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Damien 12-11-2013 06:51

Re: Marine killer deserves clemency

Originally Posted by SMG (Post 35643921)
Yes. Completely agree, something I have been trying to put forward in my posts. There are circumstances which will affect the sentence, conduct prejudice to good order, misuse of authority, bringing the service into disrepute, what mental health issues could he have, (PTSD) there are many other issues, some of which are unique to the forces, but, I would hope his record would throw some light on it. He may be used as an example to others in the Forces. I just hope he will be judged by people who know the pressures of war, & not the pencil pushers. (Staff Officers).

I agree. He shouldn't be made an example of. I really hate it when certain sentences seem to be given to "send a message". I hated it when it was done for the London riots, for that idiot that scaled the Cenotaph, and I would hate it here. It's unfair to the individual in question to get a harsher sentence that he or she would otherwise get. He should be treated as anyone else would which means he isn't made an example of and he has the same right for migration to be taken into account (but he isn't exempt from justice for his profession).

TheDaddy 12-11-2013 07:22

Re: Marine killer deserves clemency

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35643996)
I agree. He shouldn't be made an example of. I really hate it when certain sentences seem to be given to "send a message". I hated it when it was done for the London riots, for that idiot that scaled the Cenotaph, and I would hate it here. It's unfair to the individual in question to get a harsher sentence that he or she would otherwise get. He should be treated as anyone else would which means he isn't made an example of and he has the same right for migration to be taken into account (but he isn't exempt from justice for his profession).

But he is exempt (sort of) if he is mentally Ill,, you only have to look at the numbers of ex soldiers living on the streets, in jail or with drink/drug dependency to know we have a massive problem and that's not counting the constant battle stress he has been under. Yes migration might be his best bet, to a country that values his service.

---------- Post added at 07:20 ---------- Previous post was at 07:14 ----------


Originally Posted by SMG (Post 35643513)
I completely agree, however, there is no argument, I`m simply trying to inform people about war. My reference to the 50 is probably the most remembered. Depending on the circumstances some prisoners were executed simply because there were no facilities or manpower to hold them prisoner. There are examples where troops have saved the lives of the enemy, instead of terminating it. War is a completely different world to the one we live in.

Unfortunately there is an argument, the winners make the rules, they shot prisoners they went to jail or got hung, we shot prisoners like on the crown of thorns hill in caen and the commanding officer of the Somersets said the remorse shown by the men was punishment enough.

---------- Post added at 07:22 ---------- Previous post was at 07:20 ----------


Originally Posted by SMG (Post 35643929)
Well, I have always said, some people need to be killed.

He reaped what he sowed that's for sure, funny though isn't it, that guy got a medal, ours gets a courts martial and a prison sentence.

Damien 06-12-2013 15:22

Re: Marine killer deserves clemency
10 years.

So not as high as it could have been, it's lower than some suggested, but no clemency either.

Arthurgray50@blu 06-12-2013 22:25

Re: Marine killer deserves clemency
If a soldier is sent off to war, it is his duty to kill an enemy or be killed. Under the Geneva Convention, all soldiers act under this rule that they must follow this rule.

BUT, in many countries any 'enemies' are not interested in this rule and shoot to kill. What are soldiers expected to do, go into 'enemy territory' and stand up and wait to be shot.

I get furios when we hear of soldiers being arrested for 'murder' of an insurgent in an act of war. for failing to do his duty, we should be giving the guy a medal for shooting an 'enemy'

IF an enemy walked in the streets of London and killed someone in the street, and someone killed that person to try and save that person from dying - would he be charged with murder as well.

spreadsheet 06-12-2013 23:28

Re: Marine killer deserves clemency

Originally Posted by Arthurgray50@blu (Post 35652960)
If a soldier is sent off to war, it is his duty to kill an enemy or be killed. Under the Geneva Convention, all soldiers act under this rule that they must follow this rule.

BUT, in many countries any 'enemies' are not interested in this rule and shoot to kill. What are soldiers expected to do, go into 'enemy territory' and stand up and wait to be shot.

I get furios when we hear of soldiers being arrested for 'murder' of an insurgent in an act of war. for failing to do his duty, we should be giving the guy a medal for shooting an 'enemy'

IF an enemy walked in the streets of London and killed someone in the street, and someone killed that person to try and save that person from dying - would he be charged with murder as well.

he will be out in about three years - do the sentence in open prison - and you just emerge good at table tennis - he won't be mistreated ;)

Pierre 07-12-2013 00:18

Re: Marine killer deserves clemency
Well hopefully he'll be treated with kindness and respect, acknowledged for being a fall guy, write a book and make lots of money,for his future.

spreadsheet 07-12-2013 00:23

Re: Marine killer deserves clemency
cut them in half with a machine gun and then give them a bandaid

charging a man with murder in this place is like handing out speeding tickets at the indy 500

quotes from Apocalypse Now - 1979

tizmeinnit 07-12-2013 09:09

Re: Marine killer deserves clemency

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 35652988)
Well hopefully he'll be treated with kindness and respect, acknowledged for being a fall guy, write a book and make lots of money,for his future.

he is hardly a fall guy he openly admitted breaching the GC so he is guilty and got the sentence for the crime.

Pierre 08-12-2013 08:09

Re: Marine killer deserves clemency
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

denphone 08-12-2013 08:34

Re: Marine killer deserves clemency
There is right and there is wrong in life and no matter what way some people put it what he did was wrong.

tizmeinnit 08-12-2013 08:38

Re: Marine killer deserves clemency

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 35653305)
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I do not know this guy I know no one he knows so it has no effect on me or my sleep. I could do with a memory foam mattress though fancy buying me one for Christmas??;)

Russ 08-12-2013 08:49

Re: Marine killer deserves clemency
Torn on this one. On one hand there seems to be a school of thought that any soldier is obviously brave (which I agree with) and willing to die for us to have the right to moan, whinge and post utter bobbins on internet forums and therefore should be afforded some sort of leeway should they ever end up in court for anything (there are people who believe this sort of thing, I've seen it online many times).

On the other hand I do not want a two-tier legal system in the UK. From what I can see in this case the guy acted unlawfully. Had he not shot and killed the man he may well have rejoined the enemy, picked up a gun (or bomb) and killed one of our own. In fact I believe there's every chance of that.

However I am against legal decisions and outcomes being made on the basis of such tenuous "what ifs".

tizmeinnit 08-12-2013 08:54

Re: Marine killer deserves clemency

Originally Posted by Russ (Post 35653314)
Torn on this one. On one hand there seems to be a school of thought that any soldier is obviously brave (which I agree with) and willing to die for us to have the right to moan, whinge and post utter bobbins on internet forums and therefore should be afforded some sort of leeway should they ever end up in court for anything (there are people who believe this sort of thing, I've seen it online many times).

On the other hand I do not want a two-tier legal system in the UK. From what I can see in this case the guy acted unlawfully. Had he not shot and killed the man he may well have rejoined the enemy, picked up a gun (or bomb) and killed one of our own. In fact I believe there's every chance of that.

However I am against legal decisions and outcomes being made on the basis of such tenuous "what ifs".

The main thing here is he was tried and convicted in a military court and not a civilian one so really all those who argue the decision specially the ex military really do not have a case imo. As I have said before though I do feel the rules of engagement should be changed

richard s 10-12-2013 12:23

Re: Marine killer deserves clemency
Just a bloody scapegoat for all the do gooders and political correctness merchants, the Geneva Convention does not exist in a place like Afganistan. Ten years in a military jail poor man.. yes arguably he did not show any compassion for a killer. I would give him a bigger gun, pat on the back and send him back.

Arthurgray50@blu 11-12-2013 10:31

Re: Marine killer deserves clemency
What are our guys and gals supposed to do in a situation such as - an insurgent or you.

To me its waste of time for anyone to join the army, you go into a battle, and you shoot the enemy, and you get charged with it.

Its about time these generals and court martials realised one thing, you help out your own people in battle. Its like saying the insurgents can kill anyone and get away with it, but we cannot. doesn't make sense to me.

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