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Theodoric 10-06-2004 20:23

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Well, having watched Jurassic Park III last night, I'd rate it as better than Jurassic Park II but not as good as the original Jurassic Park (once you'd got over the longuers of the first half hour or so).

dilli-theclaw 10-06-2004 21:10

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Starship Troopers 2 - um - er - do I HAVE to actually give points?

Well - if i do - then it's a 1/10

If I'm allowed - then 0/10

At least I have a nice new shiny coaster (a red one too)

Tezcatlipoca 10-06-2004 21:17

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
I've heard negative opinions of it, but....Is it really that bad?!

I nearly bought it, as I love the first one. Glad I didn't, now.

It didn't even have the same cast, did it? Different director too I think, rather than Verhoeven.

If only they had made a sequel properly.

dilli-theclaw 10-06-2004 21:22

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Tezcatlipoca
I've heard negative opinions of it, but....Is it really that bad?!

It does have a couple of interesting ideas.


Originally Posted by Tezcatlipoca

I nearly bought it, as I love the first one. Glad I didn't, now.

Rent it ;)


Originally Posted by Tezcatlipoca

It didn't even have the same cast, did it? Different director too I think, rather than Verhoeven.

Different cast (set 5yrs after the end of the first film) and a different director too (the director is the special effects bloke that did the first film tho - so the bugs look the same)


Originally Posted by Tezcatlipoca
If only they had made a sequel properly.

Definately - I think the only sequel I really liked more than the first one was aliens.

Tezcatlipoca 10-06-2004 21:28

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Ah, Aliens..... :D

Now that is a perfect sequel.

dilli-theclaw 10-06-2004 21:30

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Tezcatlipoca
Ah, Aliens..... :D

Now that is a perfect sequel.

Yes - in fact I think I'll put in on now and imagine I never saw the other one at all :D

Chris W 10-06-2004 21:32

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
I watched 50 first dates the other day... not my kind of film at all, but the mrs wanted to see it... so i obliged.

I was pleasantly surprised! :tu: 9/10


Graham 10-06-2004 22:32

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Tezcatlipoca
I've heard negative opinions of it, but....Is it really that bad?!

I nearly bought it, as I love the first one. Glad I didn't, now.

If only they had made a sequel properly.

The sequel???

If only they'd made the damn first one properly!!

"Let's send a bunch of troops down to a hostile planet with no air support or armour or heavy weapons backup..."

"Oh look, someone's just done a flash manoeuvre with a space ship that could have damaged the ship and the station, phew, we're so glad she got away with it that we're not going to rip her a new a$$hole..."

"Hey, we're highly trained soldiers walking down a narrow valley with no scouts out, nobody on the high ground and, oh, look, falling rocks, let's not worry about them..."

etc etc etc :banghead:

dilli-theclaw 10-06-2004 22:36

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Graham
The sequel???

If only they'd made the damn first one properly!!

"Let's send a bunch of troops down to a hostile planet with no air support or armour or heavy weapons backup..."

"Oh look, someone's just done a flash manoeuvre with a space ship that could have damaged the ship and the station, phew, we're so glad she got away with it that we're not going to rip her a new a$$hole..."

"Hey, we're highly trained soldiers walking down a narrow valley with no scouts out, nobody on the high ground and, oh, look, falling rocks, let's not worry about them..."

etc etc etc :banghead:

Yes - and lets miss out - capsules - skinnies and (powerd armour) :(

Tezcatlipoca 10-06-2004 23:15

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Graham
The sequel???

If only they'd made the damn first one properly!!

I enjoy stupid films :shrug: ;)

punky 11-06-2004 00:22

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Tezcatlipoca
I enjoy stupid films :shrug: ;)

"Dude, where's my car?" was as stupid as they come, but bloody brilliant, I thought. It is one of those movies that you would love for its abstract originality, or hate for being so dumb.

I was going to say a bit about the sequel, but anyone know what the deal with that is? Details are very sketchy. All say it is coming out in 2004, one even said US date is in July. But not many sites mention it, and IMDB isn't even carrying it (even though it carries movies in production for the next 3 years). Hmmm/. If anyone is interested, it is called: "Seriously Dude, Where's My Car?"

abailey152 11-06-2004 10:14

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Out of Time - On DVD. Denzil Washington who's a pretty good bet for a film being good, and the guy who plays the alien doctor in Startrek:Enterprise plays the Medical Examiner in it. He plays a good part, v.funny at times. 8/10

Nugget 11-06-2004 10:18

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Graham
The sequel???

If only they'd made the damn first one properly!!

"Let's send a bunch of troops down to a hostile planet with no air support or armour or heavy weapons backup..."

"Oh look, someone's just done a flash manoeuvre with a space ship that could have damaged the ship and the station, phew, we're so glad she got away with it that we're not going to rip her a new a$$hole..."

"Hey, we're highly trained soldiers walking down a narrow valley with no scouts out, nobody on the high ground and, oh, look, falling rocks, let's not worry about them..."

etc etc etc :banghead:

Hmmm, Iâ₠¬ÃƒÆ’¢â€žÂ¢m guessing that you didnââ‚ ¬Ã¢â€žÂ¢t exactly enjoy Starship Troopers then? :p:

We watched †˜From Hellâ₠¬Ã¢â€žÂ¢ on Sky last night †“ not bad, with a few interesting ideas on the Jack the Ripper story, and Johnny Depp doing his now famous stoned Englishman act. I think it was worth a 7 / 10

Graham 11-06-2004 12:35

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Nugget
Hmmm, Iâ₠¬ÃƒÆ’¢â€žÂ¢m guessing that you didnââ‚ ¬Ã¢â€žÂ¢t exactly enjoy Starship Troopers then? :p:

Whatever gave you that idea?! ;)

Tezcatlipoca 12-06-2004 18:28

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Tezcatlipoca
I enjoy stupid films :shrug: ;)

The Core (DVD)

Maybe a 7 out of 10.

Silly, but enjoyable, disaster movie. Kind of like Armageddon, but inside the Earth instead of in outer space.

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