maximus 24-10-2017 08:32

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35921640)
Episode 7 is looking like one of the most Trek episodes yet, with them getting stuck in a time loop.

Yup, I need to see more of the universe now though to make it more realistic because they are running the risk of what I call ship in a bottle. The one little thing which really niggled at me in that episode is that we didn't see the admirals ship drop out of warp or dock with discovery, she just appeared in the ready room. I want to see Discovery take a bit of battle damage now (maybe in next weeks ep) and have to go to a Starbase for repairs and resupply.


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35914655)
Despite its various issues, CBS have apparently renewed the series for a second season.

My bad, I never saw that, I only saw this one so I wanted to provide a link to an official announcement.


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35919435)
Its already been renewed for season 2, although I cannot find any details of how many episodes for (likely 22).

Stephen 24-10-2017 09:32

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Yeah that bothered me too. No sign of her ship at all. Same happened last week when they met at the star base. Taking a shuttle when they could have just arrived and docked or transported there.

They could even have shown her ship arriving and then him meeting her in the transporter room.

Vulcan did look pretty cool but again nothing like the Vulcan of the Prime timeline. It looked to JJverse.

Mick 28-10-2017 11:54

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I was very worried, I would struggle to get in to this, given the reviews I saw before it aired, but I’m hooked, it’s actually very interesting and look forward to each episode coming out each week.

General Maximus 30-10-2017 22:22

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
this weeks ep is the first one which has annoyed me. There is no two ways about it, Mudd should have died. He isn't one of those innocent or soft bad guys we have seen in other series who is "bad" but more mischievous than anything else and doesn't really do any harm. He callously killed random members of the crew without hesitation, is clearly going to be a threat in the future and he needs to be eliminated. Handing him over to some stupid gullible family is an absolute joke and completely unrealistic, especially knowing how we know Lorca behaves already.

Stephen 30-10-2017 23:32

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I enjoyed this episode the most so far. Felt the most trek like.

Mudd had to live for the timeline and canon. However I don't think they were a gullible family. I think the father knew what he did and was after him for it. Also perhaps the daughter manages to keep him and he mellows out within the 10 years before Kirk meets him.

General Maximus 31-10-2017 08:07

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35922591)
Also perhaps the daughter manages to keep him and he mellows out within the 10 years before Kirk meets him.

My bad, I have only ever watched a few of TOS and didn't realise he was a character in it and couldn't die.

Paul 31-10-2017 12:51

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Wow, this weeks was the best yet, and Harry Mudd, what a bad ass (not quite like the TOS version). Perhaps 10 years with Stella changed him.


My bad, I have only ever watched a few of TOS and didn't realise he was a character in it and couldn't die.
Yeah, he was in several TOS episodes, I remember one where he gave Nurse Chapel a love potion to work on Spock, and another where he had his own planet of androids.

Stuart 31-10-2017 13:24

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35922663)
Wow, this weeks was the best yet, and Harry Mudd, what a bad ass (not quite like the TOS version). Perhaps 10 years with Stella changed him.

I feel as though they actually went back to basics in this episode. No ongoing plotlines, no war with the klingons.

Just a well played and well written villain from the original series, and a typically Star Trek "Something weird is happening" story line. i know that time loops have actually only featured once (the TNG episode "Cause and Effect"), but there are plenty of episodes where some sort of a anomaly has an effect on the ship and crew, particularly in TOS and TNG.

So far, while there are aspects of the series I am not happy with, it is generally very good and I am enjoying it.

Stephen 31-10-2017 15:52

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Yeah totally that. I wish they would just stick to the usual Trek single stories and stop with the serialised story arc, that is just annoying.

General Maximus 31-10-2017 18:53

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Stuart (Post 35922672)
i know that time loops have actually only featured once (the TNG episode "Cause and Effect"), but there are plenty of episodes where some sort of a anomaly has an effect on the ship and crew, particularly in TOS and TNG.

there is the episode in Voyager where the ship gets stuck in something and different parts of the ship exist in different time periods and the only way to fix it is if Chakotay goes round and infuses the bioneural gel packs with some sort of chronological serum to bring the ship back in sync. I loved that ep because it not only took you back to the past and you remember what everyone was like to start off with, it took you to the future as well.

Stephen 31-10-2017 19:02

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
There was also the TNG episode where Picard, Riker and troi I think got caught up in time bubbles that were all at different speeds of time or something like that. It was pretty cool.

Paul 09-01-2018 01:04

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Long live the Empire !

Stephen 09-01-2018 08:34

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
That episode was fantastic.

really felt more like Star Trek and having them pretend to be their mirror universe counterparts added a new twist to the MU.

Directed by Jonathon Frakes who was Will Riker in TNG and has directed a lot of Trek so knows his stuff.

General Maximus 09-01-2018 09:11

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
yeah I really enjoyed it and I would love to see him get more involved with the series going forward. Discovery isn't the best series around but I really do enjoy my space scifi and was looking forward to watching it last night. I think the thing which I love most about the show is how it is more like Enterprise in that it has an overlaying story arc but there are individual episode stories and when they want to they do 2 or 3 parts so they get to over something properly. When last nights ep started I thought "please don't try and get this resolved and back to normal in one episode".

There was a nice twist in last nights ep but the thing which I am looking forward to the most is seeing the dark side of Burnham. It will force her to express some emotions which she isn't used to and hopefully bring more of her human side out.

Paul 23-01-2018 03:03

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
This just gets better and better. :)

The twist at the end of this week with the captains true identity - awsome.

cimt 23-01-2018 18:49

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I'd never seen the theory about that so it was a surprise for me but it does explain so much about him. It was excellent.

Stephen 24-01-2018 08:48

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I had an idea from the very beginning about the Captain. Be just didn't fit with what a Starfleet Captain should be.

Plus the only Survivor of his ship was a bit suspect. Not to mention his obsession with the spore drive.

I did love the episode.

Paul 08-02-2018 01:21

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Well those twists keep on coming :eek:

The finale next week, with Philippa in charge, is going to be very interesting.

General Maximus 08-02-2018 14:22

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
yeah, before they do the obvious moral-mutineering and I am hoping we see Philips be ruthless and kick ass big time. At the very least we need to see some Klingon ships destroyed without hesitation and no targeting or weapons/shields/engines.

Paul 14-02-2018 01:32

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Hmm, well a bit of a damp ending to the war. I found that kinda hard to believe tbh.

But the Enterprise (!).

.. and they played the old TOS music for the end credits.

techguyone 14-02-2018 08:53

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
It was good, really though they should have played the last episode out over 3 or more episodes, you can't stop a war that's already won dead in it's tracks in 5 minutes flat.

Stephen 14-02-2018 09:41

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I think with the show runner leaving so early on that what ever he had planned was abandoned quickly. Hence the delays and split season and they just wanted to end the war as quick as possible and get things Back on track to fit canon and more inline with Rodenberrys Trek vision.

Most of the episode was reasonable and again Tilly was awesome.

Loved the final moments, I had the biggest grin on my face. Glad the Connie looked mostly right and they didn't change too much.

General Maximus 15-02-2018 08:41

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
yeah, I was a bit disappointed going through it and ready to have a moan. I went into it expecting it to be a 2 parter at the very least with a cliffhanger to roll into season 2. The thing which made up for it for me was Burnham being reinstated. You know what I am like with my "realism" stuff and it was doing my head that a Specialist was having so much influence in not only command decisions, but the actual fate of the Federation and the quadrant. Like I said last week, it makes sense for her to be promoted and I am delighted she is back to Commander. I would like to say that she can now make decisions without having to explain herself but as science officer she is still going to have to justify everything to flipping Saru. I am hoping this is going to make her 2nd officer though and maybe she can lead more away missions and stuff like that.

Overall I enjoyed season 1, a lot more than I was expecting, and I hope they get season 2 ready (without delay) for the fall tv season.

Stephen 16-02-2018 23:03

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I know you talk about realism but it's science fiction and there for will not have a lot of realism or fact as such.

I just enjoy stuff for what it is.

General Maximus 17-02-2018 10:43

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
The story or the setting doesn't have to be realistic because I accept that as the reality/world people live in. What does have to be realistic for me is the way characters react to events, especially if they are established characters in a series and we already know them very well and how they behave. If they do something atypical and stupid for the sake of the story/script and it doesn't make sense then it does my head in and spoils the whole thing for me.

Next time it happens in something big I'll let you know.

Stephen 17-02-2018 10:53

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Isn't that most shows and movies. Characters do what ever the writer want them to do or behave in a way that suits the story.

Horror films always have characters acting in stupid ways and doing things that get them killed. Real people probably would never do those things.

Same for Trek and other shows.

Wonder how if if we will actually see Pike and the Enterprise set in s2.

General Maximus 17-02-2018 11:09

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35937260)
Horror films always have characters acting in stupid ways and doing things that get them killed.

exactly and that is why I cant watch horror films. "Oooo, I know all my friends have been murdered but I just heard a sound in that dark room over there so let me go and see what it is. I am not going to take a knife or anything with me to protect myself either".

My exception to horrors are the Scream films because Sydney fights back and has the common sense to carry a gun.

cimt 10-04-2018 08:47

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Anson Mount (Black Bolt in InHumans) has been cast as Pike. I've only seen him in the first episode of Inhumans and I can't see that it impressed me. He was in Hell on Wheels too.

General Maximus 10-04-2018 10:23

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)


Meet Discovery's Captain Pike

Anson Mount has been tapped to play Captain Christopher Pike of the U.S.S. Enterprise in the soon-to-film second season of Star Trek: Discovery. Mount, who was born in Illinois and raised in Tennessee, counts among his many film and television credits Crossroads, Smallville, All the Boys Love Mandy Lane, Lost, Dollhouse, Straw Dogs and Non-Stop, as well as the recent series Hell on Wheels and Inhumans.

Discovery served up an initial reference to Pike in “Choose Your Pain,” when Saru instructed the computer to comb the Starfleet Database for the most-decorated captains. Pike’s name appeared on a list that included Robert April, Jonathan Archer, Matthew Decker and Philippa Georgiou.

And in the season finale, “Will You Take My Hand?” the crew of the Enterprise was on the way to meet their new captain when they received a distress call. Communications officer R.A. Bryce announced… “Hail's from Captain Pike, sir." Michael Burnham quickly connected the dots and commented, "It's the U.S.S. Enterprise."

Pike is an iconic Star Trek character, played by Jeffrey Hunter in the first Star Trek: The Original Series pilot, “The Cage,” and then in disfigured form by Sean Kenney in “The Menagerie, Part I and II.” Bruce Greenwood portrayed the alternate universe Pike in both Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness.

Paul 11-04-2018 00:37

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Well since Inhumans is cancelled, he needs other work :D

General Maximus 20-06-2018 22:31

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Alex Kurtzman, veteran writer-producer and co-creator of Star Trek: Discovery, has inked a five-year extension of his production agreement with CBS Television Studios that calls for him to extend the Star Trek franchise for television, developing new series, mini-series and other content opportunities, including animation, as well as give CBS Television Studios exclusive rights to produce all television content created and developed by Kurtzman and his Secret Hideout production banner.

Set to join Kurtzman as part of the deal, which goes through 2023, are fellow Discovery producers Heather Kadin and Aaron Baiers. Kadin serves as president of Secret Hideout, while Baiers is senior vice president of television. Production on season two of Star Trek: Discovery is under way now, with Kurtzman behind the camera as director of the premiere episode.

Kurtzman and Secret Hideout, in addition to growing CBS’ Star Trek universe, will develop new, original series across the full spectrum of broadcast, cable and streaming platforms. As part of this process, Secret Hideout will expand its production operation, adding diverse voices and cultivating new creative talent to align with the company.

“Heather, Aaron and I are thrilled to continue Secret Hideout’s amazing partnership with CBS Television Studios,” said Alex Kurtzman. “Since our first collaboration with Hawaii Five-0 almost a decade ago, Les, David and the full team at CBS Studios have been our foremost collaborators and champions, treating each project with integrity, supporting the creative visions and working breathlessly to make each episode of every show the best it can be. CBS has also allowed us the great pleasure of reintroducing the world of Star Trek audiences new and old, and we are very excited to keep working alongside them to expand that world.”
That is from Star but I have heard rumours that Patrick Stewart is going to be involved and reprise his role as Captain/Admiral/Ambassador Picard.

Stephen 20-06-2018 23:19

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Kurtzman is going on a five year mission ;)

I heard rumours a few weeks back about Picard. Patrick Stewart has even spoken and hinted that he may return to Picard.

Paul 21-06-2018 00:39

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
All sounds good, cant wait to see what they do in the next five years.

General Maximus 24-06-2018 16:39

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
yeah, we have defo had a long enough break post-Enterprise and it is about time they get things going again. I am glad Discovery is doing well but I would defo like a traditionally themed series maybe set it in the future on a time ship like the Relativity.

Stephen 25-06-2018 12:53

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35951663)
yeah, we have defo had a long enough break post-Enterprise and it is about time they get things going again. I am glad Discovery is doing well but I would defo like a traditionally themed series maybe set it in the future on a time ship like the Relativity.

we might get a future set series if Stewart does indeed return as Picard.

I think that could potentially be awesome.

General Maximus 25-06-2018 19:55

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)


Patrick Stewart may be beamed back for another Star Trek series.
Sir Patrick, 77, is “close to securing a deal” to return as Captain Jean-Luc Picard for a reboot of the Generation series.
The star is keen to reprise his most *famous part – and deals are close to *being struck, says a TV source

General Maximus 04-07-2018 11:23

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)


Star Trek fans will be boldly going all over the universe in the next few years, if CBS’ franchise expansion plans stick.

According to Variety, four new Trek series are actively in development at the network, presumably as programming for CBS All Access, the streaming-only service that premiered Star Trek Discovery in late 2017. Alex Kurtzman, whose credits include the Star Trek Kelvinverse films, several Transformers movies, and the recent “Dark Universe” reboot of The Mummy, is supervising all of the shows in development, as well as taking over showrunner duties on Discovery season two.

What can we expect from the new iterations of Trek? The report has a few hints: The first is a series set at Starfleet Academy, an idea that’s floated around ever since Enterprise went off the air. The show will come from Stephanie Savage and Josh Schwartz, the creators of Gossip Girl, The CW’s Dynasty reboot, and Hulu and Marvel’s Runaways series. One can only imagine the show falling in line with those series, an entry point for younger audiences who know comic book characters from the Arrowverse and call The Force Awakens their Star Wars.

The second idea in the works is positioned as a limited series that Variety says is “based around the Wrath of Khan story. More likely is a show centering on Khan Noonien Singh, portrayed by Ricardo Montalbán in the Star Trek: TOS’ Space Seed episode and again in the film Star Trek II. (Benedict Cumberbatch’s Star Trek Into Darkness character John Harrison also turned out to be Khan, but let’s move past that.) What story of Khan’s still needs to be told on screen? All signs point to something set during The Eugenics Wars. Polygon has heard that Wrath of Khan director Nicholas Meyer is involved with this project, which he seemed to confirm in May 2018.

The final two shows are even lighter on the details, but we do know one is intended to be an animated series. If the show takes flight, it will be the first animated Star Trek property since The Animated Series ended in 1974.

Then there’s an out there idea: could the final mystery show bring back Jean-Luc Picard? According to The Hollywood Reporter, Kurtzman and Discovery season one writer Akiva Goldsman are reportedly in the works on a series that could bring Patrick Stewart back to the iconic role.

One thing is clear about Star Trek’s future: it’ll be exploring new worlds, and soon.

Gavin78 06-07-2018 00:35

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
As much as I liked the Next Gen at 77 he's way past it. While I wouldn't mind a reboot it would perhaps be better to have him in there as a supporting role.

I liked some of the fan based ones that shoot around youtube. Not sure where they could go with a reboot?

Stephen 06-07-2018 00:43

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
They could have him as Admiral Picard and focus on him managing Starfleet or on a mission that goes wrong and he needs to step up. Have it as a short 8-10 episode run

cupcakes aka dd 06-07-2018 12:11

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
After listening to Mr Picards views on Brexit and calling people stupid he has certainly phasered himself in the foot as far as I'm concerned. Feel free to warp into a star.

General Maximus 06-07-2018 19:54

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35953086)
They could have him as Admiral Picard and focus on him managing Starfleet or on a mission that goes wrong and he needs to step up. Have it as a short 8-10 episode run

yup, I think something like that would be perfect

Hugh 07-07-2018 10:42

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by cupcakes aka dd (Post 35953127)
After listening to Mr Picards views on Brexit and calling people stupid he has certainly phasered himself in the foot as far as I'm concerned. Feel free to warp into a star.

Do you have a link to where he called people "stupid" about Brexit, please, as I can’t find anything?

Hugh 21-07-2018 00:44

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Season 2 trailer

General Maximus 21-07-2018 09:22

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
looks fantastic and the special effects are amazing. I just hope it isn't too cheesy and stupid and OTT with the comedy moments to try and appease The Orville fans.

Stephen 21-07-2018 10:50

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35955626)
looks fantastic and the special effects are amazing. I just hope it isn't too cheesy and stupid and OTT with the comedy moments to try and appease The Orville fans.

I think it looks great and far more like Trek, with light hearted moments, actual exploration and not war.

Also the space scenes actually appear brighter and easier to see.

I think the change in leadership of making the show has helped a lot.

Paul 21-07-2018 15:21

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35955626)
looks fantastic and the special effects are amazing. I just hope it isn't too cheesy and stupid and OTT with the comedy moments to try and appease The Orville fans.

Why would they be trying to appease Orville fans. :confused:

Most Orville fans are also Discovery fans anyway, and (we) dont need to be appeased.

Hugh 21-07-2018 16:11

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35955680)
Why would they be trying to appease Orville fans. :confused:

Most Orville fans are also Discovery fans anyway, and (we) dont need to be appeased.

What he said.

I like both series.

Stephen 22-07-2018 14:07

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
There was also other info announced.

Before the series returns in Early 2019, there will be 4 mini 10-15 minute long episodes or "short Treks" getting released in Autumn. 1 per month.

They will focus on
Saru's backstory.
One about Harry Mudd
Tilly's journey on board Discovery
A man who wakes to find he is the only person on board a ship.

Also Pike's Number One, played by Majel Barrett in 'The Cage' will be played in Season 2 by Rebecca Romijn.

cupcakes aka dd 28-07-2018 14:33

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35953334)
Do you have a link to where he called people "stupid" about Brexit, please, as I can’t find anything?

Unfortunately no. He was on a programme months ago and voiced an opinion that people who voted out were misguided and ill informed. I was rather cross with the dear chap.

General Maximus 05-08-2018 08:05

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)


They’re making it so. Sir Patrick Stewart will be returning to his iconic role as Jean-Luc Picard in a new CBS All Access Star Trek series that tells the story of the next chapter in Picard’s life.
Stewart and executive producer Alex Kurtzman teamed up today to surprise fans at Star Trek Las Vegas with the exciting news.

Stephen 05-08-2018 08:12

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
This makes me very very happy indeed.

denphone 05-08-2018 08:25

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
And me too...

General Maximus 05-08-2018 08:40

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Me too. It is going to be amazing seeing him back in uniform and the opening scene is going to be very emotional.

General Maximus 05-08-2018 18:46

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Here is the announcement:

Paul 05-08-2018 23:18

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
About 9 mins 15 secs into the clip if you dont want to watch it all. ;)

General Maximus 15-08-2018 09:46

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Ethan Peck has been cast as Spock -- the half-human, half-Vulcan Science Officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise, and foster brother of Michael Burnham -- in the upcoming second season of Star Trek: Discovery

BenMcr 15-08-2018 09:48

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35959623)

Ethan Peck has been cast as Spock -- the half-human, half-Vulcan Science Officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise, and foster brother of Michael Burnham -- in the upcoming second season of Star Trek: Discovery

Well at least if they're not now doing the rebooted Star Trek 4, there won't be two Spocks ;)

Stephen 15-08-2018 12:31

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Very cool, he is Gregory Peck's grandson,

They have also promised a new look for the Klingons too. perhaps more in line with what they should actually look like.

Chris 15-08-2018 13:36

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35959657)
Very cool, he is Gregory Peck's grandson,

They have also promised a new look for the Klingons too. perhaps more in line with what they should actually look like.

The current production team do seem committed to reversing some of the needless damage done to the established continuity by those originally tasked with reviving the franchise. They have a very difficult task but thankfully the trek universe has proven itself adaptable in the past.

With the Klingons, I’d put my money on a botched attempt to rectify the superhuman genetic treatment as the ‘in universe’ explanation for the over-Klingon Klingons in Discovery season 1.

Stephen 15-08-2018 14:00

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
There was reference to Kahless, and how he created the first Bat'leth which was in a TNG episode.

'He took a lock of hair and flung it in the Volcano, to create the first Bat'leth.'

Apparently the fanatical Klingons we saw were inspired by that and got rid of their hair. Also there was mention that we only saw 6 of the 24 houses.

It is good though that the current show runners are trying to undo all the screw ups within canon/continuity and find ways of correcting them.

General Maximus 20-09-2018 22:52

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
well this is a let down. For some reason I had it in my head that there were 4 mini series each with 4 episodes in each telling a different story and I thought it made sense because it would work out at one series person month starting in October and take us up to Discovery season 2 in January. But no :nono:


Mark the date: Thursday, October 4. That’s when CBS All Access will begin to roll out Star Trek: Short Treks, the four standalone stories building toward the early 2019 return of Star Trek: Discovery. As previously reported, each short will run approximately 10-15 minutes and will be an opportunity for fans to dive deeper into key themes and characters – including Tilly (Mary Wiseman), Saru (Doug Jones), Harry Mudd (Rainn Wilson, who directs his segment as well) and a new character, Craft (Aldis Hodge) -- that fit into Discovery and the expanding Star Trek universe.

The Star Trek: Short Treks will roll out in the following order:

Runaway” – Thursday, Oct. 4
Onboard the U.S.S. Discovery, Ensign Tilly (Mary Wiseman) encounters an unexpected visitor in need of help. However, this unlikely pair may have more in common than meets the eye.

"Calypso” – Thursday, Nov. 8
After waking up in an unfamiliar sickbay, Craft (Aldis Hodge) finds himself on board a deserted ship, and his only companion and hope for survival is an A.I. computer interface.

“The Brightest Star” – Thursday, Dec. 6
Before he was the first Kelpien to join Starfleet, Saru (Doug Jones) lived a simple life on his home planet of Kaminar with his father and sister. Young Saru, full of ingenuity and a level of curiosity uncommon among his people, yearns to find out what lies beyond his village, leading him on an unexpected path.

“The Escape Artist” – Thursday, Jan. 3
Harry Mudd (Rainn Wilson), back to his old tricks of stealing and double-dealing, finds himself in a precarious position aboard a hostile ship – just in time to try out his latest con.

Stephen 20-09-2018 23:08

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I always knew it was 4 episodes with it being one per month till the new series starts.

---------- Post added at 23:08 ---------- Previous post was at 23:04 ----------

Here was my post from July

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35955866)
There was also other info announced.

Before the series returns in Early 2019, there will be 4 mini 10-15 minute long episodes or "short Treks" getting released in Autumn. 1 per month.

They will focus on
Saru's backstory.
One about Harry Mudd
Tilly's journey on board Discovery
A man who wakes to find he is the only person on board a ship.

Also Pike's Number One, played by Majel Barrett in 'The Cage' will be played in Season 2 by Rebecca Romijn.

General Maximus 21-09-2018 07:58

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I didn't see that, whatever press release I read at the time made me think there were going to be 4 mini series of indeterminate episode length but probably 4 episodes each so you would have one series per month and one of them was Captain Picard's. So is he having a full series of his own now?

Stephen 21-09-2018 08:26

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Not sure what gave you those ideas.

Yes. Picard is a totally separate series and will be set roughly 20 years after Nemesis.

The plan in future is to always have some sort of Trek show on air or in production.

There were rumblings of a new animated show as well.

Hugh 06-10-2018 23:33

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Season 2 trailer

General Maximus 07-10-2018 17:42

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
looks good. I knew they were expanding their horizons but I didn't realise there were going as far as Pandora :)

Gavin78 10-10-2018 14:05

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Season 2 looks so much better than the first one. I just hope it holds up from the trailer as much as I enjoyed the first one it didn't grap me as much from the other trek series

Stephen 11-10-2018 13:04

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Gavin78 (Post 35966009)
Season 2 looks so much better than the first one. I just hope it holds up from the trailer as much as I enjoyed the first one it didn't grap me as much from the other trek series

There was a big change in Showrunner and production so they appear to have listened to the fans and undone some of the silly things that Simon Fuller brought in at the start of Season 1. However he was gone midway through season 1 and the latter half os the season does show a big difference from where it started.

but no with the bringing back of proper Klingons(albeit with a silly reason) and the apparent classic Klingon ships being reintroduced as well as tryig to cram in and fit it back to cannon in some ways, I appreciate their efforts but when you read some of their reasons and the excuses they are a bit lame.

For example, trying to tie back to Kahless and him cutting lock of hair and throwing it in a volcano to make the first Bat'lethm they have explained the no hair Klingons were because they were at war so shave all their hair and then grown it during war. but then they weren't at war in the start of the show so?.... but also the makeup is clearly different and facially the ridges and features are now more in line with the TNG Klingons.

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