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Paul 19-05-2016 10:50

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
Well aside from a logo, that doesnt really tell or show you anything.

Chris 19-05-2016 11:47

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
Really didn't learn anything from that ...

techguyone 19-05-2016 12:15

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
It's just a teaser to get the die-hards all juiced up.

v0id 19-05-2016 14:18

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I would hope that the series follows on from TNG/DS9/Voyager but I highly doubt it.

It'll probably follow the lines of the current movies alternate timeline ..which sucks IMO :/

BenMcr 19-05-2016 14:24

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
It's already been reported that it's in the 'prime' timeline between TOS and TNG - at least at first.

General Maximus 19-05-2016 18:02

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
excellent and I am all "juiced up". I enjoy the new movies for what they are but I definitely prefer the TNG movies. I can understand why they have made them the way they did but I hope the series doesn't follow suit. Action and comedy is great but Star Trek is about the morals and science and I hope the new series continues the spirit of all previous series.

Enterprise wasn't the best but I loved seeing them deal with developing technology like shields, photon torpedoes and phasers and hopefully we'll see more of that in this new series. Enterprise finished off with them founding the UFP and dealing with issues like the prime directive and I am hoping we'll get to see more stuff like that as well.

Horizon 19-05-2016 23:44

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35838451)
Well aside from a logo, that doesnt really tell or show you anything.


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35838461)
Really didn't learn anything from that ...

It does say new crews at the end. Clue perhaps. More than one Trek ship??

adzii_nufc 19-05-2016 23:55

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I'd like to see Abrams on board but its probably unlikely given his rise to even bigger heights with the Star Wars sequel's. His refusal to bring back Fringe is dire :D he also left the new Star Trek movie in the hands of Justin Lin because nothing could go possibly wrong...:td:

Any TV show related to Abrams does well. Who knows though I like the idea of it being a spin off from the new movies following a different crew and of course maybe there's an episode cameo involving Pine/Quinto along the way. Oh and Charles Xavier of course.

With the production quality of TV shows now it should have a fair shot regardless of which direction it goes and it already has the benefit of an established fan base.

Stephen 20-05-2016 03:19

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I did read that it takes place in the prime timeline and NOT the new film timeline.

Also that it will be an anthology show covering various periods between TOS and TNG. So that would explain the crews part in the teaser.

I am excited but do hope it's good.

General Maximus 20-05-2016 18:38

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I had one of my super genius ideas today at work. In every Star Trek series they have a story arch or two-parter which we remember as being epic and one of the defining moments of Star Trek. In DS9 it was The Way of the Warrior and in Voyager it was Scorpion. I nearly poo'd my pants when I saw those Borg cubes blown to pieces in the opening scene.

So, each series has made continuous references to the Klingon-Federation war and various battles. I would love to see them delve into the events which led up to the war and maybe see some awesome battles, they should look stunning now compared to what we have seen in the past. I wouldn't mind a bit of Klingon opera as well :)

General Maximus 26-06-2016 15:42

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
"Bryan Fuller is the man with a plan. Recently, the new Star Trek series showrunner revealed new details about the CBS All Access show to Collider. So far, few details have been released about the new series, which is being produced by Fuller, Alex Kurtzman, Nicholas Meyer, and Rod Roddenberry, the son of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. In the interview, Fuller said the first season will consist of 13 episodes and six have already been planned thoroughly. He also mentioned the first season will feature a single story throughout its 13 episodes.

Production will begin this September, with a premiere slated for early 2017 on CBS’ streaming service, All Access."

cupcakes aka dd 18-07-2016 17:36

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
Netflix has streaming rights outside of USA :-(((

General Maximus 18-07-2016 18:35

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I wondered how they was going to do it when they said it was going to be online. I think they are shooting themselves in the foot tbh. I appreciate things have moved on since Enterprise and the previous series but you can't assume that your entire demographic has Netflix and/or is going to want to stream it. I would have thought it would make more sense to have it on Syfy channel given that a vast majority of the population will have Sky/BT/Virgin/digital tv/equivalent in other countries.

adzii_nufc 18-07-2016 19:03

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I don't think its a bad punt. You can't groan at the way Netflix is hoovering up shows and producing their own for a mere tenner a month. If they keep up with getting shows out the week they air or even getting the rights themselves then they'll become better value than stuff like Sky.

Stephen 18-07-2016 21:30

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I did expect this as Netflix UK now has every episode of Star Trek from every series including the animated one.

I don't mind as I am subscribed though. They will air on UK Netflix within 24 hours of the US airtime which is great.

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