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Damien 18-04-2017 22:43

Re: Doctor Who
I've said before that Doctor Who should use the classic villains very rarely, less than once a season each, and instead do different things. The return of these things should be big multi-episode plot twists at the end of the season rather than thrown into an episode here and there. To be honest a lot of them are rubbish anyway. The angels that move when you blink are cooler than them all.

adzii_nufc 19-04-2017 21:25

Re: Doctor Who
The Angels are my favourite villain but I'm not sure we're going to see them in the main series as such if they pursue the 'Class' arc. Given that ending, you'd assume that Class and Who will crossover properly for the ending of a giant angel in London (See Angels in Manhattan for the statue of liberty angel) Seems we keep getting varying results though between ones that just snap your neck or the others that send you back through time.

Russ 23-04-2017 14:13

Re: Doctor Who
In the trailer for next week's ep you might have spotted a wrestling move being performed - that's one of our wrestlers who has not only blagged himself a spot as an extra in Dr Who but was also in one of the market scenes in Rogue One. And as if I couldn't get any more jealous, he's also going to be one of Han Solo's gang members in next year's stand-alone film :disturbd:

Paul 11-06-2017 00:43

Re: Doctor Who
The return of the Ice Warriors tonight, and a Cameo at the end by Alpha Centauri.
(from the Jon Pertwee era, Curse of Peladon & Monster of Peladon).

She sounded just the same - which is because it was apparently the same actress, who is 92 now.

(She also did all the spider voices in Planet of the Spiders).

Stephen 11-06-2017 00:53

Re: Doctor Who
I loved the episode and how well they tied it in to classic who

Russ 25-06-2017 08:47

Re: Doctor Who
I just can't take Bill seriously. Recent actors playing The Doctor have left relatively soon out of fear of being typecast etc. I just wish she'd have the same worry.

Stephen 25-06-2017 09:38

Re: Doctor Who
I thought that was excellent last night.

Such a dark story the creation of the Mondasian Cybermen. The audio story spare parts is awesome and well worth a listen as well.

I have as few thoughts on where the finale may take the plot and hope they come true.

Paul 25-06-2017 13:29

Re: Doctor Who

Originally Posted by Russ (Post 35904716)
I just can't take Bill seriously.

I quite like her.
It will be interesting to see how (if) they get her out of that situation though.
I dont think anyone has ever been converted from a cyberman back to human before.

Damien 26-06-2017 12:33

Re: Doctor Who
Did you see the rather sledgehammer set-up of a female doctor towards the front of the episode? Not sure if they are looking at a woman for the next Doctor but Moffat has set them up if they are.

Paul 26-06-2017 12:43

Re: Doctor Who
Yes I did. :erm:

I hope that's not the plan.

Damien 26-06-2017 12:51

Re: Doctor Who
I don't really mind either way but it's just how awkwardly they insert it in. They couldn't even leave it with the Doctor saying they don't care about gender, they had to have her ask 'So you can be a Woman?' or something to that effect to make it crystal clear. They might as well have turned to wink at the camera.

Stephen 26-06-2017 19:21

Re: Doctor Who
I did see a tweet from someone reliable and in the know and they said they knew the actor and that they already follow 'him'

So its possible that line in the show was just to wind fans up as there was a few moments like that in the episode. A final FU to fans from Moffat perhaps.

Chris 26-06-2017 19:24

Re: Doctor Who
It's obvious that Moffat has been preparing the ground for it ever since he took charge, however it isn't his call. Chibnall will have cast the new Doctor, but you can be sure that any decision to cast a woman will have been referred to the very top. Doctor Who is one of the BBC's most valuable properties and they're not going to do anything to risk its saleability.

Chris 01-07-2017 19:47

Re: Doctor Who
Did anyone experience sound distortion in the last 2 minutes tonight, or was it just BBC Scotland?

Damien 01-07-2017 20:28

Re: Doctor Who
I watched on iPlayer, didn't notice anything. Cool ending but a mediocre episode IMO. Also further hints at a female doctor so either they're laying the groundwork or trolling the audience.

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